The Spiritual Symbolism of the Color Blue

The Spiritual Symbolism of the Color Blue


Picture this; it’s a bright, sunny, warm-weather day. The blazing midday sun shines relentlessly, spilling from the light blue sky.

Clouds shaped like fluffy pillows glide slowly across the endless blue. Confident and vibrant. And as the beaming light washes over you, a slew of emotions are evoked, one by one –peace, calmness, freedom.

The spiritual symbolism of the color blue is complex, yet so intriguing. Not many colors can rival the serene beauty of blue and all its variations.

It’s no secret that colors can evoke an array of evoke emotions, shift our mood, certain and even influence the decisions we make in our day-to-day lives. From calming pastel blues and dream-like Azure to the deep and vivid, almost electric ultramarine shade, the symbolic meaning of colors is fascinating, to say the least.  

Let’s dive deep into the different meanings of the color blue and the color psychology behind it.

The Spiritual Symbolism Of The Color Blue

What does the color blue symbolize?

Blue is one of the most beloved primary colors with a beautiful symbolic meaning. The fifth color of the rainbow calls to mind feelings of freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.

It is often associated with beautiful open spaces, representing the meaning of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, and wisdom. It exudes confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence. Electric or brilliant blues are dynamic and dramatic–the ultimate expression of exhilaration.

Lighter shades are connected to health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness. Dark blue colors, on the other hand, are tightly connected with s knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness. 

Imagine looking at a painting of a breathtaking beach in which sky blue and warm tones reign supreme. Does it make you feel peaceful and tranquil?

Now bring to mind the dark blue uniform of a police officer. Unlike the color of the sky, this one exudes a sense of responsibility, authority, and trust, right? It’s no wonder why blue is one of the most favorite colors!

Blue has always been a deeply spiritual color. Take Lapis Lazuli, one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man, as another example. For thousands of years, healers and priests were using this stone to gain power, and wisdom, and to stimulate psychic abilities.

According to many scriptures, Lapis stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth, and understanding, and aids the process of learning. Nonetheless, it is also a stone of friendship and brings harmony to relationships. 

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi

What does the color blue mean spiritually in a dream?

While there are many different meanings behind the color blue, it is almost always associated with tranquility and peace. So the spiritual symbolism of the color blue in a dream is to help you understand that you have to prioritize your peace by establishing strong boundaries.

It reminds you that it’s time to direct your time and energy to people and places that are worth it.

If you’re dreaming of a dark or murky blue, then it is more likely an expression of sadness rather than tranquility and contentment.

In western cultures, dark blue is associated with sadness and aloofness. In some cases, it can also be preserved as the color of mourning. So depending on your circumstances, blue in dreams can symbolize feelings of depression, sadness, and isolation. 

What is the meaning of blue in love?

The spiritual symbolism of the color blue in love can convey a wide range of affectionate, and happy feelings.

Take the phrase “something old something new something borrowed something blue” for example.

Blue stands for love, purity, and fidelity—what the Old English considered were three key qualities for a solid marriage.  

What is the spiritual meaning of blue and white?

Oftentimes, blue and white appear together to represent loyalty, courage, wisdom, justice, and perseverance.

White is tightly connected to values of purity and innocence.

The flag of the United States, for example, uses blue to represent vigilance, perseverance, and justice next to white, which is a way to express people’s self-sufficiency and adherence to their beliefs.

What is the spiritual meaning of red and blue?

The color red has a slew of different meanings.

It symbolizes valor, courage, enthusiasm, blood, and life. Blue is associated with perseverance, justice, vigilance, and respect for God and the holy spirit. Together, they express stability, responsibility, and vision.

Photo by Christopher Jolly

What does the color blue represent in branding?

Marketers have been taking advantage of the psychology of color for decades to convey certain visual messages and shift the perception of potential customers.

In branding, the color symbolism of blue is connected to feelings of responsibility and is therefore regarded as representing reliability.

Blue can make customers feel stability, harmony, peace, calm, and trust.

Light blue, in particular, can be refreshing and friendly. navy blue, on the other hand, is more strong and more reliable.

What are the physical effects of the color blue?

