10 Tips for Spotting A Jerk Before He Breaks Your Heart

sportting a jerk for women over 50


10 Tips for Spotting A Jerk Before He Breaks Your Heart

sportting a jerk for women over 50

Ever date a man who seemed amazing yet over time turned out to be a jerk?

Maybe you had immediate chemistry or he was so attractive you thought for sure he had boyfriend possibilities.

After all, he was able to charm you, your friends, and your family.

And to top it off,  he was super attentive which felt amazing because it had been a while since anyone gave you this type of attention.

What he did was show you his best side and if you’re being honest about it well . . . you probably loved it!

That is until the day happened when the rose color glasses came off and you realized he wasn’t the man you thought he was.

He was actually a jerk.

Today, I want to share 10 tips that can help you quickly spot when a man is a jerk before he has the opportunity to break your heart.

#1 . . . A Jerk’s Actions Don’t Match His Words

He’s great with words but when push comes to shove, he sort of peters out on his promises.

If he’s not doing this, he’s not worthy of dating you.

#2 . . . A Jerk Disappears Then Comes Back Then Disappears Again

This is a man hunting for what I call Shiny Penny Syndrome.

He’s looking for someone else he perceives might be a better fit than you are.

What makes him a jerk is when it doesn’t work out, he comes back to you until he finds his next conquest.

#3 . . . A Jerk Is A Narcissist Who Wants His Way In Every Situation

He’ll manipulate you into doing what he wants to do even when you say NO.

When you give in, you end up feeling like you betrayed yourself. A good guy will honor your no’s.

#4 . . . A Jerk Treats Service People Poorly

If he takes you to his favorite restaurant and his meal shows up wrong, he’ll blast the poor waiter with his anger.

This guy often displays road rage as well.

A good guy knows things can go awry and gives someone a chance to correct it.

#5 . . . A Jerk Takes You To A Party And Leaves You At The Door To Fend For Yourself

A good guy will introduce you to the people he knows in the room and will make sure you’re taken care of with food, drinks, and people to talk to.

#6 . . . A Jerk Only Cares About Having His Needs Met

Your needs fall far below his do on the priority list.

A good guy is into pleasing you and making you happy.

If he’s not doing this, let him go.

#7 . . . A Jerk Is Usually Passive Aggressive

If you’re trying to work an issue out, he’ll act like everything is okay.

Get with other people and he’ll bad mouth your decision looking for confirmation from others that he’s right.

A good guy will work issues out with you and even if he disagrees with the final decision, he will keep it to himself.

#8 . . . A Jerk Asks You For A Date But Doesn’t Call To Confirm Whether It’s Happening

You end up calling him and he holds your life up, telling you he’s not sure how long his meeting is going to be.

A Good Guy will make sure you have the details for your date including the time, place, and when he’ll pick you up or meet you.

He shows up when he says he will and if he’s running late, he’ll call you.

#9 . . . A Jerk Makes All The Decisions For Both Of You, Thinking He Knows What’s Best For You

No one knows you better than you and a Good Guy will make sure your feelings and thoughts are part of the decision process.

#10 . . . A Jerk Doesn’t Make Sure You Feel Emotionally, Physically Or Spiritually Safe

You may feel financially safe with him but that’s not enough.

He’ll be the one criticizing what you wear or how you do things.

A Good Guy may offer constructive criticism when asked but does so in a loving way that encourages your personal growth.

I love sharing tips with you every week about dating over 50.

I hope you’re going out and using what you’re learning in your own dating life.

Sometimes, tips aren’t enough and you need support personalized to what’s happening in your dating life.

If this is you, I’d love to help you.

Let’s set up a time to talk about what’s happening and how we can get you to where you want to be. Ok?

All you have to do is click here and I’ll send you the details for how we can connect.

My Mom Found Love With A Great Guy!

My name is Elena. My dad passed 6 years ago. He and my mom were high school sweethearts and were married for 34 years. My mom was devastated by the loss of my dad and she never thought she could date again. Lisa helped my mom by giving her a step by step plan that gave her the confidence, the dating strategies and the support she needed to go out in the dating world. A year ago she met a wonderful man who is also a widower and I haven’t seen my mom this happy since before my dad passed. Lisa was able to help and guide my mom through the scary world of dating and she is the happiest I have seen in years!!! Elena, Ohio

Believing in you!



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