152 Toxic Relationship Quotes – GenTwenty

152 Toxic Relationship Quotes - GenTwenty


Do you ever feel like you have given away too much power in your relationships? You say “Yes” to things you don’t want or that make you unhappy because your partner says so, and it feels like the right thing to do – but it doesn’t.

Whether this is with a romantic partner, family member, or friend, toxic relationships can slowly erode away at your ability to make decisions on your own terms.

Being in a toxic relationship is not easy. An abusive relationship and a toxic partner lead to a broken heart. Sometimes it takes a wake-up call to realize the only cure for a toxic relationship is leaving.

Here are 152 quotes to help you through this tough time in your life.

152 Toxic Relationship Quotes

1. “The only way out of a toxic relationship is to recognize that it is toxic and make the choice to leave.”

The first step is recognizing it for what it is.

2. “A toxic relationship will transpose your insecurities onto you until you no longer recognize yourself.”

Who you are in your toxic relationship is not who you are meant to be.

3. “Toxic relationships are like poison; they slowly but surely eat away at your sanity and emotional wellbeing.”

They will destroy you. Let the first time you take a trip to the emergency room because of them be the last time. The second time is one time too many.

4. “Toxic relationships can leave you feeling drained, both physically and emotionally.”

Does your relationship drain you? Like arsenic, it will slowly kill you.

5. “A toxic relationship is like a slow-acting poison; it will eventually kill you if you don’t recognize it and take steps to get out of it.”

True. You deserve to let go of toxic people. You deserve a beautiful life.

6. “Toxic relationships can cause deep psychological and emotional damage that may take years to heal.”

They are not always something you can get over on your own. Leaving a toxic relationship means taking a short term hit to your own heart. It’s a very personal process, that often involves a fever of anxiety. Letting go of a bad relationship is a big step. But you deserve a good match and better people.

7. “The longer you stay in a toxic relationship, the more it will chip away at your sense of self-worth and happiness.”

Very true. Don’t let the comforting weight of your relationship keep you from better things.

8. “Toxic relationships are like a disease; they spread if not contained or treated.”

Painful but true. That might be the most tragic aspect.

9. “Toxic relationships will never bring out the best in you; they will only drag you down and make you feel worthless.”

Have you felt this way? You deserve more than the wrong person.

10. “Toxic relationships are like a game of tug-of-war; always with one person pulling harder than the other.”

And no one wins.

11. “No matter how hard you try, toxic relationships will always leave you feeling emotionally drained and exhausted.”

And physically tired as well.

12. “Toxic relationships can be like a black hole; they suck away your energy until all that’s left is darkness.”

You can find the light.

13. “A toxic relationship cannot be fixed through manipulation or false promises; it needs to end for true healing to begin.”

Exactly. The most painful thing is knowing you deserved more long term.

14. “Toxic relationships are like quicksand; the harder you struggle to get out, the deeper you become trapped in them.”

You can be free. Poisonous relationships are not about you, they’re about the other person. True love doesn’t hurt.

15. “The only way to survive a toxic relationship is to recognize it for what it is and take steps to end it.”

The first step to finding your way out. Ultimately the only person who can help you is you.

16. “No matter how hard you try to make it work, a toxic relationship will never bring out the best in you.”

Sad but true. And remember, you can have good memories with bad people. Don’t let that stop you from moving forward.

17. “Toxic relationships have been known to end friendships, ruin families, and destroy careers.”

Don’t stay because you think you should. Negative people will do anything to make you think you’re the problem.

18. “Emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse; sometimes even more so.”

Invisible scars often carry the most pain.

19. “Accepting toxicity in any form is like accepting poison; it will eventually kill you.”

Find your way out. Write a dear self letter and tell yourself everything you wish you could say outloud.

20. “Toxic relationships are never healthy; they only make you feel worthless and drained of energy.”


21. “The first step to getting out of a toxic relationship is recognizing it for what it truly is.”

Talk to someone you trust.

22. “Toxic relationships can have an insidious way of slowly eroding your sense of self-worth and happiness.”

When you don’t feel like yourself, wonder why.

23. “The longer you stay in a toxic relationship, the more it will damage your mental and emotional wellbeing.”

It’s okay to move on.

