Should I Be Calling a Guy?

angry woman holding her hair back


Once upon a time, there was a book called “The Rules” which said that women should play hard to get. It was a bestseller, and it taught women that the only way to do well with men was to play games and be inauthentic. 

Thankfully, we’ve come a long way since then. In the 21st century, gender roles have become a lot blurrier, and both women and men are more confused than ever about the “best” way to communicate while dating. 

As a dating and relationship coach for women, my advice is not based on what I feel, but rather, on what’s most “effective” in helping women do well when dating men.

So, if you’re wondering whether it’s okay to be calling a guy during the week, asking him out on dates, and taking the initiative, there’s no moral judgment for doing so.

But in my opinion, letting a man take the lead reveals a lot more than if you were to do most of the calling and texting. You want a man who leads, who takes action, who makes an effort, who calls and texts and plans and pays, rather than rewarding a passive man who thinks it’s too much work to make a date with you. 

Keep reading to learn why men and women may be equal, but that doesn’t mean they should do the exact same things when dating. 
