15 Snow Day Activities When You’re Trapped Inside

15 Snow Day Activities When You're Trapped Inside


Snowy winter days are closely approaching, if not already here for some. And for many people, that means being stuck inside sometimes for several days during snow storms. 

The days can feel long and boring. Luckily, there are many things to do to occupy yourself and keep busy.

Snow days can be fun when it does not snow too much and you are able to go outside still and have fun in the snow. However, when a bad storm hits, it’s time to stock up on food supplies and stay in until the storm passes.

I’ve gathered a few things you can do to keep busy while stuck in doors on a cold winter day.

15 Snow Day Activities When You’re Trapped Inside

Movies/TV Shows

Binge watching movies and tv shows are obviously one of the most popular things to do. Especially for kids. But if you find yourself stuck inside, this can be a great time to catch up on a TV series, a movie, or some good docuseries. 

A few recommendations would be: Harry Potter movie series, Stranger Things, Sex and The City, The Crown, Lord of the Rings (movie series and tv show).

Reading books

If TV is not your thing, grab a good book to read. I’ve read a books within 2 days when I’m really into it. Grab a book, put on a cozy fire and cuddle up to a good read. Plus reading can be so peaceful and relaxing, as well as thrilling.


If you are not feeling like being lazy on a cold day, or want to be more active, use the time to get in a good home workout. There are so many different free workouts that you can find online.

They range from yoga, beginners, to expert exercises. Plus you always feel better after working out. If you are stuck inside with your significant other or family, have them join in to make it a challenge.

Happy Hour via Zoom

Yes! Drinks over zoom. We all did it during the height of the pandemic when we were all on lock down. Why not do it again when you’re stuck inside?

Grab some wine or a mocktail and share with friends or family over zoom. At least you won’t feel alone and you still get to hangout with other people, even if it’s just virtually.


Simple as it seems, baking can be so much fun and can take some time. So this is a great way to kill time you have.

Look up a anew recipe or whip up one of your favorites. Either way, your house will smell delicious and your tummy will thank you.


Find a room or area of your home to organize. This is one of my favorite things to do when I’m bored. If something is already in place, just reorganize it.

There is always another way or another area that things can be put. Organize a pantry, a closet, your drawers in your room, or your garage.

Take a long bath

This one is another favorite of mine. Light your favorite candles, put on some relaxing music, and enjoy a long soak in the tub.

Read a book or enjoy a glass of wine while soaking. Or put on a favorite show to watch while soaking. Whatever your thing is, just enjoy that long, relaxing bath.

Have a snowball fight

Should the weather clear up but you are still stuck at home and unable to drive anywhere, go outside and have a snowball fight, or build a snowman! It’s so fun!

Music Library

Do you ever find yourself wanting to update your playlists or create a new one? This is perfect. I can spend hours looking up music to add to or to create a new playlist.

You may find some good ones that you haven’t heard in a  while or maybe it’s just to organize all your playlist so you have them ready to go for any occasion. Plus, it’s fun to share playlists with friends!

Make something and get crafty

A snow day is the perfect day to make something crafty. If you know ahead of time that you will be snowed in, try to go get some pottery to paint.

Or maybe you want to put together a scrapbook. If you have kids, get them involved so they stay busy too.

Online Shopping

You knew this one was coming. I can spend hours window shopping online, and definitely more hours actually buying stuff. If you are able to, have some fun, but don’t go too crazy, and pull up your favorite online shops to browse and shop online.

Beauty/Spa Day

A cold winter day is the perfect day to have a spa day or do a beauty regimen. Give yourself a facial and glam up your hair. Do a fresh blowout. Paint your nails. Put a face mask on.

Whatever you decide, this will leave you feeling so refreshed and relaxed. This is perfect to do after a long bath as well!

Board Games

This is an oldie but goodie. Pull out some fun board games and have fun! Monopoly, Sorry, Jumanji, Yahtzee, card games like Uno, and so much more can give you hours of fun!

I personally love a good game of Monopoly. It was one of my favorites when I was a kid.

Turn Your Videos Into Movies

Another great opportunity to kill time, is  by turning all your videos into a movie. I have thousands of pictures and videos and could seriously use a day to organize them all into a movie, slideshow, or just getting them compressed onto one file.

Have a date at home

A snowy day in is perfect to have a romantic date at home! If you are stuck inside, plan a romantic dinner.

Who needs a fancy restaurant when you can do it yourself at home. Set up a nice dinner setting, cook a fancy meal and get out the fine china. Pretend you are at a fancy restaurant by lighting candles, dimming the lights and adding some relaxing music or upbeat, if you’d like. Finish the night off with a romantic evening in bed.

In Summary: 15 Snow Day Activities

However you chose to spend your day, you can’t go wrong. Being stuck inside on a cold winter day can really stink, but it doesn’t have to. Make the most of your day and it will become a fun day to remember!

What’s your favorite thing to do when stuck inside on a cold winter day?

About the Author

Jovi Casie

Jovi studied Journalism at Southwestern College. She currently works full time and is a mom to a beautiful daughter, named Olivia. When she isn’t working or spending time with family and friends, she enjoys being a crazy plant lady, watching HGTV and spending quality time with her daughter. You can often find her cozied up in a local coffee shop writing for her personal blog. She hopes to one day work full time as a writer and to inspire others to live a happy and successful life.

Website: www.jovicasie.com