24. “A toxic relationship cannot be fixed; sometimes the only way out is to end it and start again.”

It’s sad to let go but necessary.

25. “Toxic relationships can be like a vice; they squeeze tighter and tighter until all that’s left is misery.”

It’s not fair to you to stay.

26. “The best thing you can do for yourself when in a toxic relationship is to get out as soon as possible.”

It’s not always easy.

27. “Toxic relationships are like a fog; they make it hard to see the truth and make wise decisions.”

Toxic partners can cloud your judgement.

28. “You don’t have to stay in a toxic relationship for fear of being alone; sometimes walking away is the best thing you can do.”

There is nothing wrong with being alone.

29. “Toxic relationships will only ever bring out the worst in you; it’s time to get out and start over.”

Are you your best when you’re with this person?

30. “Toxic relationships are like a virus; they spread quickly and can cause serious damage if left unchecked.”

It’s painful but true.

31. “It takes strength and courage to walk away from a toxic relationship; it’s the only way to save yourself.”

Stand in your power.

32. “Toxic relationships are like quicksand; they will drag you down until you feel helpless and lost.”

You are not helpless.

33. “The best way to end a toxic relationship is to recognize it for what it truly is – damaging and emotionally draining – and take steps to get out of it.”

Find a way out.

34. “Toxic relationships can have a long-lasting impact on your mental health, so it’s important to recognize the signs early and take action to end them.”

Your mental health matters.

35. “No matter how hard you try, toxic relationships will never bring out the best in you; they will only leave you feeling worthless and exhausted.”

A hard pill to swallow.

36. “Toxic relationships are like a cancer – they can take away your joy, peace of mind, and self-worth if left unchecked.”

They chip away at who you are as a person.

37. “It takes strength and courage to walk away from a toxic relationship; it’s the only way to save yourself and find true happiness.”


38. “The best way to break free from a toxic relationship is to accept the truth, let go of the past, and focus on building a healthier future for yourself.”

Moving on is the key.

39. “Toxic relationships are never worth it; they will only drag you down and leave you feeling lost, helpless, and empty inside.”

They just get worse and worse.

40. “The only thing worse than being in a toxic relationship is feeling like you can’t escape it; don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.”

Help is available.

41. “No matter how strong your feelings for someone may be, it’s never worth staying in a toxic relationship; sometimes the best thing to do is walk away.”

Walking away is the hardest, best thing you can do do.

42. “Toxic relationships are like a slow poison; they take away your joy, peace of mind and sense of self-worth until you are left feeling helpless and empty.”

You are worthy.

43. “It takes strength to walk away from a toxic relationship, but it’s the only way to save yourself and find true happiness again.”

You have to choose yourself.

44. “Toxic relationships will never bring out the best in you; they will only make you feel drained and worthless if not addressed quickly and decisively.”

They only get worse from here.

45. “Recognizing the signs of a toxic relationship is essential to taking control and escaping it; don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.”

You are one step away from a different life.

46. “Toxic relationships are like a storm; they can wreak havoc on your life unless you take steps to protect yourself and get out before it’s too late.”

And they are unpredictable too.

47. “You don’t have to stay in a toxic relationship for fear of being alone; sometimes walking away is the bravest and smartest thing you can do.”

Walking away will be the bravest thing you ever do.

48. “Toxic relationships will only ever bring out the worst in you; it’s time to face the truth and take steps to make a better future for yourself.”

Your future matters too.

49. “The best thing you can do for yourself when in a toxic relationship is to recognize it and reach out for help before it’s too late.”

Toxic partners can be erratic.

50. “It’s not your job to fix anyone.”

Truly, it is not.

51. “Remember, no matter how strong your feelings for someone may be, it’s never worth staying in a toxic relationship; sometimes walking away is the best thing you can do.”

Walk away for you.

52. “Recognizing the signs of a toxic relationship is essential in taking control and escaping it; don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.”

Step outside of your relationship.

53. “It may take courage to walk away from a toxic relationship, but it’s the only way to save yourself and find true happiness again.”

Choose you, choose happiness.

54. “Don’t light yourself on fire trying to brighten someone else’s existence.” ― Charlotte Eriksson

It’s not your job to light others up.

