Single At Christmas? Write To Santa And Ask For Love!

single at Christmas


Single at Christmas and wishing you had someone to share the holiday with? Write a letter to Santa asking for love to manifest it!

One of my clients decided to write a letter to Santa as part of her efforts to manifest love. What a great idea!

single at ChristmasMake Your Request for Love

“Dear Santa,

I only have one request for Christmas this year. One simple wish. LOVE. That’s right.

I want a loving relationship with a fabulous partner who is honest, fun, thoughtful, smart, funny, active, financially stable, emotionally available, and very attractive to me.

Is that too much to ask?

I have been very patient, worked on myself, and have been really good all year.

  • Forgiven past loves who did me wrong
  • Healed and opened my heart to love
  • Worked on self-love
  • Built up my confidence
  • Got clear on what’s important to me in a partner

Let’s face it – I’m totally ready!

Not only that, but I have done my part to make myself available. I’ve:

  • Gotten out there to meet eligible singles
  • Attended speed dating events
  • Tried the dating sites and apps

Check Your List Twice – I’m Ready!

Santa checks his list for youSanta, it’s time to check your list twice about me. I am single at Christmas and totally worthy of love with the right partner for me.

I want someone with whom I can be naughty and nice. You’ll see that it’s most definitely my turn for love.

Wrapping is not necessary. It’s the thought and gift that counts. The milk and cookies are right there near the fireplace as you’d expect them to be.

Thanks so much!

Lots of love,
Regina in Richmond”

Letters to Santa Aren’t Just for Children

Santa is not just for children

You may think this is pure foolishness and a waste of time. Letters to Santa are just for children. But what if this is an actual way to get what you want?

You don’t know until you try. There’s no cost or downside. No matter how silly it may seem, this is a fabulous exercise. I encourage anyone single at Christmas to take the time to write your own letter to Santa. It’s not too late!

Include all the qualities you want in a partner including important characteristics like loving, fun, smart, ready, and willing to talk things through when needed.

Also explain anything you’ve done (or will do) to fully participate in the process of finding love and how you’ll feel when that special someone shows up in your life and you end up in a relationship.

Talk about why you deserve love with the right person now. Then finish up with a touch of gratitude as if you already know in your heart your letter and request will be answered!

Curious why Santa gets all the attention when the elves do all the work?

Get Clear About What You Want

ask Santa for loveThis exercise gets you in touch with what is really important about the partner you seek and commits you to taking action to find that person. It can seep into your subconscious mind to help you BELIEVE.

If you’re single at Christmas this can be helpful.

According to the manifesting experts, all three elements are necessary to successfully manifest your desire:

  1. Get clear
  2. Take action
  3. Believe it will come true

Talk of believing is common during the holiday season. When you allow yourself to believe  and the possibility of having your dreams come true, you raise your vibration and frequency and that makes you more magnetic to what you want!

Say a Prayer

Another technique that spurs belief is prayer – one of the most powerful methods on earth to create just about anything. There’s no denying that miracles are born from prayer.

If you’re single at Christmas, you might ask others to mention you and your desire for love in their prayers. Many studies have demonstrated the power of prayer to heal the sick, so finding love is another possible outcome.

I Don’t Believe in Santa

don't believe in Santa?I get it, you don’t believe in Santa. Maybe your not Christian (I’m not either), or you think the whole idea is complete rubbish and childish.

Okay, so what do you BELIEVE IN?

  • God?
  • A higher power?
  • The Universe?
  • Angels?
  • Spirit guides?
  • Ancestors?
  • Your future self?

Whatever you believe in is perfect! Reach out and ask for help. Calling in any and all help is a positive step to strengthen your intention and belief in love and yourself.

When you expand your efforts, you expand your energy field – one of the secret aspects of success for manifesting!

Single at Christmas? Request Help!

Give yourself permission to recruit Santa for help with your love life. Let your inner child come forth, suspend disbelief, and ask Santa (or whoever) for help.

Will you use one of the most impactful manifesting techniques available to you this month – a time of year when many dreams come true?

Take advantage of the season and reach out for what you want. You deserve it.

Wishing You Love and Happy Holidays!

Curious about coaching?

Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. So, she made a few tweaks and then dated 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late for Love to help other smart, successful women find love too! Her mission is to share her proven dating advice  and keen insights about men with women everywhere who are serious about finding love with the right man. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000’s of midlife women with her Love & Dating Coach services. She’s been featured on BBC’s 5 Live Radio, NBC, ABC, and Fox News, NPR, eHarmony,,, Connecticut Magazine among others around the world. An established author, you can find her 6 books on Amazon.
