What To Write In A Retirement Card For A Mentor

What To Write In A Retirement Card For A Mentor


If your mentor is retiring make sure you thank them for all they’ve done. Here is what to write in a retirement card for a mentor you love.

One of the most important professional relationships you can have is with your mentor.

They are someone you trust to have your best interests at heart. Your mentor wants to see you grow, they want to see you succeed, and they want to see you climb that corporate (or non-corporate!) ladder.

A mentor is there to guide you, to give you advice, and to help you figure out the professional obstacles that you are bound to face.

They are encouraging, supportive, and always there for you when you need them, especially during tough times. Sometimes they are someone who works at the same company as you, and sometimes they are someone who doesn’t.

If you have a mentor, you can probably attest to the impact that they have had on your professional life. They likely even positively impacted your personal life, too!

Mentors are your cheerleading squad, and there may be a time when you will become theirs, like if they are retiring.

Whether they were a great boss, feel like a family member, or have become a great friend to you, they have undoubtedly had a positive impact on your life.

Everyone deserves to retire, and that includes mentors.

Of course, it’s up to you and your mentor to decide if they will still have the capacity to mentor you even during retirement.

Regardless if this is the end of your mentorship, or if this is just a new chapter of your life and theirs, you are likely going to want to honor and celebrate their well-deserved retirement.

It is a proud accomplishment, and probably very much deserved!

How do you put into words how much this person has impacted your life? It’s easier said than done!

Some people like to use retirement quotes, but a heartfelt message is always good. To help you out, here are some retirement card messages for a mentor.

You can easily copy any of these verbatim into the card, or use them to get your creative juices flowing.

What To Write In A Retirement Card For A Mentor

Best retirement wishes if you worked together:

  1. You’re the one that welcomed me warmly and with open arms when I first joined this company. You’re the best mentor one could ever ask for, and I sincerely thank you for everything. Have a wonderful retirement!
    A lot of people choose their mentor by picking someone who made an impact on them their first day or week on the job. If this was your mentor, make sure to acknowledge it!
  2. I cannot imagine the past [X] years without you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.
    Make a point to write how long you’ve had the mentorship relationship for – or how long you’ve worked together for. It’s powerful!
  3. Thank you for being a mentor, friend and one of the hardest workers I know. Enjoy retirement!
  4. Your dedication to the company is unrivaled. I have personally benefited from your coaching and mentorship. I hope you enjoy your retirement life.
    Talk about how they benefitted your life through their mentorship. They made an impact on you, you want them to know that.
  5. It is still unbelievable to me that you are all set to retire. I’ll never forget how you dedicatedly mentored me and always had my back since I joined this company. Happy retirement, you’ll be greatly missed!
    You can admit that you are surprised they are retiring… especially if you really were surprised! That doesn’t make your sentiment any less special, in fact, it makes it more real and human.
  6. You more like a mentor and are less like a boss to us; you believe in freedom and free soul; without you, we miss our smiles in pressure; but be the same you are always. Good luck and happy retirement.
  7. I’ll forever be grateful for the time I spent working with you. You not only challenged me to perform better but also helped me grow professionally. Happy retirement boss!
    Mentors challenge their mentees. That’s part of the relationship. You probably didn’t like it while it was happening, but you’re grateful for it now, aren’t you? Let them know that!
  8. You welcomed me with a smile when I first entered this office. Since then, you have been my cheering squad, mentor, and friend. Thank you for all the encouragement and support. As you retire today, I wish you all good things on your new adventures. You will always be welcome in my life. Have a joyous retirement.
    If you want to keep a relationship with them even during retirement, let them know. “You will always be welcome in my life” is a general phrase that keeps the door open. If you want to to keep the mentorship relationship, you can be more specific and tweak that language.
  9. I will be forever grateful for the great work relationship I have had with you. You have challenged me and helped me to grow professionally. I just didn’t realize that so much time had passed and that you will soon leave. I hope you enjoy this much-deserved rest.
    Time flies, doesn’t it? You can acknowledge that in your card.
  10. You made it so easy for me when I first entered this office. Since then, you have been my mentor, boss, and friend. I’m forever grateful and indebted for all the support and encouragement I received from you. I wish you the very best and an amazing retirement.
    Name everything they are to you! If you consider them a friend, write it and let them know.
  11. You have been great to work with and I will never forget all you taught me along the way. You are a great role model both with your words and your work ethic! Enjoy your retirement.
    You probably learned things just from working with them, right? Tell them! They may not have even realized.

