So you’ve taken a mindfulness program…what’s next? · Centre for Mindfulness Studies

So you've taken a mindfulness program...what's next? · Centre for Mindfulness Studies


If you are reading this then I figure some aspect of mindfulness must have resonated with you. But sometimes we need the structure of a group program to provide us with space, support, and accountability to practice mindfulness regularly.

Having troubles getting going?

We all know how life can get in the way of even the best of our intentions. No matter how well we understand what is good for us – what will help us feel more grounded and resilient, it can be so hard to make the time and space we need to devote even 5 or 10 minutes a day to our personal mindfulness practice.

Have you really struggled to create or maintain a personal practice ever since taking an 8-week mindfulness program? If you look back and think ‘I felt so much better when I was participating in that mindfulness group… why can’t I get back to that – why haven’t I been able to focus on the present moment more often – why am I not taking mindful pauses or doing the three-minute breathing space anymore? 

Then it’s time to get a mindfulness boost

Consider Advanced Mindfulness: Building Resilience – what we like to call our ‘booster program.’ The 1.5-hour sessions are held once a week for four weeks and the focus is on re-invigorating your mindfulness practice and re-energizing your motivation to continue practicing. Next program starts January 26th


Many graduates of an 8-week mindfulness-based program have been able to incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives to varying extents and with varying consistency. But as even the most experienced mindfulness practitioners know, there is always another step on the mindfulness journey – always new discoveries and new ways that mindfulness can support your mental health and wellness, particularly during these troubling times.

Stuck in a rut?

Most likely, you have had periods of time, outside of the group program structure, when you have meditated regularly and made a conscious effort to maintain your awareness of the present moment. Some of you may even be considering delving further into the ‘world of mindfulness’ and pursuing one of our professional training pathways – or perhaps you’ve already started down that road.

Hopefully, your personal practice has helped you to understand yourself better – to see your motivations and reactions more clearly and to moderate your responses in ways you might not have been aware was possible. Or maybe you’re stuck in a mindfulness rut and looking for fresh practice ideas to help unleash a new phase of personal understanding.

Learn new mindfulness skills

If this sounds familiar, consider Mindfulness-Based Skills Development – what we’d like to call our ‘graduate program.’ This program has a familiar format with 2.5-hour sessions once a week for eight weeks. The focus is on deepening and developing your mindfulness practice and integrating mindfulness into your day-to-day life more fully and consistently. Next program starts February 25th

Still not sure?

For those of you who identify with much of the above and can’t decide which is more accurate… just take your pick! These two programs are open to anyone who has participated in an 8-week mindfulness-based program – whether with the Centre or elsewhere – and both will help participants breathe new life into their personal mindfulness practice.

If you are looking to enhance your mindfulness meditation skills, incorporate mindfulness into your daily life more consistently, and develop your understanding of mindful techniques in 2021, then these programs are for you.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the Centre as you begin this next phase of your mindfulness journey.
