Passive-Aggression In Love And Dating

Passive-Aggression In Love And Dating


Passive-Aggression In Love And Dating

If you’re ready to decode the frustrating ways of passive-aggression in love and dating, we’re about to dive into the reasons behind this mysterious, mind-bending behaviour!

Do you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells?

Is your partner disrespectful to you?

Does she give you the silence treatment or move the goalposts without warning?

You might be with a passive-aggressive partner!

Soon contempt and bitterness will have both of you longing to escape each other.

In this video, we’ll look at passive aggression in love and dating, some common examples, how to handle it, and when to walk away.

Watch the video here >> <<


Beyond Passive-Aggression in Love and Dating

One-on-One Relationship Coaching

If you’re struggling in a relationship with a passive-aggressive woman or have had chaotic past relationships, you may benefit from relationship coaching.

Whether you choose to work with a coach with your partner or solo, personalized coaching can help you find and fix any blind spots you have that prevent you from finding and keeping healthy love in your life.

Coaching can sometimes be better than therapy because coaches provide more specific advice and “homework.” Click here for more info.

But if you feel you have deep-seated self-esteem issues, depression, or trauma you know is sabotaging your relationships on your end, then professional therapy may be the better place to start. Click here for more info.

Nothing changes if you do nothing.

Do something today.

You got this!

Lots of love, Anna

passive-aggression in love and dating
