Tips for a Better Love Life

Couple fighting and not happy


Do you think you might be sabotaging your love life at times? If you’re not getting the results you want in dating, it’s possible that you’re self-sabotaging. As a Dating Coach, I often share with clients this behavior isn’t done on purpose and may be a habit they are unaware of.

This means that you’re unconsciously doing things that prevent you from finding love like canceling a date last minute because of cold feet saying you are busy with work. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips to create self-awareness on how to stop self-sabotaging behaviors and improve your love life!

Pay Attention to Your Narrative

Your mind is a powerful thing. The biases you believe about dating and relationships can really help or hurt you. One way to stop self-sabotage is to become aware of your negative thoughts and beliefs about love.

Do you believe that you’re not good enough for a healthy, happy relationship? Or that you don’t deserve love? These negative beliefs will sabotage your efforts to find love. To stop self-sabotage, start by changing your negative thoughts and beliefs. Learn how to condition yourself to use narratives that elicit the relationship you want, rather than focusing on what you don’t want.

Break the Type

Self-sabotage can manifest in many different ways when it comes to dating. Maybe you’ve found yourself repeatedly going for the same type of person who is ultimately wrong for you. Or maybe you keep starting relationships with people who are physically or emotionally unavailable.

I often find singles that repeat these patterns have unhealed programming from the past that keeps them drawn to the same person over and over again with a different face. If you find yourself in any of these situations, it’s time to take a step back and reassess what you’re doing.

Lean into the Discomfort

Another common form of self-sabotage is staying in a bad relationship because it’s comfortable and familiar, even though it’s not healthy or happy.

If you’re in a situation like this, ask yourself why you’re staying. Are you afraid of being alone? Do you think you don’t deserve better? Once you identify the reasons behind your self-sabotage, you can start to work on them.

Let Go of Toxic Relationships

If you want to have a better love life, start by taking care of yourself. This means getting rid of any toxic relationships in your life, both romantic and platonic. It also means taking care of your physical and emotional needs. They say birds of a feather flock together.

If you want to level up in your love life, find people that are great mentors to you. People that can be positive influences. Remember like attracts like, when you’re taking care of yourself, you’re more likely to attract a healthy, happy relationship into your life. You might want to check out my video below so that you can see the signs clearly. (Article continues below).

Put Yourself Out There!

Often singles want love to come by easily. I agree when we are younger it is easier to find people with common interests and attractions. However, as we get older we don’t go out as much. Besides online dating, we must find other avenues to create new communities and open ourselves to new connections.

This means making an effort to meet new people, date, and put yourself out there. I tell my clients to try new hobbies, one client actually took voice classes and met her partner through music events she performed at. Because she was so happy doing a hobby she loved her energy pulled in a great guy. I know this could be very It can be scary and difficult, but it’s important to push through the fear and do it anyway. I’m here to help if you need support.

Make Time for Self-Care

Sometimes when we are feeling down, we forget to even look at ourselves in the mirror. All of a sudden we don’t recognize ourselves anymore. You can’t make space for anyone else unless you make yourself a priority. This means taking care of your physical and emotional needs. When you’re taking care of yourself, you’re more likely to attract a healthy, loving relationship into your life.

Be Patient

Finally, don’t forget to be patient. Good things come to those who wait, and that includes finding love. So many singles I work with a rush into relationships as if their worthiness is tied to whether they are in one or not. In my Conscious Dating Programs, I help them understand how to be the chooser.

To slow down and focus on a great partnership before even considering a relationship with the person. Because they are intentional with their choices they can trust their “dating picker” to find someone that provides them with lasting love. If you want to find a lasting, loving relationship, don’t settle for anything less.

If you’re ready to stop self-sabotage and improve your love life, follow these tips! You deserve to be happy and loved, and with a little effort, you can make it happen.

What are some other tips for stopping self-sabotage? Schedule a Relationship Readiness Review with me here.
