Newlywed Game Style Sex Questions
When you were dating, sex questions may not have been your main topic of conversation. Even if you have been together 1, 3, 10, 15+ years, you may not be talking about your own sex life. Well, we’re here to change that!
Sometimes bringing up the topic of what we like and don’t like in the bedroom makes us uncomfortable because we don’t want to hurt our partner’s feelings. However, we think this light-hearted activity answering Newlywed Game style questions will open up the doors of communication and keep your relationship full of sparks!

Sex Questions for Couples
This date night is bound to bring up some fun memories and help you create a few steamy new ones! We have 20 different sexy Newlywed Game questions for you and your partner to work through. To keep everyone on the same page, we created an instruction sheet explaining the game.

The instructions go as follows:
Step 1: Print off the question and answer sheets for you and your partner (linked below). There are 10 questions each and 10 corresponding answer spots, but you can do whatever the number of questions is that works for you!
Step 2: Each of you take time to write down your answers to the questions from YOUR question sheet (his or hers, respectfully) on ONE of your answer sheets. You’re provided with two answer sheets each because one is for your answers and one is for how you think your spouse would answer THEIR questions later on. Feel free to play a little romantic music while you work on your answers!
Step 3: Now is where you’ll ask and share answers, but in the style of The Newlywed Game.
How to Play the Newlywed Game
Now it’s time to see how well your spouse knows you (and you them) intimately!
If the wife is ASKING questions first, she will ask her husband a question from her question sheet. On his OTHER answer sheet, the husband will write down how he thinks his WIFE would answer. After the question is answered, the husband and wife compare answers and discuss. Fun, right?
Then, the wife and husband switch and the husband asks the wife questions from his answer sheet. The wife will write down how she thinks her husband would answer on her second answer sheet, then compare.

You may even want to decide beforehand on a prize for whomever answers the most sex questions correctly about about their spouse. Might we recommend something in the bedroom as a prize? *wink*
Sexy Questions for the Bedroom

These sex questions cover a range of topics and are separated into his and her groupings.
His Question Cards
- What is my bedroom fantasy?
- My favorite time of day to have sex is ______.
- What ONE word would I use to describe our first time?
- What’s my favorite lube?
- How do I let you know I want to have sex?
- Would I rather have the lights on or off?
- Where was the coldest place we’ve done it?
- How many times did we do it on our wedding nights?
- What public place would I dare to have sex?
- I would like to have sex ____ times a week.

Her Question Cards
- If I were to bring food into the bedroom for some foreplay, what food would I bring?
- Where is my favorite place to be kissed?
- What lingerie was I wearing our first time?
- Would I rather have sex on the beach or in the woods?
- What is my favorite position?
- Where is the most dangerous place we’ve done it?
- What is our code word for sex?
- What can you do to turn me on?
- Toys in the bedroom: yes or no from me?
- How long do I like sex to last?

You are sure to have lots of fun (and probably some laughs) with this steamy bedroom game! Don’t forget to download your free question and answer sheets below!
And if you loved this, you will also love our amazing (and FREE) Newlywed Game printables, as well as our Not-So-Newlywed Game Idea. Both are a blast!

Free Download
Sex Questions for a Sexy Newlywed Game
Printables Designed by Lucette Campbell Exclusively for The Dating Divas