55. “It’s not your job to be everything to everyone; it’s only your job to be true to yourself and stay in tune with who you are.” ― Germany Kent


56. “If you’re in a relationship and all you do is cry, you need to stop and ask yourself, are you dating a human or an onion?” ― Karen Salmansohn

Your partner should not make you cry all of the time.

57. “No matter how hard you try, toxic relationships will never bring out the best in you; they will only leave you feeling worthless and exhausted.”


58. “Moving on starts with this choice you make today to set a boundary. Hold the line.”

Be brave enough to move on.

59. “Don’t allow someone not worth it to have the power to occupy your thoughts.” ― Donna Lynn Hope

Or your life.

60. “It takes strength and courage to walk away from a toxic relationship, but it’s the only way to save yourself and find true happiness again.”

It’s necessary.

61. “You make me feel like a firefly. Trapped in a bell jar; starved for love.” ― Ayushee Ghoshal

You were not made to be someone else’s entertainment.

45 Quotes About Bad Relationships

Being in a bad relationship is not your fault. It’s up to you to recognize the signs and move ahead.

1. “A bad relationship will make you feel like you’re never good enough.”

2. “You won’t be happy in a bad relationship; it’s better to find the courage and walk away.”

3. “When someone loves you for who you are, they don’t try to change you; this is the opposite of a bad relationship.”

4. “A healthy relationship should bring out the best in both people; if it’s only making you feel worse, then it’s definitely not right for you.”

5. “Don’t be afraid to let go of someone who is toxic and unhealthy; there are plenty of people out there who will truly love and care for you.”

6. “It’s better to be alone than in a bad relationship; your happiness should never have to depend on someone else’s actions.”

7. “A bad relationship will drain all the energy out of you; don’t waste time trying to fix it when you could find something much better instead.”

8. “Letting go of someone who doesn’t respect you is one of the bravest things you can do; don’t stay in a bad relationship out of fear or insecurity.”

9. “It’s not worth staying in a bad relationship just to avoid being alone; take control of your life and choose what will make you the happiest.”

10. “Don’t stay in a bad relationship just to keep up appearances; your mental health and self-worth should always come first.”

11. “When someone truly loves you, they won’t hurt or disrespect you; if this isn’t happening in your relationship, it’s time to move on.”

12. “You should never have to apologize or make excuses for someone else’s bad behavior; it’s not acceptable and you shouldn’t put up with it.”

13. “Trying to fix a toxic relationship is like trying to fill a bottomless hole; don’t waste your energy and leave while you still can.”

14. “When someone truly loves you, they will do anything to make sure you’re happy; a bad relationship is one filled with drama and unhappiness.”

15. “Bad relationships can be toxic and slowly destroy your sense of self-worth; don’t stay in something that’s not making you feel good about yourself.”

16. “You should never feel like you have to change who you are in order to make someone else happy; if they don’t appreciate the real you, it’s time to move on.”

17. “It’s not your fault if a relationship doesn’t work out; instead of blaming yourself, focus on finding something that truly makes you happy.”

18. “A bad relationship will only make you feel worse; don’t sacrifice your own mental health and wellbeing just to stay with someone who doesn’t really care about you.”

19. “Respect is one of the most important elements in a healthy relationship; if yours is lacking, it’s better to walk away than to stay in something that won’t work out.”

20. “Don’t be afraid to walk away from a bad relationship; you are strong enough to start over and find something better for yourself.”

21. “The right person will never make you feel like you have to settle or compromise your beliefs; leave the ones who constantly try to change you.”

22. “A bad relationship can turn into a cycle of unhappiness and self-doubt; find the strength to leave before it destroys your sense of worth and happiness.”

23. “Love should never feel like something you have to fight for; if your relationship lacks trust and respect, it’s time to move on and find something better for yourself.”

24. “It’s important to take a step back and evaluate your relationship; if it’s not making you happy, don’t be afraid to walk away and start over.”

25. “You deserve someone who loves, respects and appreciates you; don’t stay in a bad relationship just because you’re afraid of being alone.”

26. “Remember, a bad relationship can lead to depression and low self-esteem; don’t stay in something that’s not right for you.”

27. “Letting go of a toxic relationship isn’t easy, but it’s worth it; focus on healing and find something that nurtures your wellbeing and makes you truly happy.”

