14 Winter Bucket List Ideas

14 Winter Bucket List Ideas


With winter here, the fall leaves are now gone, and fire places are now being put to use in homes all over the world.

Which means most people are tempted to basically hibernate for this time of year and stay indoors. Instead of being stuck inside, take advantage of this season by creating a bucket list to do fun, cold-weather activities.

If you’re looking for a new and refreshed winter bucket list, I have gathered some of the best things to do this winter! It’s no doubt that there are so many fun activities to do in the winter.

This time of year may be much colder but there is still so many fun things to do! Creating a bucket list for yourself can help you to accomplish all that you want to get done this winter.

14 Winter Bucket List Ideas

Make homemade hot chocolate

Instead of the usual instant hot chocolate, look up a delicious recipe of your liking to create a tasty homemade version of hot cocoa. Make it fun by adding in your favorite ingredients and extra toppings.

My recommendation? Try this recipe for a red velvet hot cocoa.


Go dogsledding

There are places all over the world to try this out. Be prepared to dress warmly and in waterproof clothing of course as you will be going through some very cold snowy weather.

These dogs can reach high speeds, but it is such a neat thing to try at least one winter in your life.

Build a snowman

Seems so simple but I’m from California and haven’t seen real snow yet. Which means I have never built a snowman. This is on my bucket list this year!

You might be surprised how many people either haven’t seen real snow in their lives or how many haven’t ever built a snowman. So bring out your inner child and go at it.

Take a snowshoe hike

Definitely make this a group activity for safety. Hiking in the snow can be one of the more beautiful types of hikes.

Throw on some proper snow shoes and take a hike somewhere beautiful. Maybe wait for a day where the snow is settled and it’s not currently snowing as that can create visibility problems.

Rent a cabin in the snow

Again, if you haven’t seen or been in real snow, this is your sign to go rent a cabin somewhere where is snows and is beautiful. You will be in nature, it will be beautiful and you can do a lot of these activities on this bucket list.

Ice skate on a lake

This is not just on my bucket list, but it’s also one to face a fear I have. However, as fearful as it can be skating on a bed of water, literally, it’s also magical.

The serene feeling and sounds you hear as you ice skate over a frozen lake are like no other. Look up a safe location near you to ice skate on a lake and enjoy it!

Bake and decorate cookies

This can be so much fun! Whether with family or friends or your own kids, cookie decorating is a ton of fun! You can usually find cheap icing tubes for extra icing colors.

Many stores sell cookie kits. And along with cookies, why not decorate a gingerbread house village! The options are endless and so much fun. Not to mention you can munch on the decorating supplies!

Do a family winter photoshoot

My family finally did this a few years back. Winter photoshoots can be so fun and it’s perfect timing to get a picture of the family for your Christmas card. Photoshoots can be expensive but it’s a once in a lifetime memory to capture and have forever.

Send hand written holiday cards

As simple as it may seem, hand writing a personal message and sending out holiday cards are a great act of kindness. It warms my heart when I receive holiday cards.

Seeing others photos or handwritten messages can be so nice to read. Or even including a few annual updates about life.

It matters to someone. Send them out to your family, friends, co-workers, etc.

Do an act of kindness, make it random

This is something special to me. I often do random acts of kindness because I believe I paying it forward.

I don’t do it for likes. I don’t do it to hear a thank you.

I do it because you never know when someone might be having a bad day or might just need some extra help. Donate items, volunteer at a shelter of any kind, help out at an animal shelter, pay for someone’s coffee, help someone at the store.

There are so many opportunities to extend an extra hand and do a random act of kindness.

Learn to snowboard or ski

So let’s say you’ve seen snow, have you tried these activities yet? Many people who visit snowy areas, still have yet to try snowboarding or skiing.

Skiing might be best for beginners. While snowboarding can be a bit more challenging.

DIY your own snow globe

This activity can be so much fun. I love snow globes, and when I made my first one, it was so magical.

There are so many unique ways to construct your own snow globe. Get crafty and have fun with it. Makes a great keepsake and also a great gift idea!

Have a snow ball fight

You must do this once in your lifetime. Have a snowball fight and have a blast.

Bring out the inner kid in you and create a stock pile of snow balls. Set up boundaries and a zone and go at it with your friends. Kids aren’t the only ones who can have fun!

Sleep in an ice hotel

Yes, this is real. Though not easily accessible unless you live in somewhere where it’s super cold in the world. Sweden, Norway, and Alaska are a few locations in mind.

Imagine walking into a literal igloo and as you enter the floor and ceiling are all made of chiseled ice. Your bed? Ice.

Your bathroom? Ice. Everything is made of ice. If you don’t want to sleep in it, then you can definitely go visit it. It’s a neat experience!

Which items do you want to cross off your winter bucket list?

About the Author

Jovi Casie

Jovi studied Journalism at Southwestern College. She currently works full time and is a mom to a beautiful daughter, named Olivia. When she isn’t working or spending time with family and friends, she enjoys being a crazy plant lady, watching HGTV and spending quality time with her daughter. You can often find her cozied up in a local coffee shop writing for her personal blog. She hopes to one day work full time as a writer and to inspire others to live a happy and successful life.

Website: www.jovicasie.com

