10 Powerful Confident Personality Traits To Practice Daily

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Trying to build your self-confidence? Put these confident personality traits into practice on a daily basis and watch your confidence soar!

When you think of confidence, what comes to mind? Is it the way you present yourself? Or the way you approach tasks?

You may think of multiple scenarios. And none of those are wrong answers, as confidence can be interpreted in multiple ways. 

What does it mean to be confident? 

Psychologists say that true confidence is when an individual believes that they can overcome life’s challenges and work towards success. Having confidence allows an individual to make difficult decisions in a professional manner, tackle personal situations effortlessly, and work towards certain goals. The individual trusts that they’re the director of their own path, and their life is controlled by their own actions. 

Now, think of a time when you trusted yourself to make a decision. The outcome wasn’t something you expected it to be. But how do you feel about making that decision? 

Whenever self-assured people face this challenge, they acknowledge the outcome. But instead of looking back and seeing what they did wrong, they move forward.

Sure, they will reflect on their actions and mistakes. But they won’t be embarrassed by these mistakes and view them as opportunities for growth. However, it is important to note that being confident is different from being arrogant. 

confident personality traits

What is the difference between confidence and arrogance? 

Many people at first may be confused by these terms and mix them up together. However, there is a difference between the two personality traits: confidence is about being true to your own values and beliefs, whereas arrogance is mainly centered on comparison. 

When someone’s confident in their own skills, they won’t look down on others as they understand that everyone has different preferences and interests. 

However, when someone’s arrogant about themselves, they will believe that their skills are superior to others. Instead of learning and believing in their own strengths, arrogant people will put others down in order to validate themselves.

Therefore, the difference between these two is the degree of self-worth. Confidence is about knowing your self-worth without external validation. On the other hand, arrogance is more so focused on an individual’s own self-image based on what others think of them, which is a sign of low self-esteem ultimately. Insecure people often put on a bravado or appear arrogant.

When you’re a confident individual, you don’t need people to approve of your decisions. You know what’s best for you and you will root for yourself. So, what are some personality traits of confident people? 

10 Confident Personality Traits

Confident people share a lot of personality traits which often begin with the process of self-acceptance and self-assurance. Here are some habits of confident people and the traits they may exude throughout their professional and personal lives:

1. Having a growth mindset.

When you are confident, you’ll notice that you’ll perceive yourself in a different manner. Instead of viewing problems as challenges, you’ll tend to view them as a method to think of different solutions. 

This is often because having confidence is the result of developing a growth mindset. Unlike a fixed mindset, a growth mindset is when you perceive failure as a learning opportunity. It often involves the process of pep-talking yourself into tackling such challenges, and counseling your doubts. 

By having a growth mindset, you’re ready to take on any situation and work towards the desired outcome. This is because you know that you will develop those skills, as long as you put in the effort towards personal development. 

2. Having faith in themselves.

How do people tackle continuous challenges, even if one arises after another? Simple – confident people often have faith in themselves. 

They believe that they have the capabilities to work through any challenge that is thrown at them. Even if the outcome and the situation in itself is dire, confident people know that challenges are often temporary. 

Instead of giving up, they decide to keep going, even if they’re unsure of how the situation will turn out. Their self confidence allows them to continue even in uncertainty. They know they will always find their own way.

3. Stepping outside of their comfort zone.

Self- assured people are known to be risk-takers. Hence, they would tend to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Having the kind of confidence to try knew things even though it’s out of their comfort zone means they trust their gut instinct, and ultimately themselves.

Although trying something new may seem difficult at first, confident people aren’t willing to hold back their insecurities. They know what they’re capable of, and are willing to put their skills to the test. 

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4. Not seeking approval from others.

Remember, the first step to confidence is knowing your own self-worth and value. When you know what you’re capable of, you won’t be seeking that information from others. 

Thus, confident people know that their skills don’t depend on what others say about them. They know what they want, and what they’re capable of. So instead of focusing on others, they focus on developing themselves into a better person. 

5. Consistency in speech and actions.

Many confident people will speak their mind and heart, without worrying about others judging them. Their actions will also align with their speech as well. For example, when a confident person says that they care about you as a person, they may check up on you, listen to your late-night vent sessions, and provide you with moral support. 

Since confident people know their worth, they will ensure that these values are shown throughout their personal and professional relationships. 

6. They aren’t afraid to make mistakes

Many of us don’t want to make mistakes, as we fear that such errors can be costly and damaging to other people around us. If our confidence levels are low, we may be constantly worrying about every little thing that we do wrong.

However, confident people acknowledge that because they are human, they are not perfect and will make mistakes. They are also willing to learn from their actions, and see what they can do better next time. 

7. They don’t worry about things they cannot control.

Sure, confident people are aware that they can control the direction of their life depending on the decisions they make. But at the same time, they’re also aware that there are plenty of factors beyond their control which can affect their experiences with such decisions. 

