10 Easy Steps for Finding Love after 50

10 Easy Steps for Finding Love after 50



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Dating as a woman in her 50’s, 60’s or 70’s can feel vulnerable and the last thing you want to do is step outside of your comfort zone, right?

But that’s exactly what works for so many of the women I work with on a daily basis.

As soon as they say, “Ok, no more excuses! I’m going to do what it takes to find the man of my dreams,” guess what… they do????

They start having fun dating and that’s a big step for finding love again. (That’s because you come across as fun and men love being in your energy)

That’s why today, I want to give you 10 Easy Steps you can start doing NOW that gets you out of your comfort zone and into success attracting the right man into your life.

1. Put thoughts about your ex to rest

Make sure as you head out there to date that you have worked through any mindset clutter left hanging around in your head about an ex.

It’s heavy and it actually blocks you from being emotionally available to a new man.

2. Clear the clutter in your home so when you meet a man, you will have space for him to come into your life.

3. Go through your wardrobe and donate old clothes that don’t flatter you anymore, so you can go on dates feeling great about yourself, rather than being reminded of what you used to look like.

Remember . . . A man is attracted to your current picture, meaning who you are today.

He has no idea what you looked like in the past.

Treat yourself and buy clothes that make you feel your best!

4. Focus on enjoying dating

You want dating to be fun, not the chore it becomes when your focus is on figuring out whether he’s the one before a cup of coffee is finished.

There’s a certain sweetness you could be missing getting to know a new and interesting man who might turn out to be an amazing partner for you.

You will be surprised what happens if you find fun and joy in the dating process.

5. Begin dating to date enjoying male energy versus dating to mate

Dating to Date is about meeting new and interesting men and deciding how they might fit into your life.

Today you have more choices when it comes to how men might fit into your life.

Men can also be friends and are fun to hang with when you don’t have a Saturday night date.

Dating to Mate is about figuring out if he’s the one on a first date.

The only thing you really know after a first date is whether you have chemistry and chemistry is not a clear barometer for determining if a man is the one.

His actions are far more important.

It’s why I always tell my clients to give nice men a chance.

6. Recite this mantra that will help you step outside your comfort zone when dating feels scary . . .

I am ready to date.  I am willing to find and meet new men even when I feel uncomfortable.  I know uncomfortable equals growth and growth equals achieving my dreams of finding the man I want to share my life with.

7. Get a mini-makeover

Ask your hair stylist for a new cut that will make you feel sexy and desirable.

Or go with a friend to the makeup counter at a department store.

Their makeup artists will give you a fresh look and you only need to buy what you like.

8. Look outside your usual type

If you feel like there are “no good men out there” to date, you’re probably only focusing on those who fit your type.

Try going out on 2 or 3 dates with men who fall outside your typical look or personality.

I had a client who was used to dating men with lots of “exciting” drama that relationship-wise went nowhere.

She met a man who was really nice but after one or two dates, he felt so boring to her that she dropped him.

He slowly pursued her and over time as they had fun getting to know each other on a much deeper emotional level than she ever had with a man, she fell in love because his ability to keep her feeling safe, loved and cherished felt amazing. (and far better than the drama she was used to)

Today she is married and has never been happier.

9. Strike up a conversation with a new man in the real world. Even if he turns out to be unavailable, you’ve sharpened your flirting skills and next time, you’ll feel more confident about approaching a cute guy.

10. Be open to getting help with dating, knowing that it’s not a skill you are born with. Your friends, family, therapist and dating coach are all here to help you make your dating journey a success.

Would you love having a good man in your life like my client whose story I shared in Step #8 now has?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!



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