The Top 5 Green Flags To Look For In A Relationship

couple in kitchen smiling


Dating can be a roller coaster of emotions, not to mention all the time and energy it takes to get to know someone else’s personality, likes, dislikes, etc.

You never want to be in a situation where your feelings aren’t reciprocated or worse yet: relationship toxicity is lurking in the shadows without any red flags waving high until it’s too late. That’s why it’s important for you to be aware of what good relationships look like by identifying some “green flags” in a relationship.

Keep reading below as we discuss the “Top 5 Green Flags To Look For In A Relationship” so you don’t have to worry about wasting your valuable time with anything less than something extraordinary!

Respectful Communication

Look for conversations that are mutually respectful and free of criticism or a condescending nature.

One thing to look for in a potential relationship is respectful communication. In my Conscious Dating program, I talk about how this is a non-negotiable in any relationship.

Respectful communication involves listening to one another, being open-minded, and having an overall mutual respect for each other’s opinions even if you disagree.

When two people communicate respectfully and without criticism or condescension, it is often a good sign that the dynamics in a dating situation can develop into something more meaningful.

If you notice that your conversations are confined to criticism rather than genuine kindness and curiosity then it may be wise to reconsider the relationship. Dating someone who consistently communicates respectfully and kindly is usually the mark of a healthy relationship and is worth pursuing further.

Openness and Transparency

A relationship where both partners can be vulnerable and feel comfortable communicating openly, honestly, and authentically

The openness and transparency that comes from being able to communicate authentically in a relationship are one of the most important factors for success.

It’s a sign that both partners trust each other enough to share vulnerable feelings and go beyond superficial conversations.

People in genuine relationships don’t hide their true selves – they have nothing to hide and know their partner will have their back even when they show their shameful side. This is everything to gain by forming a deep, genuine connection with each other.

Caring Actions

If your partner goes out of their way to do thoughtful things for you, it is a sign that they truly care.

If you have someone in your life who puts extra effort into making sure you are feeling seen and heard, it is a beautiful sign of how much they care about you.

Caring actions can come in many forms, from bringing home coffee without being asked to offering a listening ear when needed the most. It’s important to pay attention to these signs and recognize how invested your partner is, both emotionally and physically, in your relationship.

Remember that if your partner is taking time out of their day to do something special for you just because they want to see you smile, then it’s definitely a green flag that they hold a deep and genuine affection for you.

If you’ve ever wondered what this looks like in action, check out this video!

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Mutual Effort

Both partners should be putting in the same amount of effort when it comes to the relationship

A healthy relationship is one where both partners are putting in the same amount of effort. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do or give exactly the same thing, but what it does mean is that neither person should feel taken for granted or taken advantage of.

Both should be investing time, care, communication, and dedication into the relationship. For example, if one person is taking on the effort to cook dinner, then the other person washes the dishes.

Having equal collaboration will help strengthen your connection and prevent resentment from arising in the future.

Mutual Goals

Do both you and your partner have similar life visions and goals when it comes to the future of the relationship.

When two people enter into a relationship it is important to be on the same page with regard to the vision for the future. Have you and your partner discussed your individual hopes and expectations for the future?

Having a mutual understanding of each other’s goals, expectations and desired outcomes can offer peace of mind and assurance for both partners.

As much as there needs to be unconditional love between two people, there also needs to be honest conversations about what the future of their relationship looks like.

One of the main green flags in a relationship is where there’s been an open dialogue about the future: marriage, children, and all that may come with it. Ensuring that life visions and non-negotiables are shared will make all the difference when cultivating a successful partnership.

It can take a lot of self-evaluation, patience, and strength to enter into any relationship. Knowing what healthy signs to look for will help you make the best decision when it comes to choosing the right one.

The five green flags outlined in this blog post are a great starting point to make sure your relationship is headed in the right direction.

Remember that communication with your partner is vital, and don’t be discouraged if things don’t feel perfect right away. As with anything else, relationships require effort and devotion from both partners.

If you find yourself overwhelmed at any step along the way, know that I am here for you. Schedule a Relationship Readiness Review with me so we can discuss how to start making strides towards helping you find your green flag relationship.
