Lean Into Good On First Waking

Lean Into Good On First Waking


What do you think about when you first wake up?

The Practice:
Lean into good on first waking.


Waking up is like the sun rising. At first, it’s mostly dark, as glimmers of consciousness begin to light the shadows. Emerging into full wakefulness, the fogs and veils dissolve, and the whole plain of your mind comes into view. It’s quiet: a restiveness in the body, sleepy still, not yet much internal verbal chatter. There’s an intimacy with yourself, abiding as the core of your being.

(Though for some, especially those with a vulnerability toward anxiety or a history of trauma, first waking can be anxiety-saturated. If this is true for you, please know that it is quite common, and probably due in part to being at a physiological low ebb at this time of day and perhaps as well cortisol rising sooner than it should in its daily cycle. As soon as you can, bring awareness to the simple ongoing alrightness of the body breathing, sustaining attention to heart beating, no immediate threat, others nearby [if true], walls still standing, home basically alright, breathing ongoing, recognizing that the anxiety at the moment probably has little or no actual basis in reality, heart still beating . . . and so forth . . . really opening to the sustained embodied sense of the facts of alrightness.)

During these first few minutes, your mind and brain are very receptive to influence. If, hypothetically, a loud alarm suddenly began clanging; you’d probably feel rattled for hours; on the other hand, if someone you love suddenly began telling you how much he or she cared about you, you’d probably feel good for hours.

So, at this delicate and lovely time in the morning, why not influence your mind and brain yourself?

There is a traditional saying that the mind takes its shape from whatever it rests upon. For better or worse. Instead of resting it upon planning, worrying, or stressing about your day, how about taking a little time to receive and embrace something more positive? This would set up your whole day for the better – especially if you are prone, as many are, to anxiety or the blues in the morning.

Then as your day unfolds, from time to time, you could return to the feelings and intentions you established when you first awoke – to replenish yourself in a quick pit stop on the road of life.

