National Houseplant Appreciation Day – GenTwenty

National Houseplant Appreciation Day - GenTwenty


If you’re reading this on January 10th, it’s National Houseplant Day! What a glorious day day for all of us plant lovers. If you are a beloved #plantlady or #plantdaddy, then you know all too well why houseplants deserve their own holiday where we show our appreciation for them.

This special day is the perfect time to treat yourself to new houseplant! In this blog post, we’re going to discuss ways to celebrate national houseplant day!

Why You Should Have Houseplants

Houseplants are not just a décor statement; they are real, living things. They utilize oxygen to survive, they need water just like the rest of us, and they thrive on the light of the sun.

Houseplants are not only to be appreciated, but they should also be celebrated. They have a variety of benefits to us humans and we should be thanking them for our very existence.

Plant life in general was here on earth long before humans ever were. The oxygen we breath and need to exist is a result from plants living. We thrive because of plants thriving.

This is why we preserve so many forests and jungles. All the vegetation of the world is needed for animals to thrive in their respective regions as well.

Imagine a world without plants? Our ecosystem would fall and our air quality would be unbreathable. The reason your house plant is even inside your house is from centuries of studying just how beneficial plants are for our health.

So naturally when we found out this vital information, many people began to have plants in their homes, proving that evidence of these benefits were real.

15 Ways To Celebrate National Houseplant Appreciation Day

National Houseplant Appreciation Day is a wonderful occasion to celebrate the beauty and benefits of indoor plants. What better way to celebrate the calming effects of nature as indoor gardeners than to spend time amongst our plants?! It’s the perfect time (and perfect excuse) to indulge your green thumb.

Here are 15 unique ways to commemorate this day:

  1. Plant Swap Party:
    Organize a plant swap event with friends or neighbors. Everyone can bring a houseplant to exchange, fostering a sense of community and expanding your plant collection.
  2. DIY Plant Crafts:
    Engage in some creative activities by making DIY plant-related crafts. Create personalized plant markers, decorative pots, or even hand-painted plant-themed art.
  3. Botanical Garden Visit:
    Spend the day exploring a local botanical garden to gain inspiration and learn more about different plant species. Take a guided tour or participate in a workshop if available. You could also go to a local nursery and purchase a new plant!
  4. Green Thumb Workshop:
    Attend a gardening or plant care workshop in your area. Local nurseries or community centers often host events where you can enhance your knowledge and skills. Check for another local special event too.
  5. Indoor Garden Photoshoot:
    Set up a mini photoshoot for your indoor garden. Capture the beauty of your plants from various angles, experiment with lighting, and share your photos on social media.
  6. Plant-Themed Movie Night:
    Host a movie night featuring films or documentaries centered around plants and nature. It’s a relaxing way to celebrate while enjoying some greenery on the screen.
  7. Plant Care Pampering:
    Treat your plants to a spa day by cleaning their leaves, checking for pests, and repotting if necessary. Show your gratitude for their contribution to your living space.
  8. Botanical-inspired Cooking:
    Prepare a meal using herbs or edible plants from your indoor garden. Experiment with new recipes that incorporate fresh ingredients from your home.
  9. Terrarium Building Party:
    Gather friends and family to create personalized terrariums. Provide a variety of containers, plants, and decorative elements to make unique mini ecosystems.
  10. Plant Yoga or Meditation Session:
    Practice yoga or meditation surrounded by your indoor plants. This can be a calming and grounding experience, fostering a deeper connection with nature.
  11. Green Thumb Book Club:
    Start a book club focused on plant-related literature. Choose a plant-themed book, read it together, and then gather for a discussion over snacks surrounded by your plants.
  12. Plant Scavenger Hunt:
    Create a list of plant-related items or facts, and organize a scavenger hunt around your home or neighborhood. This activity is both educational and entertaining.
  13. Botanical Sketching or Painting:
    Express your creativity by sketching or painting your favorite houseplants. You don’t need to be an artist; just have fun capturing the essence of your green companions.
  14. Plant-Themed Trivia Night:
    Host a trivia night with questions related to plants, gardening, and nature. Invite friends or family to join in the fun and test their plant knowledge.
  15. Get New Pots:
    It might be time to repot some of your plants! Why not grab some new pots in the next size up and give them a little more space to grow?
how to celebrate national houseplant appreciation day

The Benefits of Houseplants

Houseplants offer positive benefits for both our mental and physical health. Among the benefits for our mental health include feeling happy, less depressed, and overall better moods.