28. “A good relationship is built on mutual respect and understanding; if yours is lacking in those areas, it’s time to leave and look for something better.”

29. “No matter how hard it may seem, don’t let anyone make you feel bad about leaving a bad relationship; you have the strength to start over and find something better.”

30. “Surround yourself with positive people who make you feel good about yourself; don’t stay in a bad relationship just because it’s familiar.”

31. “The right person will never make you doubt yourself or your worth; if this isn’t happening in your relationship, it’s time to move on and find someone who will appreciate the real you.”

32. “No matter how hard it is, don’t settle for a bad relationship; you deserve someone who loves, respects, and cherishes you for who you are.”

33. “At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that you have a choice; don’t stay in something that isn’t making you happy or fulfilling your needs.”

34. “Leaving a bad relationship can be one of the most difficult things to do, but it can also be one of the most rewarding; take the time to find what’s best for you and your mental health.”

35. “Always remember that you are enough and worthy of love; don’t stay in a bad relationship just because you think no one else will want you.”

36. “Your happiness should always come first; don’t let anyone or any situation make you doubt yourself or your worth.”

37. “Love is something that should bring joy and happiness to your life; if yours isn’t doing that, it’s time to look for something better.”

38. “It’s not always easy to move on from a bad relationship, but it’s worth it in the end; your mental health and wellbeing should always come first.”

39. “Take the time to nurture yourself and love who you are; don’t stay in a bad relationship because you’re afraid of being alone.”

40. “Sometimes, all we have is ourselves; trust in yourself, find your own strength, and don’t ever settle for less than you deserve.”

41. “You have the power to choose what’s best for you; don’t stay in a bad relationship because you’re scared of leaving it behind.”

42. “The right person will always recognize your worth and treat you with respect; if this isn’t happening, it may be time to walk away and find something better.”

43. “No one should ever make you feel bad about leaving a toxic relationship; don’t be afraid to take the plunge and start fresh somewhere new.”

44. “Your happiness should always come first; if something isn’t bringing joy into your life, it’s time to move on and find something that does.”

45. “Take the time to heal and find what’s best for you; don’t settle for anything less than a healthy, loving relationship.”

46. “At the end of the day, only you know what’s best for you; trust in yourself and be brave enough to take a chance on something new.”

47. “Find your own inner strength and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about leaving a bad relationship; be brave enough to take the plunge and start fresh somewhere new.”

48. “A good relationship should bring joy and happiness into your life, not fear or pain; if yours isn’t doing that, it may be time to move on and find something better.”

49. “You are enough and worthy of love; don’t settle for anything less than what makes you truly happy.”

40 Toxic Relationship Quotes For Instagram

These quotes are perfect for an instagram or social media caption

1. “Don’t be afraid of leaving a bad relationship behind; your happiness should always come first.”

2. “Always remember that you have the power to choose what’s best for you; don’t settle for anything less than what brings joy into your life.”

3. “No one should ever make you feel like you don’t deserve love and happiness; if this is happening in your relationship, it’s time to move on.”

4. “Trust in yourself and never settle for less than you deserve; find a relationship that makes you feel safe and loved.”

5. “It’s not always easy to leave something behind, but sometimes it’s for the best; don’t stay in a bad relationship just because it’s familiar.”

6. “Your happiness should always come first; don’t let anyone take away from your own self-worth.”

7. “No one has the right to make you feel bad about leaving a toxic relationship; be brave and find something better for yourself.”

8. “It’s okay to take some time for yourself; don’t feel like you have to stay in a bad relationship because of fear or pressure from someone else.”

9. “Take the time to heal and find something that brings joy into your life; never settle for less than a healthy, loving relationship.”

10. “It’s not always easy to move on from a bad relationship, but it’s worth it in the end; trust yourself and don’t let anyone make you doubt your worth.”

11. “Love should bring happiness and joy into your life; if yours isn’t doing that, it may be time to look for something better.”

12. “Remember that you have the power to choose what’s best for you; don’t stay in an unhealthy relationship just because it’s comfortable.”

13. “Your worth is not determined by anyone else; take the time to nurture yourself and never settle for less than you deserve.”

14. “Trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to take the plunge; find something that makes you truly happy.”

15. “No one should ever make you feel like you’re not good enough; if this is happening in your relationship, it’s time to walk away and start fresh somewhere new.”

