Top 2 Amazing Reasons Why Women Have DOUBLE STANDARDS!

Top 2 Amazing Reasons Why Women Have DOUBLE STANDARDS!



The two main reasons why women have double standards may surprise you!

Double standards exist for both men and women and not all double standards are automatically “bad.”

Naturally, you notice the double standards that negatively affect you instead of the ones that don’t.

Let’s look at:

  • Two surprising reasons why women have double standards
  • Double standards in your favour and the ones that frustrate you
  • How you can school her on unacceptable double standards
  • When her double standards are a sign to walk away
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Why do women have double standards that are so hypocritical?

Reasons Why Women Have Double Standards

1. Women encourage double standards (for women).

Modern feminists tell you they’re fighting for equality, but they’re only fighting for equality where it benefits them.

In fact, much of the time they’re fighting for equity not equality.

They want the same pay as men but they don’t want to put in the same hours or do the dangerous jobs you do.

Social justice warriors get on board and social media brainwashing ensues with frilly, pink marketing targeting the susceptible by offering community.

As a result, many men have bowed out from dating modern women and formed their own “men only” communities. #MGTOW #Incel

Unfortunately, without male and female balance, both communities become highly biased against each other.

No one really wins.

And this leads us to the second reason why women have double standards.

2. Men allow double standards (for women).

I know that’s not the answer you like, but it’s the truth and the truth can empower you.

You teach people how to treat you.

If you allow bad behaviour, you’ll get more of it.

And if you reward bad behaviour, you’ll get a lot more of it.

The interesting part is when you don’t allow bad behaviour you weed out the throwbacks and the real keepers respect you.

To be fair…

You have some double standards that benefit you as a man simply because you can.

So what are some double standards that are in men’s favour?

And which ones only benefit women?

Double Standards Examples

First, let’s look at some double standards in your favour.

And let me say, these double standards exist for reasons I happen to agree with.

Sugar Daddy vs Cougar

A wealthy, older man with a much younger, attractive women is admired, whereas a wealthy, older woman with a much younger, attractive man is still looked at questioningly.

As a man, you’ll never be judged for wanting or having a young, beautiful woman… other than by jealous women.

And the truth is, most men don’t really want an older woman, even when she’s rich.

Slut vs Stud

A woman who’s hung out in Hoeville is considered a slut, whereas a man who’s laid a lot of pipe is a stud—to both men and women!

If you’re interested in and good at pickup skills, you can get some and, when you’re ready, get the one you want.

But even though the younger generation of women are accumulating body counts, they’re still looked at as damaged goods when it comes to relationship material. (And for good reason.)

Few men want to settle down with a woman who’s seen more pipe than Seattle Slue.

And when you do find a keeper to start a family with…

Mothers vs Fathers

A mother is expected to pick up a crying baby before the father is or be the first to get up in the night to change a diaper.

Times are changing but this double standard still exists.

The double standards women have that you don’t like might be around…

Her Money Is Her Money

She earns a lot but wants a man who earns more than she does.

Or she earns more than you but expects you to always pick up the check for everything.

She Can You Can’t Socializing

She goes out all night with her friends but you’re not allowed to.

Communication Rules for Thee But Not For She

She doesn’t text back for days but you have to reply back stat.

Or when she raises her voice it’s because you upset her but when you do, it’s emotional abuse.

How to School Her

We teach people how to treat us.

This means you’ve got to have standards, set boundaries and follow through on consequences.

Women get away with what they do because you let them.

People get away with what they do because you let them.

The sooner you school them, the quicker they learn.

Wait too long and you won’t be able to turn the ship around.

She may not even realize she’s got double standards.

You probably don’t know what all yours are, after all.

And, as mentioned, not all double standards are necessarily bad.

But if she’s got a double standard that does bother you, you’ve got to address it right away.

I’ll share how to do that in a minute, but now that you know why women have double standards, let’s look at…

When To Walk Away

It can be frustrating not knowing if her double standards are worth throwing away the whole relationship over.

She may seem like a wonderful woman in so many ways, but then there’s those pesky double standards.

Like maybe she does go out with her girlfriends and doesn’t return texts because she’s not paying attention—or doesn’t want to be distracted.

But if you go out with your guy friends, there’s a curfew and you have to reply to her texts immediately or suffer the consequences.

Double standard!

Exceptions Apply

Now, if you’ve agreed to conditions because you messed up big last time you went out, that’s different.

You messed up, she didn’t. She shouldn’t be punished for your mistake.

And vice versa.

But if you didn’t mess up and she won’t acknowledge there’s a double standard and make an effort to change her behaviour either—

She’s damaged goods. #selfish


Your values and beliefs don’t align. #mismatch

If you’ve talked to her about your concerns and she responds disrespectfully or apologies and says she’ll change but doesn’t even try…it’s time to walk away.

It won’t get better and you’ve just taught her that your needs don’t matter.

You rewarded bad behaviour.

If you’re not sure if she’s testing you or she’s damaged goods watch the videos in my Shit Test playlist and Red Flags playlist below.

And if you want to know how to ask for what you need in an effective way, loving way with the best chance of getting it, then you’ll want to follow the specific 3-step-request conversation outlined in my Love Sammich video below.

Hope you enjoyed this vlog on why women have double standards and are more prepared to teach them how to treat you.

Thanks for being here, God bless!
