You Don’t Have to Ask What He’s Thinking. Just Watch What He’s Doing.

Don't ask what he's thinking


I know you’ve spent a lot of time reading about other people’s bad dates and babies, so I wanted to get back to doing what I do best: giving powerful dating advice that will help you better connect with men.

In the FOCUS Forum, I am privy to the most intimate thoughts of hundreds of women just like you. They share their “date reports” and their worries on a daily basis, opening up for constructive feedback from the community.

Here’s my latest observation:

After 9 months talking with hundreds of women in the FOCUS Forum, I’ve come to the bold conclusion that the biggest problem in many relationships… is the one in your own head.

“We went out on our third date. He said that he was really enjoying my company. Then I said that I was really enjoying his company. Then he smiled and started sipping from his glass of wine. Which I thought was really strange because I had just told him I liked him. Later that night, I got home and he texted me to say good night. I thanked him for our date and said good night, but he didn’t sign it with an XO, which he usually does. Does this mean he’s pulling away from me. Is this the quality of a good partner or is he losing interest in me? Should I just bail and avoid wasting time on him? What do you guys think?”

My advice?

If you had fun with him on Date 3 and he asks you out for Date 4, go out with him.

Don’t agonize about every word, every look, every text, every second you’re in limbo and don’t know if he’s “the one”. Because all you’re doing is exhausting yourself, and you can never figure out the answer to all of your questions.

Dating doesn’t have to be such agony, where you over-analyze everything to death, and cause yourself a tremendous amount of undue heartbreak.

Let me keep it real simple for ya.

My “Evan’s Having a Baby” sale only lasts until Sunday, May 20th, 2012.

With this week’s FOCUS Top 3 Calls sale, you get:

My 3 most popular FOCUS Coaching calls ever: Unmet Expectations, Flirting and Being a Great Girlfriend.

These three hours are a crash course education on how to choose healthy partners, know what to expect from a good man, and be the kind of woman that no man can live without.

Don’t agonize about every word, every look, every text, every second you’re in limbo and don’t know if he’s “the one”. Because all you’re doing is exhausting yourself, and you can never figure out the answer to all of your questions.

But yes, there’s more!

Because not only are you getting this priceless material for less than a hair color, you’re also getting exclusive audio interviews between me and Arielle Ford, Allana Pratt and, if you’re fast, Carol Allen. That’s 3 1/2 more hours of dating coaching, designed to shift your perspective on what men REALLY think.

And since I’m feeling the Father’s Day fever, I’m also giving you a FREE month in FOCUS Coaching, where you’ll receive:

  • A monthly interactive Q&A with me on a specific dating topic.
  • A Community with hundreds of other smart, strong, successful women.
  • A Forum where you can ask me your most pressing relationship questions.
  • A monthly CD/newsletter recap shipped to your home each month after the first month.
  • Discounts on all of my products: e-Cyrano, Finding the One Online, & the Inner Circle.

The change is immediate. The costs are minor. The benefits?

Well, what do you think true love should cost?

For Joan, I’m guessing it was worth far more than $97.   Here’s what she had to say:

I found FOCUS Coaching to be great! The calls, the materials, the Forum. I especially enjoyed the monthly topic calls and the forum. I enjoyed your honest feedback. I have found a wonderful man and we were recently engaged. He was a guy that I wasn’t instantly attracted to. I kept on going on dates with him because he was so nice. In the past I wouldn’t give a guy much of a chance if I didn’t have that instant chemistry. I am SO glad I hung in there!!! I am totally attracted to him now and he is the kindest, most easy-going guy I have known. And, he absolutely ADORES me. When I mentioned to him recently that he doesn’t seem to see any of my faults, he told me that he sees right through them. Your tips and feedback helped make this possible!!! Thanks SO much for all that you do!!!

Joan O

That’s one happy woman and a lot of exclamation points.

Want to get happy?

Take advantage of this exclusive, one-time-only, having-a-baby sale, and receive thousands of dollars of wisdom for only $97.

Sorry, that offer is no longer available, but you can still join FOCUS Coaching or order my top 3 calls package and start getting happy.

Click here to find peace and calm in the otherwise treacherous waters of dating.

Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,

