Essential Zen Habits of 2022

Essential Zen Habits of 2022


By Leo Babauta

I’m publishing this a bit late (I usually post by the end of the year) but that is a good summary of 2022 for me: chaotic and messy, but still amazing.

It’s hard to fully share what the year was for Zen Habits, and for me personally … I went through a lot of personal challenges, while creating so much abundance in my business and with my team.

I coached some really incredible people, both in my 1-on-1 coaching practice and in my Fearless Mastery small group program. We held two amazing virtual retreats, and planned a new live retreat for Costa Rica in March 2023!

My team and I took our Fearless Living Academy to a new level, adding new content while adding focus sessions, workshops, challenges and more.

I deepened into commitment, and created sacred focus. I deepened my mindfulness practice, and how I show up as a leader. I expanded my vision.

And now I’m ready to take on 2023 with an incredible amount of love. Big things happening this year for me and my team and our mission!

Best Posts of 2022

I’ve collected what I consider the best of my Zen Habits posts for the past year, I hope you find value in them:

And More

For more best of Zen Habits:
