Want More Oral Sex? Do THIS, Says New Study — Gotham Club

how to get more oral


how to get more oral

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Did you know there’s a holiday called National Steak and BJ Day?

That’s right–there’s an actual holiday dedicated to celebrating two of men’s favorite things: red meat and oral sex.

Also referred to as National BJ Day, this unofficial holiday was first celebrated in 2002, and was created by DJ Tom Birdsey from WFNX radio.

The holiday is a response to Valentine’s Day. While Valentine’s Day is meant to celebrate couples and love, it’s predominantly a female-dominated holiday.

Thus, the solution was simple: create a male-dominated holiday one month later, where women can thank their men for the attention and gifts lavished upon them on V-Day. Steak and BJ Day was born.

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With more and more women being sexually open, getting her to head down South is easier than ever before… but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy.

Sure, there are a few scenarios that can often end in oral if she seems hesitant:

  • You could simply ask her…
  • Suggest 69-ing..
  • Or offer to give her oral first…

But what if you just want some good old-fashioned oral sex, without having to ask or beg for it?

If that’s the case, then you’re in luck — because this new study might have the answer.

National Steak and BJ Day is celebrated every year on March 14th, and this year, we have some tips on how to get your lady on board with this festive event.

How To Celebrate National Steak & BJ Day

If your girlfriend’s already on board with the idea of National BJ Day, then most of the hard work is already cut out for you.

The traditional way to celebrate is by having a woman cook you a steak dinner, then later go down on you. Of course, you can mix this up a little by going out to a nice steak dinner instead of cooking at home.

Decide with your girl how you want to celebrate – should you dress up and turn the celebration into a full-blown event or opt for a more casual, and sensual night at home?

There aren’t any real rules to celebrating National Blowjob Day, but for a successful night, make sure you’re both on board with the plans.

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“How Do I Get Her To Play Along?”

The premise of National Steak and BJ Day might not appeal to your girlfriend, at first.

There are a few simple tricks you can use to not only get your girlfriend on board, but have her looking forward to March 14th.

1) Make Valentine’s Day Extra Special

If Steak and BJ Day is your special day, then you need to go all out on Valentine’s Day, by celebrating her to the full extent.

Whether you take her out to dinner or cook her a romantic meal at home, make sure the entire night is romantic and unforgettable.

Of course, fair is fair.

If Valentine’s Day is all about her, don’t skimp in the bedroom. Take your time going down on her and making sure she finishes (bonus points if it’s more than once). This will have her eager to return the favor in one month.

2) Bring It Up Casually

If you make a huge deal out of Steak and BJ Day, then she might feel forced into celebrating, which is not what either of you wants.

She might even take the idea the wrong way and refuse to celebrate it altogether.

Be sure to explain to her why you want to celebrate this day. Let her know that spending the evening with her is all you really want.

This type of approach is more likely to get her feeling comfortable with the holiday.

3) Compliment Her

Since National Steak and BJ Day has a sex act in the name itself, many women will automatically feel offended by this celebration.

Sure, celebrating you is one thing, but it can seem demanding to assume they’ll go down on you.

Be sure to let her know that you don’t expect oral sex, but that the idea of the holiday excited you because of how good she is at going down on you.

Complimenting her and her skills in bed is a better way to paint the holiday in a positive light and get what you’re ultimately looking for.

There’s nothing quite like getting a BJ, but asking for one can be pretty tough.

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You never want to pressure your girlfriend or make her feel insecure.

Still, how can you hint at getting a BJ if you never even ask?

If you’re a red-blooded male, chances are you like to be on the receiving end of oral sex.

And that’s great!

So here’s another scientifically proven way to get more oral–whether it’s National Steak & BJ Day or not (after all, there are 364 more days in the year). 😉

How A Study of 71 Women Led to This Mindblowing Discovery…

Researchers asked 71 women between the ages of 18 and 48 to share some personal details about their sex life.

Specifically, they wanted to know just how vocal — or how loud — the women like to be during sex, and when they’re loudest.

What they found shocked some people, and confused others:

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Despite the fact that the women reported experiencing the most sexual pleasure during their own orgasms…

They were most vocal right before and during their partners’ orgasms!

“WTF is up with that?” You might be wondering… (and I can’t blame you)…

Well, the researchers believe that men and women use their voice during sex for different reasons.

While men tend to be less vocal during sex, when they are vocal, it’s to express their own physical pleasure.

However, women tend to be more vocal during sex… and they do it for two key reasons:

1) To show support and encouragement, and…

2) To express physical pleasure.

It Doesn’t End There…

It’s reason #1 that reveals the key to getting her to give you oral sex.

Because women use moaning during sex to encourage you, and enhance your experience…

You can similarly use moaning to encourage her!

The results from the study back this up:

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A whopping 87% of the women surveyed reported moaning to boost their partner’s self-esteem. So in her mind, moaning is a way of making you feel good, and showing you that yes, she likes what you’re doing.

So if you moan a little more when she starts going downtown, will that actually encourage her to do it more often?

Here’s what real women had to say:

Do Real Women Agree With the Study’s Results?

You might be surprised to learn this, but real women actually support the study’s findings!

And in fact, they’re very enthusiastic about it, too.

One female Reddit user, in response to being asked if women like it when men moan during sex, said:

Oh, hell YES. Let me know what I’m doing is working for you. It’s like the best erotic feedback.”

And as a woman myself, I have to say that I agree, 100%.

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Feedback during sex isn’t just physical — it should also be vocal. And in fact, getting vocal often adds to the experience, and makes it hotter for both you and the woman you’re with.

The “Right” Way to Moan to Get Her to Head Downtown…

While moaning can be extremely (extremely) sexy… there’s a “right” way to do it, and there’s also a “wrong” way.

Soft moans in a lower register tend to turn women on almost instantly, but get too crazy with it, and you’ll send her running for the hills (not to mention completely turn her off).

You want to sound like you’re enjoying it, but if you exaggerate too much, then she could think you’re faking it — which is the opposite of what you want, and could ruin the entire experience for her.

Here’s an example of what not to do:

Girl: *kisses your neck, then starts moving down and kissing your chest*


See how that’s too much, too soon?

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Instead, try something like this:

Girl: *kisses your neck, then starts moving down and kissing your chest*

You: *whispering* “Ohhh yes, keep going…mmmmmm”

It’s subtle… but it makes a HUGE difference.

These little encouragements show her what you like and want during sex — and if she’s at all interested in you, then trust me, she’s going to want to please you in bed.

You don’t have to moan all the time, but a soft moan here and there can really go a long way.

And from there, there’s only one thing left to do…

Want More Oral Sex? Do THIS, Says New Study

I Have a Confession To Make…

I think I might be “c**k drunk” on Warren.

I’ve texted him every night for the past 3 weeks to “come over and watch a movie”

And on the nights he can’t, I touch myself in bed, fantasizing about getting on my knees, and doing dirty, dirty things to him…

(OMG, I’m getting turned on now just thinking about it…)

When I told my closest girlfriend, she laughed and said, “You HAVE to watch this video”…

It opened my eyes to the world of women just like me… who would do anything (and I do mean anything) to feel that kind of sexual pleasure I feel with Warren…

…And when I watched this pornstar explain how it happened to her in the video, I suddenly realized…

ANY guy can get a girl c**k drunk. Here’s how:

Discover How to Get a Girl “C**k Drunk” on You…

[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on September 1, 2020.]

