60 Signs Your Manifestation Is Not Working

60 Signs Your Manifestation Is Not Working


When it comes to manifesting your desires, there are a few things you should know. In this blog post, we’ll briefly covering manifesting as well as signs your manifestation is not working.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that the universe is always working in your favor.

Secondly, it’s crucial to have faith in the process and trust that your manifestation will come to pass. The manifestation process doesn’t always follow a clear path. Even a small sign can be the universe’s way of steering your back on track in your manifestation journey.

Lastly, it’s imperative to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally if you want to see results. Manifesting doesn’t happen overnight. It can take a long time to know if you’re on the right track. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to manifesting your desires!

What is manifestation?

Manifestation is the act of bringing something into your reality through your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It is a process of creating what you want in your life through the power of your mind.

When manifestation does not seem to be working, it can be difficult to understand why. There are a few possible reasons that your manifestation may not be working as you expect.

Primarily, you are not aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desired outcome.

In order for manifestation to work, you must be in alignment with what you want to achieve. This means that your thoughts, emotions, and actions must all match up with your desired outcome. If they are out of alignment, then manifestation will not work.

Another reason that manifestation may not be working is that you are not taking action towards your goal. In order for manifestation to work, you must take actions that support your desired outcome. Simply thinking about what you want is not enough. You must also take steps to make it happen.

Finally, another reason that manifestation may not be working is that you are not believing that it is possible. In order for manifestation to work, you must believe that it is possible and that you deserve it. If you do not believe these things, then manifestation will not work.

If you’re wondering why your manifestation is not working, one of these may be a common reason it’s not working for you.

signs your manifestation is not working

60 Signs Your Manifestation Is Not Working

1. You’re not feeling good about yourself

When you’re not feeling good about yourself, it’s difficult to believe that anything good can happen to you. If you don’t believe you deserve good things, your manifestation will reflect that.

2. You’re constantly doubting yourself

If you doubt yourself and your ability to manifest your desires, you’re setting yourself up for failure. The universe can sense your lack of confidence, and it will respond accordingly.

3. You’re not taking action towards your goals

In order to manifest your desires, you need to take action towards them. Merely sitting around and wishing won’t get you anywhere. You need to put in the work and take concrete steps towards your goals.

4. You’re not letting go of your negative thoughts

If you’re holding onto negative thoughts, it’s going to be difficult to make room for positive ones. In order to manifest your desires, you need to let go of all the negativity in your life.

The subconscious mind explores everything, including negative thoughts. But it’s up to you to weed those out. Negative thoughts often lead to negative feelings and those are a specific sign you are not on the right path.

5. You’re not staying positive

Even if you’re taking all the right actions, if you’re not staying positive, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. You need to keep your vibration high in order to attract good things into your life. It’s crucial to channel positive energy.

That’s how the law of attraction works. Use it to attract positive to positive. High vibrations attract high vibrations.

6. You’re not being grateful for what you have

If you’re not grateful for what you already have, it’s going to be difficult to manifest more. Be thankful for the good things in your life, and watch as more good comes your way.

The perfect time to be grateful is now.

7. You’re not visualizing your goals

If you’re not taking the time to visualize your goals, it’s going to be difficult to manifest them. See yourself achieving your desires and living the life you want. The more vividly you can imagine it, the more likely it is to happen. You might consider making a vision board.

For example, you might be wishing for a new job, one is likely not simply going to land in your lap the next day. You may need to take the time to truly understand what you desire in a new role so that the universe can deliver it to you.

8. You’re not using affirmative statements

When you use affirmative statements, you’re telling the universe that you believe your desires will come to pass. Use phrases like “I am” and “I can” to increase your chances of manifesting your goals.

Affirmative statements lead to positive thoughts and that’s one of the best ways to attract what you want.

9. You’re not setting a deadline

If you don’t set a deadline for your manifestation, it’s likely to never happen. By setting a date for your goal, you’re telling the universe that you’re serious about making it happen.

10. You’re not taking inspired action

If you’re not taking inspired action, it’s unlikely that your manifestation will come to fruition.

When you’re inspired to take action, it means that the universe is working with you to make your desires a reality. Trust your intuition and take action when it feels right.

11. You’re not releasing your attachment to the outcome

If you’re too attached to the outcome of your manifestation, it’s going to be difficult to let it go and allow it to happen. Let go of your expectations and allow the universe to surprise you.

The best way to work on this is to meditate.

12. You’re not trusting the process

If you don’t trust the process, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Trust that the universe knows what’s best for you and have faith that your manifestation will come to pass.

13. You’re not enjoying the journey

If you’re not enjoying the journey, it’s likely because you’re too focused on the destination. Enjoy every step of the way and savor the moments leading up to your manifestation.

14. You’re not living in the present moment

If you’re not living in the present moment, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The universe can only work with what you’re vibrating right now, so it’s important to focus on the here and now.

15. You’re not taking care of yourself

If you’re not taking care of yourself, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The better you feel, the higher your vibration will be. Make sure to nurture your mind, body, and soul for best results.

Self-care is a key part of manifestation because it shows the universe that you are invested.

