(Stereotype Alert!) Are Men and Women Different? It Sure Looks That Way.

difference between how men and women see themselves in the mirror


Not every blog post has to explore the deep existential crisis of wanting to find lasting love in a lonely, indifferent universe.  Sometimes, it just feels good to laugh.  

I saw this cartoon on Facebook and that’s what it did for me, stereotypes and all.

Maybe my wife and I are a walking cliche, but all the stuff about her taking more time to get dressed, making copious lists before packing, having a cluttered desktop, and being perpetually late TOTALLY  applies to our relationship.

If you’re going to read this and claim it’s sexist because your boyfriend is always late, or is the one who hordes clothes, save it.

We know. Not all men and women are alike

So if you’re going to read this and claim it’s sexist because your boyfriend is always late, or is the one who hordes clothes, save it.

We know. Not all men and women are alike.

But stereotypes exist for a reason. Anyone with two eyes, two ears and a modicum of life experience knows that we are both biologically and sociologically different.

I find those differences  to be endlessly fascinating and worthy of discussion – just not in the comments section of a lighthearted cartoon. 🙂

