Sacred Synchronicity Revisited – Let Go Of The Plan

Jan Stringer


In this episode I welcome back Jan Stringer of Sacred Synchronicity, as we explore what it’s like to let go of the plan and open to following your intuition. When you are ready, you can let go and open the door to the synchronicities that show up all around you.

The Meaning of Sacred Synchronicity

Jan StringerSacred Synchronicity is when you have enough awareness to notice that there are signs pointing you in a particular direction.

Here’s how this unfolded for Jan. Back in 2017, she was talking with a friend and mentor and suddenly the idea of sacred synchronicity came into her mind. The minute those two words came together for her, she was in love with the idea.

It took some time for her to follow through on this exciting thought. Let’s back up to tell you about how this all came to be. Jan has a corporate background as VP of Sales, but walked away because she felt burnt out and tired of checking her soul at the door.

That’s how she started her business Attracting Perfect Customers. She wanted to help people actually enjoy what they do and live their purpose inside a business. For over 22 years, Jan sold 100,000+ books by that name and ran a lucrative training program.

Letting Go

letting goThis concept itself was really ahead of the curve, thinking about having a soul in business and enjoying yourself. However, even though this business was her baby, she realized everything has it’s time and once again she had to let it go.

In 2022, things were coming to a close and September 27th, was her cancellation date for her customer relationship management (CRM) system (the data base). Coincidently, a friend told her about a three-week trip to Morocco and asked last minute if she wanted to go.

This was a perfect example of sacred synchronicity, since everything came together so smoothly to go on this trip. The pet sitter and all the last minute things lined up perfectly, and the day she took off was the day her CRM system cancelled.

And that’s how it works. When you are ready, the door opens, things in your life align, and you walk through to a new part of life. Sacred Synchronicity!

In her first book Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicities. This was all about being clear about what you want and you’re focused and have a plan, then you’ll have more opportunistic synchronicities. (Note: She’s listed as Jan Brogniez.)

In the meantime her husband had passed away, she’d let go of her business and now what? She heard that she had to let go of having a plan and find a new direction!

The Energy of Anything Can Happen

When she stayed in the place of “anything could happen,” it all felt right. She could heal and tune in to discover what her purpose and passion were. This helped her make sure her intuition was aligned with all that, she was taking the steps, and allowing her guides to guide her.

Rather than a plan, it’s an experience. It comes with allowing her heart and soul to guide her rather than her brain and letting go, that’s how doors open. To me this sounds like Michael Singer’s book about his life called The Surrender Experiment.

This billionaire created his fortune without any plan. He just followed what the Universe showed him, which lead to owning a construction company that grew like crazy.

Next he bought one of the first home computers sold by RadioShack, learned to program, and developed the first software for doctors to track patient information and billing. He never had a goal of creating this fortune or any of what transpired.

Listen to Jan’s first interview about sacred synchronicity.

Sacred Synchronicity and the Pendulum

rely on your pendulumToday, Jan trusts her pendulum as her guide. She’s got a huge facetted crystal, maybe two inches in diameter hanging from a chain about 12 inches long. Now that’s a pendulum!

She uses this intuitive tool because like all of us, sometimes she can be influenced by her ego and get off track. She asks the pendulum if she’s on the right track, thinking of Sacred Synchronicity. In addition, Jan clears energy with it.

Here’s a funny thing. Now Jan uses her pendulum for dating! That’s one place where she can easily have blinders on, so she checks herself by relying on the pendulum. This is a great way to get a clear answer on something so emotional.

You can hear about synchronicities of love in this episode.

If it ever happens and there is it confusion, use this powerful tip to get an accurate answer. Say, “Access 100% accurate testing on all levels and dimensions.” Repeat three times which is the number for invocation. Then ask, “Am I clear for testing?”

The pendulum I use is from Damanhur, a spiritual community in Italy, and it’s created to be immune to your influence. I totally love it!

Four Doorways to Work

four doorwaysJan talks about the four door ways she works with: Love, power, intuition, and purpose. So, for love, most questions circle around meeting the love of your life, learning self love, and clearing blocks to love. This might apply to someone married or single.

Jan admitted meeting her twin flame and knew there was something intense and different about this relationship. She discovered this was a path to self love.

Next, the door of Power is about standing in your own power and finding your own sacred super powers. These are your gifts which must be found through experience.

Intuition is so important, and Jan always go back to trusting her gut. Your solar plexus – what is it telling you? She helps people learn to open up and listen to themselves.

For the doorway of Purpose, she goes into business and work. Everyone has a purpose, so to find your strength and value and have a better experience in life.

As the Voice of Sacred Synchronicities, she allows the words to flow through her and says that’s why she is on the planet. She also works with Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor.

She picked a card for the listeners and chose Victory. The way to have more victories is to celebrate a victory every day. I love that!

Get Jan’s freebie “What Makes You Tick?” here

BIO – Jan Stringer

attracting perfect customersAfter 22 years of business coaching, speaking, and training, Jan Stringer’s life took an unexpected turn and a new message emerged. Today she is highly sought out for her One-to-One Private Intuitive Sessions where she shares her gifts of healing, seeing, feeling, and hearing important messages for her clients.

Jan is Founder Perfect Customers, Inc. and a best-selling Author of Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity, BEE-ing Attraction: What Love Has to Do With Business and Marketing.

Watch for her soon to be released book: Sacred Synchronicity: Doorway to Love, Power, Intuition, & Purpose (Your Divine Blueprint for Success).  Which can be preordered on her website.

She lives in Santa Fe, NM and shares her Spiritual Gifts with individuals and in group settings.

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Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
