Past Life Reading – When Is The Right Time to Get One?

Past Life Reading - When Is The Right Time to Get One?


Thinking about getting a past life reading? Discover when the best time is to have a session and investigate your previous incarnations.

8 reasons to have a past life reading8 Reasons to Have a Past Life Reading

There are as many reasons to get a past life reading as there are leaves on a tree, but I’ll share my top seven below. I’m sure you could find many more, but this is a good start.

1. Feeling Stuck

If you are feeling stuck in any area of your life, from career, to love, to finding more enjoyment, a past life reading will provide helpful information.

You might need insights into a situation that is keeping you from moving forward. Perhaps you have been going in circles and want to break free of a rut.

Looking into your Akashic Records, the source of all details about your past lives, current life and future potential can make a difference.

2. Noticing Repetitive Patterns

You’ve been taking stock of your life and have noticed a few patterns that surprised you. Maybe you end up dating a similar kind of man over and over, even though at first they seem different.

The men you date could cheat on you or break their word and promises. You might date men who are commitment-phobic or are narcissistic, thinking only of themselves.

This could also apply to other relationships such as family members, friendships, or even business partners or colleagues where the same things tend to go wrong.

All of these are great reasons to get a past life reading for a better understanding what might be the cause behind the patterns.

My client, Kelly, is a successful business woman who wanted to marry. At 43, she was still single. Her relationships never last more than a year or two.

Kelly couldn’t understand why this was so hard. In her past life reading, she learned about a number of lives where she was a servant, a slave, and in situations where she had no freedom.

Today, she wanted her independence even though she desired a romantic partner.. Kelly was concerned about how would a marriage would impact her hard-won autonomy and was something she had to work on.

How to ask the right questions for your Akashic Records reading.

3. Wondering If You’re With the Right Man

are you with the right man

How do you know for sure if you are in the right relationship for lasting love? There are many clues such as mutual love, respect, and enjoyment. As a couple you know how to work through challenges and compromise with a level of fairness for both parties.

But if you are not sure and the answer isn’t obvious, getting a past life reading can open your eyes. Learn if you’ve been together before, if you have a soul contract, and what you might be learning together.

The last thing you want is to spend too much time on the wrong guy, when you could be out seeking the right man for you. Tapping into the Akashic Records will provide a far deeper level of wisdom about your relationship.

4. Standing at a Crossroads

You may find yourself at a place in life where you  are at a crossroads. You need to make some important decisions that are sure to impact the direction of your life.

Gaining insight into which way could best meet your needs is an excellent reason to get a past life reading. Looking into previous lives to understand motivation behind your choices can help you make a solid decision about your future.

5. Choosing a New Career Direction

thinking about a new career direction

If you have been rethinking your career path, a past life reading can help you focus on your innate skills and talents you can bring with you again into this lifetime. Knowing what your natural abilities and penchants are is helpful when making a big decision about your work.

For example, my client Melissa had been in a corporate job, working as an event planner for a mega hotel chain. Then she got laid off.

She wasn’t sure she wanted another event planning job in a big company and thought this was a chance to branch out into something new. But what would that be? She felt so uncertain.

We talked about her skills, what she liked about her last job, and a few ideas she had. Then we explored her past lives in the Akashic Records to see her experiences from earlier lives.

Being curious about other cultures and lands, Melissa saw herself traveling to many countries in her previous incarnations. She had traveled the silk road from China to Europe and had also been a sailor in many lives.

This created a real curiosity about the travel industry which she decided to explore and look for a career move there.

Sign up for your past life reading today.

6. Gaining Clarity about a Situation

At times, you are dealing with a situation that is tangled and causes both confusion and overwhelm. More than anything you need clarity to see your way through to resolving this and moving forward.

A past life reading can offer just that – great clarity and getting to the heart of the matter so you can do what needs to be done. Investigating your previous lives can reveal motivations and details that no other method will provide.

7. Checking in on Your Spiritual Path

checking in on your spiritual path

For some people, knowing they are living life as close to their chosen spiritual path as possible is a top priority. Using your intuition can certainly be a big help pursuing this goal.

However, a past life reading can allow you see much more deeply into what your soul lessons have been and are, so you know you’re staying true to the path you set for yourself.

Amazing insights can come from looking at your current life circumstances with your personal past life history in mind.

8. Feeling Curious about Talents & Travel

travel, talents and skills

Do you have a longing to visit some place special? Maybe you want to visit Italy to see the Vatican City or spend time in Tuscany.

Perhaps you have been dreaming about seeing the pyramids of ancient Egypt, or climb to the top of Machu Pichu in Peru? Your travel desires of today are often clues to previous lifetimes.

My client Wendy has a love of Italy even though she’s of Portuguese and English descent. During her past life reading, it turned out she had several lives as a soldier in the Roman army.

You might wonder if your skills, talents or hobbies could also be clues and they usually are! When I was in high school I learned to do calligraphy for wedding invitations and artwork.

As I started looking into my own past lives, I saw that I had been a monk who was a scribe, creating handwritten and illustrated bibles during the middle ages in England.

My husband is fascinated by blacksmithing tools and anvils. Looking back, he was a blacksmith in the wild west, during the 1800s and a few other times too.

The Best Time To Have a Past Life Reading

The truth is, the right time for a past life reading is whenever you want to have one. The reasons to purchase this personal and spiritual development service are many.

Whatever reason creates the urge for you to investigate your previous lives, go for it! This is a fun thing to do and you will learn a lot about yourself and your soul’s history.

Learn more and sign up today.

If you want to read more about how your past lives are affecting your love life today, get this Free book which will open your eyes about love from a higher level, soul perspective.

















Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