Aside from the spiritual symbolism of the color blue, professionals have their own theories about its potential psychological impacts.

Blue is a soothing, relaxing color that has been shown to improve focus and productivity as well as reduce blood pressure.

In fact, it can go as far as to lower the pulse rate and body temperature.

People dressed in specific shades of blue can be perceived as Intelligence, trustworthy, efficient, and duty-focused, while baby blue and bright blue are connected to calmness, serenity, and coolness according to numerous studies. 

Photo by engin akyurt

What are the emotions of the color blue? 

Blue is generally a very non-threatening color that inspires a sense of calmness or serenity. Strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter, soft blues will calm the mind and aid concentration.

So ultimately, blue makes people feel safe and relaxed, but dark hues are also associated with sadness and aloofness. Additionally, the color blue is often linked to creativity, which helps generate ideas even under pressure.

What are the effects of using the color blue?

Strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter, soft blues will calm the mind and aid concentration. In fact, research has shown that people are more productive in blue rooms.

Blue light is the most energizing yet, the color also causes the body to create chemicals that are calming. On top of that, exposure to blue color encourages serenity, orderliness, and tranquility. 

What are the positive associations with the color blue?

Blue is the color of trust, but it is also associated with depth, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence.

It can also encourage peaceful rest, profound insight, and spiritual realization.

In professional settings, blue shows responsibility, calm, and commitment. Ultimately, it is described as the most serene, secure, and orderly color with the most positive associations.

What are the negative associations with the color blue?

Despite the positive spiritual symbolism of the color blue, it also has some negative associations.

Sometimes, it evokes feelings of coldness, aloofness, lack of emotion, and unfriendliness. It is one of the cool colors that can be perceived as cold, unemotional, and unfriendly.

Let’s not forget that ‘blue’ is often referred to in sad songs related to breakups, the loss of someone, and other painful experiences. Deep blue is a harbinger of night and darkness and is often connected with mourning.

What does blue mean in different cultures?

Blue means so many different things in different cultures. 

In Chinese culture, blue represents the element of wood as well as the season of Spring It is also a symbol of immortality and advancement, growth, and optimism.

In the bible is a very spiritual color that represents heaven (Exodus 24:10) and the healing power of God.   

In Judaism, blue represents holiness and divinity.  

In Hinduism blue is the color of Krishna—the most highly worshipped Hindu god, the destroyer of pain and sin, associated with love and joy.

In ancient Egypt, blue was a symbol of fertility, birth, rebirth, and life that was usually used to depict water and the heavens.

In India, the Throat Chakra in the Chakra system is the color blue. A balanced throat chakra in communication and creative ideation.

For those who can see aura colors, blue auras signify powerful minds and insightfulness.

In the western world is also a symbol of masculinity and represents the birth of a boy. It may be associated with tranquillity, but also with sadness – hence, having “the blues.”

For Native Americans, blue symbolized peace and heaven. In South Eastern Native American tribes, there was a belief that the blue color warded off evil spirits. But according to the Cherokee shamans, blue is the color of the North, and the Blue Man that brings defeat and trouble with him. 

The spiritual symbolism of the color blue:

The spiritual meaning of the color blue is often connected with the sky, the sea, and the heavens.

At the end of the day, blue is a beautiful color with deep and intricate associations in many different cultures. While it’s widely recognized as the color of spirituality, intuition, inspiration, and inner peace, it can evoke a sense of impersonality, coldness, and even unfriendliness, sadness, and depression.

It’s no secret that the color of the sky and the calming sea is the world’s most popular color, lauded for its abilities to improve focus and productivity as well as reduce blood pressure.

Truly, with so many different shades of blue, it’s hard to pick just one favorite.

Which is maybe why the color meanings differ with the shades. You may find yourself drawn to specific shades of blue and color meanings with what you personally value.

Overall, blue is a very positive and calming color. You generally won’t go wrong with incorporating this color into your life.

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About the Author

Nicole Booz

Nicole Booz is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of GenTwenty, GenThirty, and The Capsule Collab. She has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and is the author of The Kidult Handbook (Simon & Schuster May 2018). She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two sons. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s probably hiking, eating brunch, or planning her next great adventure.

