The Magic Of Mediumship & Messages From Spirit With Pam Barosh

The Magic Of The Valentine's Day Love Bubble


In this episode, I have a fabulous conversation with Pam Barosh, who calls herself the Messenger of Love. She channels messages from angels and spirits and we do speak to a surprising famous guest towards the end of the show. Pam and I talk about how she came to be a medium, how the skill and messages change over time, and the things she has learned by doing this work.

Pam is a medium, spiritual coach, energy healer, hypnosis practitioner, and mindfulness guide. After experiencing a serious illness, she embarked on a healing journey which opened her spiritual gifts, and the understanding that everyone has the power to heal through love energy.

In addition to her master’s in psychology with a focus on mind-body-spirit wellness, she trained in Reiki, crystal, chakra, and energy healing, hypnotherapy and past life regressions, and forensic detective work. She helps others tap into healing energy, connect to their soul purpose, and manifest abundance in their lives.

For more about Pam, visit her website at or see her on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.

Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
