Should I Date Multiple People at Once?

couple sitting at table


Many singles I work with feel guilty when it comes to dating multiple people at once. It’s common for people to date multiple individuals at once. But, is it a good idea for you?

This is a question that comes up frequently for people who are looking for love. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of dating multiple people at once and let you decide whether or not it’s the right approach for you.

You Get a Better Understanding of What You Want:

When you see multiple people, you’re allowing yourself to explore different types of people and personalities. I relate it to purchasing a car.

Would you buy the first car you test drive? Or would you test-drive multiple cars to see what kind of features it has? Does it fit in with your lifestyle and how you live? Dating multiple people will help you get a better understanding of what you really want in a partner in a clearer way.

Less Attachment to One Outcome:

There’s no need to put all your eggs in one basket. When you’re only dating one person, that person becomes your everything. You can easily get emotionally sucked into something that wasn’t even that great because you have nothing to compare it to.

You invest all your time, effort, and emotions into that one person. If things don’t work out, it can be devastating. But if you’re seeing multiple people, you will clearly notice how people treat you and the emotional energy and investment they make in your life.

It can ease the pressure and intensity and give you a sense of security. That one person who keeps showing up consistently, makes an effort, and sets themselves apart from the rest is usually your best pick!

Clarity about Your Needs and Requirements

Sometimes, when we’re only seeing one person, we can forget about what we truly need or require from a relationship to make us happy.

But when you date multiple people, you allow yourself to learn more about your relationship requirements and what you like and dislike in how a partner treats you.

Maybe one date talks the whole time and only asks you a single question. They may be good on paper with their career and accolades, but they aren’t showing any interest in you.

However, date number two is good on paper but remember you love tulips and surprises you on a date with them. This person is thoughtful and considerate of your likes and needs.

As a comparison, who would you pick? If you have only one option the first one… you might end up settling without even knowing it.

Are you stuck on what to look for in a relationship? Check out this video.

[Article Continued Below]


Better Relationship Skills

In my Conscious Dating Program, I have singles practice their skills by dating multiple people. Dating different people at once helps you develop better communication and relationship skills.

You learn to read body language and understand cues that help you become a better dater.

Because you have many options, this helps you feel confident in asserting your boundaries and teaching a person how to treat you. As well as learn how to flirt and build intimacy with others.

Most importantly, because you are dating several people, it helps you have an open mind. You’ll learn to be patient and listen to other people’s opinions before jumping to a conclusion.

In conclusion, dating multiple people can be hugely beneficial to your overall dating experience. It can help you learn more about yourself and your needs in a relationship, as well as increase your chances of finding the right partner.

Suppose you’re single and looking for love and want help navigating dating multiple people. In that case, my Path to Love program will help you gain the confidence to make yourself a priority while dating multiple people at once to find your person.