These factors are often known as ‘external factors.’ And such external factors, like the economy, can affect our current life. However, confident people acknowledge that these external factors do exist, but never dwell on them. 

Instead, they ask, “What can I do to make the most out of the current situation?” As a result, confident people learn how to work with such factors even in difficult situations.

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8. They don’t judge others. 

Being confident requires having an internal focus of control, and being proud of one’s own abilities. 

As a result, confident individuals tend to stay away from judging other people and their decisions. This is because they know their self-worth, and they know that other people’s decisions aren’t relevant to them.

So in order to live by their own means, they focus on improving themselves, instead of worrying about what other people are doing. 

9. They learn to listen to others. 

Despite knowing and keeping true to themselves, confident people are also willing to learn from others as well. 

When others share their own experiences, people who are confident are willing to hear other people’s stories. 

As a result, when you exude confidence, other people would genuinely want to be around you. This will allow you to develop meaningful friendships and relationships. 

10. They know the importance of saying ‘no.’ 

Confident people love to take on new opportunities and challenges. However, since they’re self-aware, they know their limitations to such opportunities as well. Therefore, they’re comfortable with saying ‘no’ to situations that don’t align with their values. 

For example, when a confident person feels that their boundaries are being pushed, they will be sure to address their concerns accordingly. 

5 Tips To Improve Your Self-Confidence:

Many young adults in their twenties and thirties often struggle with low self-confidence. Maybe you worry that you’re the kind of person who will not ever feel confident. If you have a lack of confidence, don’t fret!

Fortunately, confidence is a personality trait which can be built and molded through practice and life experience. Here are some ways in which an individual can build confidence: 

1. Create to-do lists and complete tasks

Whenever we complete a task and cross it off our checklist, we often feel a sense of accomplishment and confidence. This is a great way to boost a lack of self-confidence and practice building up your inner self.

These tasks can be big or small, such as completing house chores, cooking meals, or even taking a walk outside. However, completing tasks often makes us realize that we’re capable of sticking to a schedule, and accomplishing our goals. This allows us to be more confident in ourselves and our abilities. 

2. Practicing self-care

In order to truly value who we are and our skills, we need to learn the importance of self-care. Hence, building a self-care routine can do wonders. 

Whenever you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, taking some time to yourself can allow you to de-stress and tackle the bigger tasks with smaller steps. Once you tackle such tasks, you’ll feel more confident to tackle more. 

3. Challenge yourself 

If we want to get out of our comfort zones, we need to understand the importance of challenging ourselves first.  

The process can begin by starting a unique hobby. Then by sticking to a schedule to develop a specific type of skill related to the hobby.

Within a year or even a few months, you may begin to notice significant progress. The best way to grow is slow and steady!

When you start to realize that you have made progress, you’ll then feel more confident about yourself. And that’s why challenges are important; they teach us that progress is inevitable as long as we stick to something for a certain amount of time. 

For example, if social situations filled with new people make you nervous, try meeting up with a few friends and one or two new people (maybe friends of your friends!) instead of going to an event with a lot of people. If you set high expectations of yourself it may be difficult to get started. Focus on stepping out of your comfort zone in manageable steps.

4. Focus on yourself, instead of others 

Remember, confidence is all about knowing what your own values and unique skill sets are. Confidence is not about trying to compete and compare your skills to others. So, in order to develop confidence, you need to first focus on yourself. 

Assess your own needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Examine your own situation and see how you overcame such challenges. 

Ask yourself what your body language tells you, what your inner dialogue shows you. Great things come when you focus on yourself!

If you need a way to feel strong in front of people, practice power poses in the mirror and ask your best friend for some kind words that you can repeat to yourself until you believe them.

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5. Know that failure is inevitable 

There’s no such thing as being perfect. Due to external factors and other situations, we’re prone to make mistakes. Failure will happen, but it doesn’t matter that it happened. In fact, what matters is the way you handle your own experience with challenges. 

As long as you’re willing to give it another shot, you’ll gradually become more confident with the more shots you take. Plenty of people fail every day, and it’s not always a bad thing! Learning from errors helps us grow.

Final Thoughts on Confident Personality Traits To Practice Daily

Being confident is not only about feeling comfortable with tackling challenges and failure, but it’s about knowing who you are and what your true values are. 

Once you can value yourself, you’ll be able to complete tasks, find solutions to current problems, and feel comfortable stepping outside of your comfort zone. 

Being confident can go a long way: It can make a difference in a job offer, or allow you to pursue bigger ambitions than you’ve ever imagined. But again, confidence comes with life experience and previous challenges. 

So next time when you face a challenge, the important thing is to view it as a form of opportunity to apply your problem-solving skills. You never know what’s going to happen, and what success that challenge may lead to.

About the Author


Candice is currently attending school for social service work. One of her passions is helping others through my writing. In her downtime, you’ll find her listening to music, watching random YouTube videos, and writing about career goals and resumes. She hopes to start freelancing for writing and obtain a leadership position in a public services sector.

