Pay Attention to These 5 Signs of a Narcissist

Man looking and gazing at himself


Navigating the dating world can be challenging, especially when you encounter individuals with disturbing personality traits. One of the most alarming tendencies is narcissism. Narcissists can be charming, attractive, and charismatic, which makes them difficult to spot. They can lay on the compliments in order to control and manipulate you.

Yet, once you learn how to identify narcissistic behavior, you will be better equipped to avoid potential heartbreak and emotional abuse. In this blog post, I will outline five signs of a narcissist that you should pay attention to while dating or seeking a partner.

1) They seek constant admiration and attention

One of the most common traits of a narcissist is the incessant need for admiration and attention. They thrive on the constant validation of others and feel validated only when admired. They often are admired for what they accomplish or what they own, not how they treat other people and make people feel around them. They are naturally selfish, so it is always about what they can get from you, not what they can give you.

A narcissist will often bring the conversation back to themselves and highlight their accomplishments while diminishing the achievements of others. If your date continuously intervenes and hijacks conversations, it’s a red flag that they might be a narcissist.

2) They lack empathy and emotions

Narcissists have a limited ability to empathize with others and are not in touch with their emotions. When you create boundaries, they will say that YOU have no empathy and project their inability to honor your boundaries back onto you. It is a spin tactic to manipulate and control you.

Emotions are foreign to them, and they discard the feelings of others, particularly their partners. If your date seems aloof, disconnected, and indifferent towards your concerns or emotions, it’s a sign that they may have narcissistic tendencies.

3) They have an inflated sense of self-importance

One of the most significant hallmarks of a narcissistic person is an overinflated sense of self-importance. Narcissists see themselves as superior beings and expect to be treated as such. They often lack humility and believe they are entitled to preferential treatment.

Their value is based on what they portray to the world. Their looks, achievements, and success are what they base their self-confidence around. Their grandiose self-perception can be seen in their over-the-top mannerisms, expensive tastes, and claims of authority or fame.

Do you feel like you are giving too much in your relationship? If so, then you may be in a relationship with a taker. Check out this video where I share tips on how to identify a taker and what to do if you are in a relationship with someone who is taking too much and giving too little.

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4) They manipulate and gaslight

Narcissists have an insatiable desire for control and can often resort to manipulation and gaslighting to achieve it. They twist facts, manipulate situations, and intentionally confuse their partners to control them. They don’t take NO for an answer.

Instead, they will find manipulative ways to get their way. If you notice that your date consistently changes their story, makes you question your reality, or blames you for being sensitive, it’s time to reconsider who you’re dating.

5) They lack boundaries and can be abusive

Lastly, narcissists tend to lack boundaries and can be abusive towards their partners. Since they see others as inferior, they feel entitled to exploit and mistreat them.

Narcissists use verbal, psychological, and emotional abuse to control their partners. They will belittle and tear away a person’s confidence so that they can control their partner. Abuse should never be tolerated. If your partner is physically abusive or manipulates you into doing things you don’t want to do, it’s a clear indication that you should walk away and seek out help immediately.

It’s essential to pay attention to these five signs of a narcissist when dating. Remember that narcissistic people often have hidden agendas, and it’s not your job to change them.

If you seem to attract these types of partners and want to break the cycle, I can help. Schedule a Free Relationship Readiness Review with me here. Trust your instincts and leave the relationship if you notice any red flags. It’s better to be alone than with the wrong person. You deserve to be in a healthy and loving relationship that nurtures you and makes you feel safe.