Thoughtful messages If you didn’t work together:

  • Accomplished, inspiring, inventive, productive, cheerful, generous, industrious, devoted, thoughtful, and proactive are a few adjectives I’d use to describe you. Thanks for your years of hard work and dedication. Congratulations on your retirement!
    List the qualities that make them a great mentor! It’s sure to bring a smile to their face.
  • I hope your retirement years are as wonderful as the time you spent mentoring me.
    Short retirement wishes are just as sweet.
  • If today I met you for the first time, I would not tell that you are retiring. I admire your zeal for inspiring and mentoring me to grow, and I hope you will spend that enthusiasm and positive attitude on the things you love to do. Happy retirement.
    Remind them that even though they’re retiring, they are the same person. They still have the same drive and compassion.
  • Because of you, I aimed higher, performed better and became the best version of myself. Thank you for all of that and more.
    Tell them all the things you accomplished because of their guidance and support. If it’s too many to list, keeping it vague like this is a good way to go. You are where you are today because of them, let them know that.
  • There were times when I despised your feedback but over the years, I have realized how realized the genuine intent of you, which was to help me overcome the challenges and fears. I have grown by leaps and bounds over the years and you certainly are the instigator for pushing me to the limit. Thank you for your guidance and support. I will miss you. Happy Retirement!
    It’s OK to acknowledge you didn’t love everything they said to you over the years. In fact, you probably already let them know at the time either through your words or the look on your face. They will likely get a good chuckle from hearing you acknowledge it now too.
  • May your retirement life be as remarkable as your efforts in mentoring me have been. Best wishes!
    They made an effort to mentor you. Acknowledge that. And acknowledge that they now deserve a break!
  • This retirement is we-earned! You can now finally enjoy your days relaxing and doing everything you want, be it travel or cooking. Do not forget to invest the same energy into your leisure activities as you did in mentoring me.
    That’s what they did – they invested in you. They invested their time and energy in you. You didn’t take that for granted, so let them know that.
  • I genuinely appreciate the time and effort you invested in helping me become the professional I am today. You have been a fantastic mentor. Wish you a happy, healthy retirement!
    Mentors can help shape you and your career. You likely are the professional you are today because of the guidance and advice your mentor gave you. Tell them that! Feel free to get more specific, too.
  • How do you tell the difference between a mentor, a leader and a friend? When it comes to you, there isn’t one. Your mentor is all of these things to you so say it to them. And if they’re all these things and more to you, add in the more, too!
  • If I had a few wishes, I’d ask for your abilities. If my dreams come true, would be to have all your capabilities. Wish you the best on your retirement. One of the best things you can get from a true leader is spending time learning from them. Chances are, they’ve shared time with you and you can thank them for it!
  • The knowledge you have shared with me is priceless, and I will remember your valuable lessons for the rest of my life. Congratulations on your retirement!
    If there’s one specific lesson or piece of advice that they shared with you that you still follow, write it in the card. It’ll make it that much more personal.
  • It’s with the sincerest appreciation that I wish you the best of luck and thank you for all you’ve done for me. I hope you can kick back and enjoy the reward of a job well done.
  • “There is a whole new kind of life ahead, full of experiences just waiting to happen. Some call it retirement. I call it bliss.” ―Betty Sullivan
    If you are not one for words but still want to get the sentiment across, choosing a quote like this is a good way to go.
  • Happy retirement! Thank you for inspiring me to always strive for the best and for helping me reach the top of the class. I wish you a blissful future.
  • When I think about what success means, I think of you. Congratulations.
    Another short but sweet, but this one is really powerful. They became your mentor because you considered them a success. But have you ever told them that? Now you can.
  • You set the standard for the rest of us, and it won’t be the same without you.
  • “Retire from work, but not from life.” ―M.K. Soni
    Your mentor has always given you advice, right? This quote is your way of giving them some.
Photo by lexie janney

