50 Effective, Positive Affirmations for Eco-Anxiety

Positive Affirmations for Eco-Anxiety - man stands on a public transport leaning up a window looking sad


Earth is everyone’s home, so reading news stories about carbon emissions harming the planet can feel stressful. Hence a term to describe this is eco-anxiety and there’s nothing more powerful for this than positive anxiety affirmations.

While you can always try to help the environment by living sustainably, it may not do much for your current anxieties. Positive affirmations for eco-anxiety may ease your stress by calming your nerves. Learn more about them by reading this guide.

Positive Affirmations for Eco-Anxiety - man stands on a public transport leaning up a window looking sad

What Is Eco-Anxiety?

Eco-anxiety is any anxiety triggered by concern for the environment. An estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults have anxiety and 67% have environmental anxiety due to the effects of global warming.

Someone might have eco-anxiety if they keep up with global warming news and feel bad long after reading it. Reports about how over 140 million people could lose their homes due to water scarcity might make you feel powerless. Fortunately, there are many ways to ease your mind and help the planet.

What Are the Symptoms of Eco-Anxiety?

The symptoms of eco-anxiety are similar to standard anxiety. However, they may appear when you read or hear about climate destruction related to carbon emissions. Research shows that people with exo-anxiety experience recurring symptoms such as:

  • Panic attacks
  • Sleeplessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritability

If you notice these symptoms occurring frequently, eco-anxiety might drop your quality of life. These are a few positive affirmations you can use to ease your stress when you feel panicked.

50 Positive Affirmations for Eco-Anxiety

Positive affirmations remind people what’s true when they feel on edge, upset or scared. Repeat these to yourself daily or when you feel climate anxiety affecting your mental health to ground yourself in the positive.

A woman lays in the grass contemplating positive affirmations for eco-anxiety

20 Positive Affirmations for the Fight Against Climate Change

  • I am strong and not the only one experiencing eco-anxiety.
  • I find comfort in the beauty of nature when I’m stressed.
  • I respond to environmental challenges with endless ambition and a realistic perspective of what I can do.
  • I am mindful of what I consume and throw away to protect the planet better.
  • I picture the future optimistically because so many people are with me in the fight against climate change.
  • I acknowledge how my actions minimize my carbon footprint.
  • I absorb Earth’s positive energy and release it back into nature through sustainable choices.
Quotes for Eco-Positivity
  • I am grateful for the earth and use that gratitude to motivate my sustainable choices.
  • I am part of nature, so I never stop contributing to it, even when my sustainable efforts slow down.
  • I take small actions that help the planet, which is equally important as significant actions.
  • I prioritize the earth through each decision I make, which is exactly what the planet needs to fight global warming.
  • I protect nature each time I face eco-anxiety and prevent it from discouraging me.
  • I never back down from a fight, just like the environment.
  • I prepare myself for an environmentalist lifestyle by learning every day.
Quotes for Eco-Positivity
  • I take small steps leading to great things in the fight against global warming.
  • I’m in control of my deep breathing and remind myself the planet knows how to recover from environmental events as it has done over billions of years.
  • I always meet climate change challenges with the same energy the planet pours into me daily.
  • I pay attention to climate change news, projecting positivity through my response to it.
  • I embrace the helpful education received by staying current on global warming news.
  • I generate more environmental change by joining forces with other eco-conscious people through my sustainable choices.

15 Comforting Affirmations to Alleviate Eco-Anxiety

  • I’m not alone in fighting climate change.
  • I heal the planet every time I leave it as I found it.
  • I honor the planet through my concern for it.
  • I can manage any feelings that arise after eco-anxiety starts affecting me.
  • My environmentalism makes people more aware of global warming, causing even greater social change.
  • I give myself the grace to accept my eco-anxiety and recover from its effects on my well-being.
  • I’m already making a difference by paying attention to the planet’s needs.
  • I am capable of adapting to global warming with new efforts in my personal life.
  • I believe in my ability to overcome my climate anxiety. 
  • I prioritize the earth through each decision I make, which is exactly what the planet needs to fight global warming.
  • I take each step knowing they improve the planet before I ever reach my goals.
  • I am an environmentalist role model for everyone who knows me.
  • I accept climate change updates and respond with positive actions.
  • I build a greener community whenever I talk about the planet, do something productive, or foster friendships centered around the environment.
  • I accept that individual efforts make a difference alongside far-reaching environmentalist efforts.

