Why Is Minimalism So Popular

why is minimalism so popular Yugen Bond


In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’ll be speaking with Reverend Yugen Bond. We discussed why is Minimalism so popular and how she shifted to this way of life.

why is minimalism so popular Yugen Bond

As I talked to Yugen, I learned so much about raising your consciousness and practicing gratitude which is all part of Minimalism. To really notice everything all around you. Take time to wonder about how things work – there are so many miracles.

Even the idea of an orange coming from Florida or California to your table is amazing. Slice it open, breathe in the aroma, notice the construction and juiciness. This is such a simple method to feel connected to all there is.

Marveling and The Law of Attraction

It’s like marveling over nature as Lynn Grabhorn suggested in her book Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting. When does a flower bud know to come out and blossom? Mindfulness is holding a higher level of awareness to really notice what is around you.

Law of Attraction is part of raising your consciousness, where the synchronicities start happening. Mel Robbins who wrote the High-Five Habit explains how the reticular activation system works. Your brain sets up a type of radar to see many examples of the new car you just bought or a red shirt.

We are taught to “go be one with nature,” but we are nature! Doing these exercises are simple ways to connect with all there is. This is how you can feel more joy – by connecting to that orange and connecting to something bigger than yourself.

What Prompted Her Shift to Minimalism

Yugen says she’s a retired material girl which made me laugh! She was raised near New York City where the shopping was great and that was a part of her circle of friends.

One day she was shopping with her designer bag on her arm, which equated to a month’s rent and she suddenly felt stupid. Yugen wondered why she was doing this?

One of her ah-ha moments was when she had moved into a new apartment and was decorating it. She went shopping to find something to put on a wall, and she couldn’t find anything.

Then she left the store and it was a beautiful summer day with the sunlight hitting her. She thought, “Why am I doing this – its so stupid.” She moved out of the suburbs into the city to downsize and gave away 90% of her stuff. (Can you imagine?)

Why Is Minimalism So Popular?

Enough-sim This minimalist wants more

Yugen explains why Minimalism works for her – how freeing this has been. After downsizing, she started a podcast, got a master’s degree, and became interested in a lot of projects. She didn’t need stuff or her designer bag to be happy.

She still likes fashion and has different kinds of clothing to fit her lifestyle. Initially, she  read that minimalists had neutral wardrobes with beige, black, white and grey, but that didn’t work for her.

She had to find her own way to her kind of Minimalism. During the interview, she was wearing a hot pink dress and she loves neon!

Having a corporate job and going to yoga retreats, Yugen needs a variety of clothing to be appropriate based on her activity, so she hasn’t pared down to nothing. However she is a lot more conscious about what she buys and takes time to think before making a purchase.

Shattering Misperceptions about Minimalism

We talked about how most of the information she found on Minimalism was about how to be a minimalist and why is Minimalism so popular. But after she took all the steps and let go of her stuff, what then?

She discovered that the definition of Minimalism can change. Ask yourself, “What kinds of items do you need and want in your life that will help you become the person you want to be?” As that changes and evolves, declutter and let go.

She’s a big proponent of being kind to yourself. If you bought something you never used, so what? It’s okay if things don’t workout as you planned.

Be kind versus hard on yourself, and accept that you are evolving and growing. That means what you own will change as well. This is the more spiritual angle of Minimalism.

Get Out of Your Head

Why is Minimalism so popular? The reason it makes sense for Yugen is to get out of your head about your belongings and consumption and notice the world around you. It’s a process of mindfulness, allowing you feel more connected to everything.

Curiosity is a big part of this which can quickly uplift your spirit. Many great leaders are very curious and that is part of their strength and vision like Elon Musk.

Minimalism Is Not Hard

Minimalist Yugen Bond

You are allowed to own things, but to really think about what you have. What do you own that you love? She loves her air fryer and her journal – these things have great value, as much as her passport.

Think about what you use, and what you own that you haven’t touched, thought of, or looked at in a long time. Give those away to someone who could use them. This is how your decluttering can be an act of compassion – when you donate things.

She recommends thanking the objects you let go of as an act of appreciating their service to you. This changes your relationship with what you own or let go of.

A great gratitude exercise is to look at your checking account or credit card statement and say thank you for whatever you paid for. This is more intentional way of thinking.

Get Her Free Gift – a Free Online Reiki Session!

Go to her website, scroll to the bottom and you’ll see her email contact – simply reach out, tell her you heard about the free Reiki on Breathe Love & Magic podcast and ask for your session. This offer is good for 30 days from this air date of May 13, 2022.

BIO  –  Reverend Yugen Bond

Reverend Yugen Bond, the host of Enoughism podcast  – about having enough already wherever you are. She’s also the author of Enoughism! This Minimalist Wants More which highlights interviews with people about their mindfulness path. An ordained reverend, Yugen also has a Master’s Degree in Metaphysical Sciences.

Listen to her Podcast, Enough-ism here

Visit her website: https://IAmEnoughism.com

Get her book on Amazon – Enoughism, This Minimalist Wants More

Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony, MSN.com, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.