16. You’re not surrounding yourself with positive people

If you’re surrounding yourself with negative people, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Find friends and family who support your dreams and who will help you stay positive.

17. You’re not taking time for yourself

If you’re not taking time for yourself, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Make sure to schedule in some “me time” every day so that you can recharge and connect with your higher self.

18. You’re not forgiving yourself

If you’re not forgiving yourself, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. We all make mistakes – learn from them and then let them go. Forgive yourself so that you can move on and create the life you want.

19. You’re not forgiving others

If you’re not forgiving others, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Holding onto anger and resentment will only keep you stuck in the past. Forgive those who have wronged you and let go of any negativity.

20. You’re not meditating

If you’re not taking the time to meditate, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Meditation helps to clear your mind and connect you with your higher self. Take some time out of each day to sit in silence and focus on your breath.

21. You’re not doing the shadow work

If you’re not doing the shadow work, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires.

Shadow work is the process of uncovering your hidden baggage so that you can release it and move on. This is an important step in Manifestation because it allows you to let go of any negative energy that’s holding you back.

22. You’re not setting boundaries

If you’re not setting boundaries, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. By setting boundaries, you’re telling the universe what you will and won’t accept. This helps to ensure that your manifestation is aligned with your highest good.

signs your manifestation is not working

23. You’re not asking for help

If you’re not asking for help, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The universe is always trying to help us, but we have to be willing to receive it. Ask for guidance from your higher self, your angels, or your spirit guides.

24. You’re not trusting the timing

If you’re not trusting the timing, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. This is a big sign your manifestation is not working.

Trust that everything happens for a reason and in perfect timing. The universe knows what’s best for you, so let go of any attachment to how things should unfold.

25. You’re not visualizing

If you’re not taking the time to visualize, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires.

Visualization helps to create a clear image of what you want so that you can attract it into your life. Spend some time each day doing visualization exercises to manifest your desires.

26. You’re not feeling the feelings

If you’re not feeling the feelings, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The more you can feel the emotions of what you want, the easier it will be to attract it into your life.

Use affirmations and visualization to help you connect with the feelings of your desires.

27. You’re not taking action

If you’re not taking action, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The universe responds to our actions, so it’s important to take steps towards what you want. Trust that the universe will guide you and take inspired action towards your goals.

28. You’re not letting go

If you’re not letting go, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. In order to make room for what you want, you have to let go of what’s no longer serving you. Let go of any attachments, fears, or doubts that are holding you back.

Don’t let negative past experiences keep you from positive future ones.

29. You’re not living in the present moment

If you’re not living in the present moment, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The present moment is where all of our power lies. It’s important to stay present and focus on your breath when you’re manifesting. This will help you connect with the energy of the universe.

30. You’re not being grateful

If you’re not being grateful, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Gratitude is one of the most powerful manifesting tools that we have. Be thankful for what you have and trust that more is on the way.

31. You’re not doing your part

If you’re not doing your part, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Attachment creates resistance, which can prevent our manifestation from coming into fruition. Let go of any

If you’re not doing your part, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The universe will do its part, but you have to do yours as well. Take inspired action towards your goals and trust that the universe will support you.

32. You’re not releasing attachment

If you’re not releasing attachments, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Attachment creates resistance, which can prevent our manifestation from coming into fruition. Let go of any attachments to outcomes, people, or things and trust that the universe will provide for you.

33. You’re not living with intention

If you’re not living with intention, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. This is a big sign your manifestation is not working.

Intention is powerful because it helps us to focus our energy on what we want to create. When we live with intention, we are aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our desired outcome.

34. You’re not practicing detachment

If you’re not practicing detachment, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Detachment means that we are not attached to the outcome of our manifestation. We trust that the universe will provide for us and we let go of any attachment to how it will unfold.

35. You’re not being patient

If you’re not being patient, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Trust that everything happens for a reason and in perfect timing. The universe knows what’s best for you, so let go of any attachment to how things should unfold. Surrender your desires to the universe and have faith that they will come into fruition.

36. You’re not believing it’s possible

If you don’t believe it’s possible, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The first step is to become aware of any limiting beliefs you have. Once you’re aware of them, you can begin to work on releasing them. After you’ve released your limiting beliefs, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation.

37. You’re not feeling worthy

If you don’t feel worthy, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Remember that you are deserving of all good things. Start by accepting yourself just as you are. From there, you can begin to work on loving yourself. When you love yourself, it will be easier to believe that you are worthy of good things.

38. You’re not staying open-minded

If you’re not staying open-minded, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. Be willing to let go of any preconceived notions about how things should be. Keep an open mind and heart, and be willing to accept whatever the universe has in store for you.

39. You’re not being present

If you’re not present, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The present moment is where all of our power lies. It’s important to stay present and focus on your breath when you’re manifesting. This will help you connect with the energy of the universe.

40. You’re not practicing self-love

How can you expect to receive love from others if you don’t love yourself? Start by accepting yourself just as you are. From there, you can begin to work on loving yourself more each day. When you love yourself, it will be easier to believe that you are worthy of good things.

