Soul Mates, Karma & Reincarnation with Dr. Andrea Shakarian

Dr. Andrea Shakarian


Ready to learn about soul mates, karma, and reincarnation? Dr. Andrea Shakarian and I talk about her unique way of uncovering past lives in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast.

Discovering Soul Mates and Past Lives

Dr. Andrea ShakarianDr. Andrea Shakarian is a chiropractor and certified hypnotherapist who has a keen interest and skill at uncovering past lives for her patients.

However, her method is rather unique. She uses her chiropractic skill of muscle testing to reveal and pin point the place and timing of a specific past life. How cool is that?

Since she was a young child, Andrea dabbled in the spirit world. Her family openly talked about having conversations with angels and spirits.

Dr. Brian Weiss Got Her Started

Years ago she heard Dr. Brian Weiss talk about past lives on the Oprah show. That got her started. Then she spirits started communicating during her dreams and sometimes provided messages for to deliver to other people as well.

Andrea has always loved the idea of having a soul mate – it seems so romantic and this is how she got into learning about soul mates and twin flames.

She felt she could recognize people on a soul level. We often reincarnate with a group of people which is part of our “soul family”.

However, soul mates aren’t always romantic and twin flames are frequently the most difficult relationships going. You’ll learn a lot but it won’t be easy and there are times when this is not a lasting or healthy connection.

Soul Mates, Karma, and Reincarnation

Dr. Shakarian has also studied Zen Buddhism and the concept that we are all one and she talks about how this factors into your relationships as well.

According to the Kabbalah, we are all one, and originally, we were sparks of light contained in one vessel that broke open and dispersed. Now we are trying to get back to the source.

Andrea did a reading for a client one time who had lost their romantic partner, and the partner came through to say that he’d be back again in this life as a walk in. That was a big surprise since she had never encountered that before.

I mentioned how this sounded a little bit like the movie Heaven Can Wait with Warren Beatty and Julie Christie which is one of my all time favorites – an oldie but goodie!

The conversation covered many interesting facets of soul mates, karma and reincarnation, so if this is your thing, you’re going to love this episode.


Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
