I Tried The Wellory App For Three Months, Here’s How It Went

I Tried The Wellory App For Three Months, Here's How It Went


I’ve been overweight for most of my life. Needless to say, my relationship with food has always been rocky. I’ve followed many health accounts and done research throughout the years, so I thought I knew everything I needed to know. It was always the follow-through that I couldn’t do. 

I Tried The Wellory App For Three Months, Here’s How It Went

There came a point where I had reached my breaking point and decided to find a nutritionist. The problem with that is I couldn’t find one that accepted my insurance, and I couldn’t afford it. One day I was scrolling through Instagram and I found an ad that would change everything for me.

Okay that’s probably a little dramatic, but it did help me out a lot. The ad was for an app called Wellory. I’ve been using it for three months. I can’t wait to share with you all about my experience!

What Is Wellory?

Wellory is unlike any app I’ve heard or seen. It’s hard to compare it, but if I had to it’s like an Instagram version of MyFitnessPal, then add in your own personal nutritionist. There are key main points/features I want to share with you today. I think that will give you a clear picture of what you can accomplish with this app.

  • You get matched with a nutritionist: Yes you read that right. You get matched with your own personal nutritionist that will work with you to achieve your health goals.
  • You track your meals through photos: instead of having to track stats like calories or macros, with Wellory all you have to do is take a photo of what you eat.
  • You work on improving your diet one habit at a time: Together you and your nutritionist will create a game plan by adding one habit at a time. The habits usually center around a meal. For example, two of the habits I worked on were eating a balanced breakfast and eating two servings of vegetables at dinner.

How Does Wellory Work?

Getting started with Wellory is simple. The first thing you do is sign up and fill out a few questions. How you answer the questions will help them match you with a nutritionist that will help you meet your diet needs. Once you get all signed up and meet your nutritionist they will prompt you to schedule an introductory call.

During your call you’ll discuss your goals and make a game plan. Then it’s time to get started. Each day you’ll take pictures of your meals and track your water. The next day you’ll see that your nutritionist may have left comments on your photos.

They can give you tips to make the meal more nutritious, or compliment you on your choices. Then you also have a text section where you and your nutritionist can go into further detail about your meals and the habit you are working on.

Speaking of habits, there is another section of the Wellory app that gives you information on the habit you are working towards. Here you’ll find tips and even recipes. This will help you become successful in creating, and maintaining, your habit.

Now that you know more about what you can accomplish with Wellory, I thought I’d share my experience.

My Experience With Wellory

Three months flew by, but not without me picking up a couple of tools and learning some new lessons. I was a little skeptical at first because I am a majorly picky eater. I just knew I would unintentionally give my nutritionist a hard time. 

I quickly found out how flexible, and non-judgemental, my nutritionist was. She helped me find things I liked to eat, encouraged me to try new types of food, and never judged me or ridiculed me if I ate fast food a little more than I should or didn’t track all my meals. 

The biggest change I made was listening to my body. I started really paying attention to hunger cues and tracking how I felt before, during, and after my meal. Before I started with Wellory I believe I was getting close to having a food addiction.

I would knowingly eat way too much, even though I was full, I would snack throughout the day just because I wanted to, not because I was hungry, it got pretty bad. By the end of the three months I had gotten to where sometimes I wouldn’t even finish my plate because I noticed I was full. 

As far as food goes, I now eat more salads than I used to, and I’m actively working on cutting down the dressing. I’ve added strawberries to my overnight oats, I eat more vegetables with dinner, and I’m eating avocado toast now. I never thought I liked avocado. In fact I did try it once before and didn’t like it. Now I make avocado toast at least twice a week. I’m planning on trying it with other recipes too.

What I Like About Wellory

As you can tell, the three months I spent using this app went well. There are so many features I could list that impacted my health journey.

What I love the most is the Habits section of the app. More than the feature itself, I benefited the most with the strategy my nutritionist worked with me on. 

I knew that taking things one habit at a time, or one goal at a time is important. For whatever reason it finally resonated fully with me. I was showing action and progress with a principle that I have read and learned about for so long.

What I Dislike About Wellory

There were so many great things about this app. The only feature that I think could be improved is the quantity of communication between the user and the nutritionist. I think that would make Wellory the perfect app for what it does.

One example of this would be, instead of having just one introductory call, maybe doing a call once every other week or every month. Even if those calls were shorter than the introductory call, I believe it would add more value to the program.

What I’m Doing Next

I have loved the three months I spent working with a nutritionist through the Wellory app.I learned a lot about my tastebuds, and how to pay attention to my body in relation to hunger. I definitely plan on rejoining Wellory and continuing the work I’ve accomplished soon. 

For now I plan on doing what I can to maintain the habits I’ve created and practices I have picked up. If I do that I know I’ll be on my way to better health.

This app has transformed my relationship with food and what I’m capable of. I’m grateful I found this app and can’t wait to get back to it. If you try out Wellory let me know what you think!

About the Author

Kelly Clark

Kelly graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and a minor in Journalism. Even though it took her a little while to find her career path, she was always meant to be in Communications. She remembers writing poems and songs when she was a little girl and pitching to my parents the reasons why I should have a cell phone when I was a teenager. She currently has a blog (budding-joy.com) where she talks about her weight-loss journey, mental health and personal development. Her hope is to encourage and inspire readers and let them know they are not alone. Reading blog posts like that are what helped her in tough times and she wants to pay it forward. She loves dance fitness, listening to music, and creating layouts in her bullet journal. She’s a big fan of planning, especially when cute notebooks and pens are involved.
Her dream job has changed so much over the years; right now she’d love to co-own a dance studio.

Website: budding-joy.com