41. You’re not speaking your truth

It’s important to be honest with yourself and others about what you want. When you’re honest about your desires, it helps you to stay focused on them. It also allows the universe to provide for you in ways that are in alignment with your truth.

42. You’re not living in gratitude

Gratitude helps us to focus on the positive and attract more of what we want into our lives. Start each day by writing down a few things you’re grateful for. As you focus on the positive, you will begin to attract more of it into your life.

43. You’re not letting go of control

When we try to control everything, it only leads to frustration. The key is to let go of the need to control and allow the universe to do its thing. Trust that things will work out in perfect timing and have faith in the process.

44. You’re not trusting the universe

The first step is to become aware of any fears or doubts you have about manifestation. Once you’re aware of them, you can begin to work on releasing them. After you’ve released your fears, it will be easier to trust in the process and have faith that your desires will come into fruition.

45. You’re not following your intuition

Intuition is our guidance system from the universe. It’s important to listen to your intuition and trust that it will lead you in the right direction. This is a big sign your manifestation is not working. When you follow your intuition, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation.

Your intuition may lead you out of your comfort zone. The important thing is that you pay close attention to that gut feeling. Your intuition is a crucial part of the process that will lead you to your desired end result.

46. You’re not letting go of the past

If you’re not letting go of the past, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The past can’t be changed, but it can be released. Forgiveness is key when it comes to letting go of the past. Work on forgiving yourself and others, and let go of any resentment or bitterness you may be holding onto.

47. You have doubts about manifestation

If you have doubts about manifestation, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. It’s important to release any beliefs that are holding you back from believing in manifestation. When you let go of your doubts, it will be easier to trust in the process and have faith that your desires will come into fruition.

48. You’re not taking action towards your goals

If you’re not taking action towards your goals, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to take inspired action towards your goals. This means taking actions that feel good to you and are in alignment with your desires. When you take inspired action, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation and trust that the universe will provide for you.

49. You’re not in alignment with your desires

If you’re not in alignment with your desires, it’s going to be difficult to manifest them. It’s important to get clear on what you want and make sure that your thoughts, words, and actions are all in alignment with your desires. When you’re in alignment, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation and trust that the universe will provide for you.

50. You’re not allowing yourself to receive

If you’re not allowing yourself to receive, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to open yourself up to receiving love, abundance, and all good things. When you allow yourself to receive, it will be easier to trust in the process and have faith that your desires will come into fruition.

51. You’re not grateful for what you have

If you’re not grateful for what you have, it’s going to be difficult to manifest more of what you want. The key is to focus on the things you’re grateful for and start each day by writing down a few things you’re thankful for. As you focus on the positive, you will begin to attract more of it into your life.

52. You’re resisting change

If you’re resisting change, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. This is a big sign your manifestation is not working.

The key is to embrace change and know that it’s a natural part of life. When you let go of resistance, it will be easier to trust in the process and have faith that your desires will come into fruition.

53. You’re attached to the outcome

If you’re attached to the outcome, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to let go of attachment and trust that the universe will provide for you. When you let go of attachment, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation and have faith that everything will work out in the end.

54. You’re not embracing nature

If you’re not embracing nature, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to connect with nature and spend time in the outdoors. When you embrace nature, it will be easier to trust in the process and have faith that your desires will come into fruition.

55. You’re trying to control everything

If you’re trying to control everything, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to let go of control and trust that the universe will provide for you. When you let go of control, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation and have faith that everything will work out in the end.

56. You’re holding onto anger

If you’re holding onto anger, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to let go of anger and focus on sending love and light to those who have wronged you. When you let go of anger, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation and trust that the universe will provide for you.

57. You’re holding onto resentment

If you’re holding onto resentment, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to let go of resentment and focus on sending love and light to those who have wronged you. When you let go of resentment, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation and trust that the universe will provide for you.

58. You haven’t accepted what’s waiting for you

If you haven’t accepted what’s waiting for you, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to accept what is and know that everything happens for a reason. When you let go of resistance, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation and trust that the universe will provide for you.

59. You haven’t journaled about your desires

If you haven’t journaled about your desires, it’s going to be difficult to manifest them. The key is to take some time each day to write down what you want. As you focus on your desires, they will begin to take shape and it will be easier to believe in your manifestation.

60. You haven’t taken responsibility for your life

If you haven’t taken responsibility for your life, it’s going to be difficult to manifest your desires. The key is to take responsibility for your life and know that you have the power to create change. When you take responsibility for your life, it will be easier to believe in your manifestation and have faith that everything will work out in the end.

In Summary: Signs Your Manifestation Is Not Working

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, don’t worry. All you need to do is make some adjustments and get back on track. With a little effort, you’ll be well on your way to manifesting your desires.

When things are not working out for you, take it as the universe’s way of giving you a new sign. The best thing to do is to approach your manifestation journey in a new way. Once you do, good news will surely find its way to you at the right time.

If you’re curious about learning more about manifesting, we recommend learning more about angel numbers. These numbers have a special meaning that can uplift your gut feeling and be a powerful manifestation sign.

If you’re feeling the opposite, that’s a good sign and a clear sign you’re on the right path!

