Moving Lightly Through the World

Moving Lightly Through the World


By Leo Babauta

You might know that I’m a fan of simplicity and minimalism — but for me, it’s not just about having less stuff or even doing less.

For me, it’s a way of moving through the world with lightness. Not lightly tiptoeing around trying not to make an impact, but with lightness in my heart.

Moving lightly through life is like hiking up a mountain not weighed down by burden, but with a spring in your step. It’s the feeling of joy of facing a brand new day, instead of the heaviness we might feel if we’re dreading things.

Moving lightly is taking on your work with a feeling of empowerment and peace. It’s the leap in your heart when you reconnect with a friend who you love.

It’s how a child romps around in a field of flowers, or splashes triumphantly in a mud puddle.

We pile our worries and complaints on top of ourselves until we’re weighed down.

We avoid and procrastinate, or push ourselves to do stuff we don’t want to do, and carry the weight of all of that. We try to create systems of control, ways to manage the chaos of life, so that we don’t have to step into the unknown.

What if we let go of all of that, and simply moved through life with an open heart? With a feeling of play, of joy, of being willing to splash in the mud and make a mess? With a feeling of wonder at the abundance of life?

What would be different if you did your work this way? If you connected with others, collaborated with others, loved others, in this way?

What would it be like to romp through your day in this lighthearted way?

By the way, I am hosting a 2-call workshop next week (Aug. 30 & Sept. 2) called the Freedom of Lightweight Adventure … in this workshop, I’ll be talking about:

  • How to travel light 
  • The best gear for traveling light 
  •  Tips for working while traveling while staying focused and free of stress
  • How to create organized but fun adventures with your family and friends while traveling

You can ask questions of me and a guest expert (my good friend Tynan, on Sept. 2), basically anything you want to ask me!

Check it out & sign up here: The Freedom of Lightweight Adventure