16. “Your happiness is worth fighting for; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

17. “Take the time to heal and surround yourself with people who encourage happiness, not fear or pain.”

18. “No one should ever make you feel bad for leaving a toxic relationship; it takes strength and courage to find something better for yourself.”

19. “Find your own inner strength and don’t let anyone take away your own self-worth; be brave enough to choose what’s best for you.”

20. “It’s okay to move on and start something new; trust in yourself and don’t settle for anything less than what brings joy into your life.”

21. “You have the power to choose what’s best for you; don’t let anyone take that away from you.”

22. “No one should ever make you feel like you don’t deserve love and happiness; find a relationship that makes you truly happy.”

23. “It’s not always easy to leave something behind, but sometimes it’s for the best; don’t stay in a bad relationship just because it’s familiar.”

24. “Take the time to heal and find something that brings joy into your life; never settle for anything less than what makes you truly happy.”

25. “Your worth is not determined by anyone else; take the time to nurture yourself and always remember that your happiness should be your priority.”

26. “Trust in yourself and never settle for less than you deserve; find a relationship that makes you feel safe, loved and happy.”

27. “It’s okay to take some time for yourself; don’t feel like you have to stay in a bad relationship because of fear or pressure from someone else.”

28. “Be brave enough to choose what’s best for you; never let anyone take away your own self-worth.”

29. “Remember that you have the power to choose what makes you happy; don’t settle for anything less than a healthy, loving relationship.”

30. “Love should bring joy into your life; if yours isn’t doing that, it may be time to look for something better.”

31. “You have the strength to leave a toxic relationship and start fresh somewhere new; trust yourself and don’t let anyone make you doubt your worth.”

32. “Take the plunge and don’t be afraid to find something that makes you truly happy; never settle for less than a healthy, loving relationship.”

33. “No one should ever make you feel like you’re not good enough; take the time to heal and surround yourself with people who encourage happiness.”

34. “Your worth is determined by YOU; find a relationship that makes you feel safe, loved and happy.”

35. “Your happiness is worth fighting for; trust in yourself and don’t let anyone take away your own self-worth.”

36. “Be brave enough to choose what’s best for you and never settle for anything less than what brings joy into your life; take the time to nurture yourself and find something that makes you truly happy.”

37. “It’s okay to move on and start something new, even if it’s scary; trust your intuition and never let anyone tell you otherwise.”

38. “Your worth is not determined by anyone else; don’t stay in an unhealthy relationship just because it’s familiar or easy.”

39. “Find your own inner strength and don’t be afraid to find something that makes you truly happy; love should bring joy into your life, not fear or pain.”

40. “No one should ever make you feel bad for leaving a toxic relationship; take the time to heal and find something that brings you joy.”

41. “Be brave enough to choose what’s best for yourself; don’t let anyone take away your own self-worth.”

42. “It’s okay to take some time for yourself; trust in yourself and never settle for less than you deserve.”

And there we have 152 quotes on dealing with toxic relationships.

How to Know When It’s Time to Break Free from Toxic Relationships

Are you feeling exhausted, unimportant and frustrated in your relationships? It could be that it’s time to look at the toxic elements of them.

You’re probably questioning if things can really change or if it might be best for you to break free completely.

Breaking away from a toxic relationship is never easy, so how do you know when it’s time?

We’ll help by providing some signs to watch out for and ways to empower yourself with the strength needed to take action.

What is a Toxic Relationship?

A toxic relationship is one in which the two individuals involved are not treating each other with respect and kindness.

Toxic relationships can be incredibly damaging to both people involved, and can often lead to resentment, anger, and even violence.

There are a few key things to look for if you think you might be in a toxic relationship. First, do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your partner? Do you feel like you can’t express yourself openly, or that you always have to agree with them? If so, your partner may be using controlling behaviors to manipulate you.

Another sign of a toxic relationship is when one person constantly puts the other down. They might make fun of your clothes, your job, or even the way you speak. This is a way of making you feel inferior and diminishing your self-esteem.

If you experience any of these things in your relationship, it’s important to reach out for help. Talk to a friend or family member, or seek professional counseling. It’s never too late to get out of a toxic relationship and start living the life you deserve.