For our physical health, it has been proven that plants help make the air quality of our homes cleaner, improved indoor air, lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and add humidity to the air!

So if you have several plants, you are breathing in less polluted air. Just another reason to appreciate your house plants. Remember though, if you don’t take care of them, then you won’t reap all the benefits.

Taking Care of Houseplants

Yes, plants are indeed living things. One thing I find fascinating about plants is how they react to your care. When you forget about them or lag on watering, they looks sad.

At times, when not cared for properly, the leaves will turn brown, or the plant will be droopy. Plants need the proper amount of light, sometimes direct and bright and some only require minimal or indirect light. Some need watering every week while others only need watering every 2-3 weeks.

You can tell when a plant is happy. Its color will be vibrant and the leaves and/or stems will be perky. Your plant will look heathy when it’s thriving.

If it sprouts new leaves often, then you are giving it plenty of love and care. Just think of your plants as you do your pets!

You give your dog food and water right? You take them for walks and you let them outside to use the bathroom so they can get some vitamin D from the sun. You wouldn’t let your dog starve would you?

Treat your plants the same. Even have a plant babysitter if you plan to be out of town for more than a week. A plant babysitter can make sure your plants are watered and cared for so that you don’t return to sad plants-or worse- a dead plant.

how to celebrate national houseplant appreciation day

I have put together some of the best beneficial houseplants for your indoor space. These plants are a fun way to celebrate on Houseplant Appreciation Day!

Top house plants that like bright direct light:

  • Pothos: The Pothos plant is popular and more affordable plant.
  • Fiddle Leaf Fig: A plant that requires a lot of attention but is a true beauty!
  • Bromeliads: A plant that sprouts a beautiful flower.
  • Ficus Elastica (Rubber tree): Known for its rubber like appearance and dark leaves.
  • English Ivy: A vining plant with vibrant green leaves
  • Monstera: A personal favorite! These can thrive in a bright window or even outdoors in complete shade.

Top house plants that require only minimal light:

  • Peace Lilly: Peace lilies are gorgeous plant with a stunning white flower.
  • ZZ Plant: This plant can handle extreme low light and still survive.
  • Snake Plant: One of my favorites and also can thrive in little to no light. It can even survive on LED light. Snake plants are a favorite among plant parents.
  • Maidenhair Fern: A beautiful feathered-looking plant that like medium to lower light and moist conditions.
  • Prayer Plant: This beauty tolerates low light but needs very high humidity.
  • Spider Plant: Spider plants can flourish in a variety of light conditions. It’s a great first houseplant if you’re hoping to join the proud plant owner club!
  • Aloe Vera: Very easy to maintain and great for beginners.

On Houseplant Appreciation Day, it’s imperative to have a better understanding for plants and their respective element. Houseplants are to be celebrated for their uplifting benefits and for their timeless beauty. Celebrating this day is a great way celebrate the benefits of plants!

If you own a houseplant, you are already doing one thing better for our environment and also for your personal space. As far as national days go, this is the perfect opportunity to celebrate your plants! It’s a fun holiday for us plant-lovers. Happy Houseplant Appreciation Day!

How do you show appreciation for your houseplants?

About the Author

Jovi Casie

Jovi studied Journalism at Southwestern College. She currently works full time and is a mom to a beautiful daughter, named Olivia. When she isn’t working or spending time with family and friends, she enjoys being a crazy plant lady, watching HGTV and spending quality time with her daughter. You can often find her cozied up in a local coffee shop writing for her personal blog. She hopes to one day work full time as a writer and to inspire others to live a happy and successful life.