Funny Retirement Messages:

  • Enjoy your days of sleeping late and doing nothing! All the best in your retirement.
  • Just because you’re retired doesn’t mean you stop taking coffee breaks. Be sure to schedule me in!
    This is an especially funny one if you are going to continue to keep your mentorship relationship going strong.
  • If you put in as much effort enjoying your retirement as you have working with me, it is sure to be a success!
  • Wishing you all the best as you retire. Knowing you, you’ll still be busy as ever—but at least it will be with things you love doing!
    If you know the things they love doing, be sure to list them!
  • Retirement is the time when your dress code changes from suits and shirts to flannels and blankies. Enjoy!
  • So, you’re retiring, does that mean we can get lunch anymore? Our usual spot? Congrats!
    Another funny one if you are planning to keep the mentorship relationship going strong. Or if you already have a next meeting scheduled!
  • It’s great to see someone retire who is as deserving as you. Make sure you work just as hard at relaxing as you have in your long career. Wishing you good health and happiness in your new life!
    They deserve this retirement – remind them of that. They may have been questioning it, as many people do.

Here are some tips for crafting a thoughtful message for a retirement card:

Here are some thoughtful tips for writing a retirement card:

  1. Express your congratulations: Begin your message by congratulating the retiree on reaching this milestone. Let them know that you are proud of their accomplishments and that their hard work has paid off.
  2. Share a memory: Consider sharing a specific memory or anecdote that you have of the retiree. This can be a fun way to reflect on their time in the workplace and show them that they will be missed.
  3. Offer well wishes: Wish the retiree a happy and fulfilling retirement. Let them know that you hope they enjoy this new chapter in their life and that you are looking forward to hearing about their adventures.
  4. Thank them for their contributions: Take a moment to acknowledge the retiree’s contributions to the workplace. Let them know that they have made a difference and that their hard work has been appreciated.
  5. Keep it positive: Try to keep your message positive and uplifting. Retirement can be a bittersweet time, and it’s important to focus on the positives and celebrate the retiree’s achievements.
  6. Personalize your message: Make your message personal by including the retiree’s name and any specific details that are relevant to their retirement. This can show that you have taken the time to think about them and their situation.
  7. Sign off with warmth: Close your message with a warm and heartfelt sentiment, such as “Wishing you all the best in your retirement” or “With warmest wishes for a happy and fulfilling retirement.”

Overall, a retirement card is an opportunity to express your appreciation and gratitude for the retiree’s contributions, while also offering well wishes for their future.

By keeping your message thoughtful, personal, and positive, you can help make the retiree’s transition to retirement a happy and memorable one.

In Summary: What To Write In a Retirement Card for a Mentor

Hopefully these happy retirement wishes get you started with the right congratulations message for your dear boss or good friend. They’re ready to start well-deserved time in retirement and happy times ahead!

If you don’t already have a mentor, we encourage you to find one. These quotes alone show you how powerful the relationship between a mentor and mentee is!

Here at GenTwenty, we stress the importance of having mentors, but we also want to make sure you have a good one. To help, take a look at our 10 qualities that make a good mentor keep these in mind as you go looking for yours!

About the Author

Michelle Ioannou

Michelle graduated from Fordham University with a Bachelors of Arts ’13 and a Master of Arts ’14. She’s currently working in corporate America with a side of freelance writing. She wants you to learn from her experiences and mistakes so your 20s can be your best decade. When she’s not working, she’s likely planning her escape to a tropical island.

