Spiritual Inner Power Coach Helps Women Become The Storm

LaToya Zavala coach, speaker, podcast host


LaToya Zavala, Spiritual Inner Power Coach, helps women release blocks and triggers to free up from self-sabotage and become more authentic. You’ll hear all about she made this transformation herself in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast.

Domestic Violence Survivor

LaToya Zavala coach, speaker, podcast hostMy guest today is an amazing woman who is a survivor of domestic violence and now coaches other women to stand in their power. Growing up in Boston, she was in a domestically violent relationship that ruined her credit and left her at zero.

LaToya pulled herself together and wanted to go to school, but she didn’t have any money. Someone suggested she get her education in another country where its not so expensive. So, she got a job, saved up, and moved to Mexico to study. From there she went to teach English in Kazakhstan which was quite an adventure as you can imagine.

A Chaplain in the US Navy

Later, she joined the US Navy and was stationed for a while in Japan. LaToya did a lot to heal herself along the way, both with traditional methods, as well as having a pastoral advisor and more of a spiritual nature.

Having gone down this road to survive and thrive, she wanted to help other women do the same from a spiritual perspective. She got both her bachelor’s and masters’ degree in divinity.

LaToya worked in a hospital as a chaplain for a while, with people who were suicidal, as well as victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

In the navy, there was a concentrated effort to battle against these problems. She knew this would be a great way to help people heal non-clinically, using spiritual tools.

Working in the Mental Health Field

mental health fieldAdding more tools along the way like Reiki and EFT Tapping, LaToya’s work is good on its own, but also in conjunction with more tradition and clinical healing methods.

One of her greatest joys was helping women with these traumatic situations, and to be a part of their healing journey. Sometimes she worked alone with clients, or in conjunction with clinical psychologist, and often after their therapy had been completed.

She’s a Motivational Speaker

I also asked LaToya about her motivational speaking and the spiritual angle she incorporates. She said this country is be coming more understanding of how spirituality is a part of everything. We are mind, body, and spirit.

The idea of love, forgiveness, and being accepted are spiritual concepts as is the energy that drives and defines who we are as a human race and a people. Reconnecting with the energy of healing and transformation is also spiritual.

She focuses on the personal trauma, but also the collective trauma particularly as women, that is lodged in us. If you experience self-sabotaging behaviors, think about what the energy is behind that.

Listen to more on healing trauma by clicking here.

It’s tome to divest ourselves from that identity, belief, and projection that was placed on us because it’s not who we are authentically. We had a drive and positive belief in ourselves organically from birth. But somehow, somewhere, things changed and we began to doubt ourselves.

Disempowering Beliefs Are Not Yours

Spiritual inner power coachIt’s a revelation to realize these disempowering beliefs are not ours. Releasing them changes everything. She works hard to help women release these adopted blocks that are not true, but are learned and part of the collective conscious.

When you combine cultural, societal, religious conditioning, and oppression that has been around for millennia, this is really a type of psychological abuse of the female identity. That’s where self-sabotage, indecisiveness, and low self esteem come from. It’s been learned over thousands of years.

For example, indecisiveness is a symptom of trauma and not trusting yourself. Ask yourself why you don’t trust yourself and discover what that is about for you.

Redefining Words Like Confidence & Pride

LaToya shared several common words that have surprising definitions. The true meaning of confidence is self-assurance arising from your appreciation of your qualities and abilities.

Do you appreciate yourself? Where did you get the idea its bad to brag about yourself? This is not in your DNA. It’s been learned and put upon women to hold us down and back.

Here’s another interesting word – pride. The definition of pride is being able to celebrate your achievements. What’s wrong with that? Nothing! Yet, there’s a pervasive attitude about women who are braggadocios and need to be more humble. Men are not told this!

The definition of humble is having a low estimate of one’s importance. Why is that good? Who drenched women with this idea? Let’s think about the energy of this.

I Am the Storm

LaToya ZavalaOne of LaToya’s speeches is entitled, “I Am the Storm.” She gave this speech at a gathering of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). While storms do damage, they also help clear what needs to be cleared.

Beliefs, policies, practices, and laws that have kept women down for generation after generation won’t change with a gentle wind. It’s going to require a massive storm to tear this all down.

LaToya says you can become the storm that shifts, and clears and tears down what needs to be changed.

Now think about the eye of the storm – a place where there is peace and calm. This is where you connect with your convictions, purpose, and mission. That center and core is where you can reside and your behavior and passion are those winds that swirl around you.

A storm is just chaotic energy until it organizes and comes together. So, like the storm, allow that passionate, purpose, and true self to organize who you are and what you stand for. Then you are organized to be the storm that can make the changes.

You have been through many storms, but now is the time to get to the center of the storm, and become the storm you are meant to be. Then we can work on this together.

There’s more that LaToya and I talked about that was so inspiring which you’ll hear when you listen to the podcast.

Get her book 21 Ways to Stop Self-Sabotage Playbook (a $17 value) FREE – Use the code POWER https://payhip.com/b/HngNU

BIO – LaToya Zavala

Spiritual Inner Power CoachFreedom and Power are her aliases! LaToya Zavala, survivor-turned-thrivor of abuse and domestic violence, has been actively transforming lives for 20 years, in the U.S., Mexico, , and Japan, formerly in the Navy and now serving the global community.

This Spiritual Inner Power Coach and Motivational Speaker helps women leaders release blocks and triggers from toxic connections and collective conscious suppression. Doing this allows you to reach the next level of knowing, loving, trusting, believing in, and being your truest and authentic SELVES. Then you can manifest the life you deserve.

Website & Social Media

Website: https://LaToyaZavala.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachlatoyaz

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/latoya-zavala 


Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony, MSN.com, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.

