Give Over to Good – Dr. Rick Hanson

Give Over to Good - Dr. Rick Hanson



There are two steps: knowing what the “good” is for you and then giving yourself over to it.

So, first step: what’s the good that would serve you to give yourself over to these days? In your mind, on paper, or talking with a friend, make a list for yourself. Probably it won’t be long. Listen to your inner knowing of what the good is for you. If appropriate, open to counsel from others (e.g., parent, friend, therapist, I Ching, prayer), but don’t let anyone push their view on you.

Your list might include self-nurturance, the peacefulness of nature, more self-expression, a long-deferred dream, sobriety, inner strength, certain health practices, meditation, the needs of your temperament, the simple truth that a particular job/career/relationship is not right for you, or the wisdom of your body that knows when it’s full and needs no more food for now.

For what it’s worth, these “goods” have been important for me personally to give over to lately: the need for true down-time . . . self-soothing . . . the love and loyalty of friends . . . an underlying deeply peaceful sense of truly being nothing but a standing wave and that’s alright . . .

Next, the second step: pick one of the good currents you’ve identified and open to it in your mind and body. Relaxing, receiving, surrendering to it . . . notice how this feels. Try to find pleasure, ease, and comfort in this current. Notice any reluctance to be carried by this force for good in your life, and then see if you can let that reluctance pass away.

Imagine letting this good live you . . . what would that be like? What might change for the better – for you and others? Let the impact of those positive changes land in your mind; let yourself sense their rewards; let yourself become more motivated to lean toward them.

Then, for the next minute, hour, or day, focus on this one good thing and give yourself over to it. In effect, “willpower” becomes redefined as yielding: surrender to the best within you and around you.

Let this good be your guiding principle, your North Star. Let it be what gets you out of bed in the morning, fills you, breathes you, and animates you. Enjoy the contentment, relief, and sense of integrity that swell in your heart through living from and as this good. Let yourself know that you know what’s good. Feel yourself becoming more committed to this good. Feel yourself becoming this good.

As you like, repeat this process with other good things.

Love the wave!