Signs that you are in a Toxic Relationship

There are various signs that can indicate that you might be in a toxic relationship. If you are experiencing any of the following, it might be time to re-evaluate your relationship:

  • You feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells.
  • You feel like you can’t do anything right.
  • Your partner is always critical of you.
  • Your partner is always making you feel guilty.
  • Your partner is always putting you down.
  • Your partner is never satisfied.
  • You feel like you are constantly being attacked.

You feel like there is hateful talk but then the other person says sorry and expects you to more on.

How do you Empower Yourself to take Action?

To empower oneself to take action, one must have a clear idea of what they want to do and why they want to do it.

Without this clarity, it can be difficult to muster up the motivation or willpower to take the necessary steps to achieving one’s goals.

One way to gain this clarity is by setting measurable and achievable goals.

When our goals are specific and tangible, we can measure our progress along the way and stay focused on what’s important. Additionally, breaking down these larger goals into smaller tasks makes them less daunting and allows us to take action incrementally.

Another key ingredient to empowering oneself is having a support system in place.

Whether it’s a friend, family member, or online community, it’s helpful to have people who can provide encouragement and accountability. These people can also help keep us motivated when we start to lose steam.

Finally, it’s important to cultivate a positive mindset.

Believing in oneself and one’s ability to succeed is essential for taking action and reaching one’s goals. Focusing on the positives rather than the negatives helps keep us motivated and optimistic even when things get tough.

All of these things together—setting achievable goals, breaking them down into small tasks, having a supportive network, and having a positive mindset—create the recipe for empowered action. By following these guidelines, anyone can empower themselves and achieve their dreams.

What are the consequences of breaking free from a toxic relationship?

Breaking free from a toxic relationship can be one of the best things you ever do for yourself. It can be difficult, but it’s worth it in the end.

There are a lot of consequences to breaking free from a toxic relationship. The first and most important consequence is that you’ll be freeing yourself from a lot of emotional pain.

Toxic relationships are incredibly damaging, and they can take a toll on your mental health.

When you break free from a toxic relationship, you’ll also be freeing yourself from all the drama and chaos that comes with it.

Toxic relationships are often full of drama and conflict, and it’s exhausting to deal with all of that. When you’re no longer in the relationship, you won’t have to worry about any of that anymore.

Another consequence of breaking free from a toxic relationship is that you’ll be rebuilding your life.

Toxic relationships can leave you feeling drained and depleted, so when you break free, you’ll have a lot of work to do in order to rebuild yourself.

You’ll need to find ways to fill the hole that was left by the toxic relationship, and it will take time and effort.

But ultimately, the consequences of breaking free from a toxic relationship are worth it. When you’re finally free from the emotional pain and drama, you’ll be able to rebuild your life and find happiness again.

You deserve more than a panicked fight and lack of love from the wrong people.

How can you protect yourself from getting into another toxic relationship?

The best way to protect yourself from getting into another toxic relationship is to be honest with yourself.

If you notice that you are constantly attracted to people who are emotionally unavailable or abusive, it might be time to take a step back and figure out why.

It’s important to be aware of your own needs and wants, and to not settle for anything less than what makes you happy. If you can learn to love and respect yourself, you will be less likely to fall for someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that not all toxic relationships are romantic ones. It’s just as easy to fall into a toxic friendship as it is a romantic relationship, so be on the lookout for red flags.

Some common warning signs of a toxic friendship include being very critical of each other, always borrowing money without ever paying it back, and constantly cancelling plans.

If you have a friend who exhibits any of these behaviors, it might be time to end the friendship before it becomes too damaging.

Ultimately, the best way to avoid getting into another toxic relationship is by being mindful of your own behavior and by being selective about the people you choose to associate with. If you can put your health and happiness first, you’ll be less likely to find yourself in another unhealthy and damaging relationship.

A final piece of advice is to arm yourself with knowledge so you can identify the signs of a toxic relationship before you get too emotionally invested.

Read more about toxic relationships and how to empower yourself to take action. You’ll find articles that discuss the consequences of breaking free from a toxic relationship, as well as tips on how to protect yourself from getting into another one.

By staying informed, you can make sure that your next relationship is healthy and satisfying for both parties involved.

Contact local safe havens and agencies if you are in immediate danger.

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