If you’re a graduating senior, congrats! Here are 23 epic and nostalgic things to do before graduating college and moving to the real world.
This time of year is bittersweet for college seniors. On one hand you are super excited to be graduating and moving on with your life. On the other hand moving on from a place, and friends that have been a constant for you for two or more years can be quite sad. That’s just two of the many emotions you may be feeling right now.
Now is the time to be making the most of what is left from your college experience. I’ve compiled a list of the top things to do before graduation day. I’ve separated them into three categories, school specific activities, things to do with friends, and important tasks you’ll want to do to get graduation and career ready.

23 Epic Things To Do Before Graduating College
1. School Spirit Lasts
Whether you were the king/queen of school spirit, or you haven’t really done any school spirited activities, this would be the time to do them for the last, or first, time.
2. Visit Your Favorite Spots For The Last Time
If you have some favorite spots on campus, or maybe a favorite spot around town, make sure you frequent there as much as you can with the time you have left. Whether it’s a spot that holds a special significance for you, or just somewhere you go a lot, think of those spots and go there. You never know what last memories you may make.
3. Go To Any Local Must-Do’s Before Leaving That Town
Just like your campus has some traditions and must-do activities, we’ll get to that soon, so does the town it’s located in. It could be a mural or display, or maybe a famous/well-known restaurant. Find out what they are and where they are located before you leave this town.
4. Go To School Events
This could be a sporting event, concert, play, or some other school event. These are things that make up your college experience, so if you haven’t had a chance to go to one yet, or recently, make some time to do so. Odds are your campus has a variety of activities to enjoy, so you should be able to find something that suits your interests.
5. Take A Photo With The Mascot
Not only is this a fun challenge, it’s also a great memento for your college experience. Each time I come across one of my pictures with my school mascot it represents my college journey as a whole and I start reflecting on the memories.

6. Take Advantage Of Your Student Discount
It’s your last few chances to take advantage of a student discount, unless you are furthering your education. Your university’s website should have a list of places that offer discounts. You can also ask establishments that you are visiting if they have one.
7. Go To The Tallest Point Of Your Campus And Reflect While You Take In The View
If you are a reflective person like me, this is a great time to do some reflecting. You can reminisce on your college experience anywhere. I find looking out at the campus where you made these memories just feels right. Don’t forget to take pictures while you are there, and maybe even bring a journal.
8. Participate In School Traditions
Most schools have some type of tradition that students take part in each year. From the fun to the strange, it’s all a part of the college experience. At my school one of ours was painting this big rock that was on our campus. I don’t think it’s on campus anymore sadly, but that rock has definitely seen its fair share of paint over the years.
Here are some other traditions from different colleges:
- St. Patrick’s Day at University of Dayton
- Green Key Weekend at Dartmouth
- University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt
- Krispy Kreme Challenge at NC State
- Spirit Splash at UCF
- Streaking the Lawn at University of Virginia
9. Making Memories With Friends
These activities are really when the bittersweet feelings come in. Making memories with friends is always a great time, but the sting of it being the lasts does hurt a little. Regardless, go into these activities with your full heart and soul, soaking in this precious time with friends.
10. Take A Roadtrip With Friends
This is a fun must-do, and a great way to get away from campus for a bit, even if it’s just a day trip. I recommend a weekend trip though. You deserve it I’m sure with the stress of exams and job hunting.
11. Make A College Scrapbook/Memory Box
You could do this on your own, but I think it’s a fun idea to do with friends. You could even treat it like a time capsule and all make a plan to meet up at a certain time in the future to look back at your college experience.
12. Do A Bar Crawl
I feel like this is a classic college activity. Make a plan of which places you’re going, who will be your designated driver (unless you get an uber), and go have fun.
13. Get To Know An International Student
This is a fun one. Not only do you get a new friend, you get to learn a new culture as well. I’m lucky enough to have had a few international friends, some from college and some at other points in my life. It’s great to hear their stories, what they think of their experience here, and more.
14. Host A Game Night/Party
If you don’t feel comfortable hosting a party, make plans to attend one. It’s another classic college activity. Just remember to stay safe while partying.

15. Have A “Framily” Dinner
The friends you make in college do really become your family during this time. Soak up the last few weeks/months by having some “framily” dinners. Whether you have access to a kitchen in your dorm, live in an apartment, or go out to a restaurant, either way works.
16. Find Out Everyone’s Career Plans
As much as you don’t want to think about moving on and going separate ways from your friends, it is happening. Spend time learning where they are headed to and what their plans are after college. Make plans to visit them and have them visit you.
17. Getting Graduation/Career Ready
This is where we have to get a little serious. We went to college for a reason right? So here are some tasks you want to make sure you do in between the fun activities to make sure you are post-grad ready.
18. Start Job Searching
If you haven’t started doing this yet, the time is now. Update your LinkedIn account, your resume, and portfolio (if you have one). Determine where you are going after college and start looking there, but also take time to consider if you would be open to other locations. Get help from the career center if you need it, more on that soon.
19. Decorate Your Cap
Okay, so this isn’t a must-do, but if you are going to do it, you want to do it around this time. Start thinking about what you might want on your cap. Are you going school spirit, major related, funny, or inspirational? We have some great ideas if you need some inspiration.
20. Get Some Last Advice From Your Professors
Your professors are a great source of knowledge about life, and what to do after you graduate. They also make great references if you did great in their class and ask them to be one.
21. Connect With Your Alumni Office
You won’t be a student for too long, but that means you’ll upgrade to being an alumni. Check out your alumni office to see how to get involved, what resources they offer and more. Your school’s alumni network is a great way to make connections.
22. Utilize The Career Center
Another office to get familiar with is your school’s career center. They usually help both students and alumni, so that is a great thing to keep in mind. The Career Center is a wealth of information and resources. They can help you craft your resume and cover letter, prepare for interviews, and even find jobs.
23. Write Letters To Show Appreciation
I believe a handwritten letter goes a long way to show your appreciation and care. I recommend writing one to your professors, advisors, friends, and anyone you can think of that made an impact on your time at college. I did this and delivering them was one of the memories I loved the most from my last year at school.

What’s On Your Final College To-Do List?
There’s my list of things to do before you graduate college. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! I’d love to know what activities you are planning on doing as you prepare for graduation. Let me know in the comments below!
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