3 Secrets Why Other Women Over 50 Are Getting The Guy

get the guy


3 Secrets Why Other Women Are Getting The Guy While You’re Still Struggling In Over 50’s Dating


get the guyYou can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

Women tell me all the time how amazed they are by a girlfriend who is getting a zillion dates while they are struggling to get even one date with a good man.

What do these women do that you might not be doing?

I’m going to be sharing 3 of these secrets with you in today’s blog.

Secret #1 . . . It all starts with recognizing a man who is a great catch. 

Do you remember the plot of the Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast? (How many times did we watch that with our kids?)

Belle falls in love with the Beast because of how kind he is and how well he treats her.

She doesn’t know that beneath his ugly exterior is a man who was once very handsome.

Even though she is repelled by his appearance, once she gets to know the Beast, she finds her heart opening to him.

Oftentimes, women tell me that a MUST HAVE quality is the handsomeness of a man.

Here’s a little secret for you . . . as you get to know a man, your attraction to him can grow big time!

What counts for getting the long-term relationship is his personality and more importantly how he treats you.

This is why you want to consider giving Average Joe a chance.

He’ll probably be a far better boyfriend for you than Mr. Hottie will any day.

Mr. Hottie will want you to feel lucky he chose you.

On the other hand, Average Joe will feel honored you chose him and he’ll do everything he can to show you he’s worthy of being your guy.

Secret #2 . . . Listen to a man the way he wants to be heard

When you’re speaking with girlfriends, you talk about one subject then in the middle of that subject, you move to another subject, then you go back to the original subject then back out again to something else.

In the midst of all this, you’re talking over each other, finishing each others sentences, asking questions, and starting new trails of conversation that all of your girlfriends can follow. Right?

This is how women communicate!

But it’s not the way men communicate.

Most men can follow only ONE STREAM of thought at a time.

When you interrupt a man with additional questions, he thinks you aren’t listening to him because you didn’t give him a chance to finish his thoughts before you asked him something else.

Believe me, I know you’re listening.

But you’re listening in a female way that men just don’t understand.

I want to show you what you can do instead that really works with men. Ready?

Ask a man ONE question at a time.

Allow him to talk and get everything he needs to say about this one question until he slows down and stops talking.

Often times he’ll even say, “I’m done,” or “That’s it.”

Now, count 5-10 seconds before you ask him another question just to be sure he’s finished with the last one.

I promise when you do this, you will touch his heart and he will feel like the luckiest man around.

When he feels treasured, he’ll want to do everything in his power to make your life easier.

Secret #3 . . . Make a man feel like your hero and watch your dating life change

In this day and age with what you’ve gone through in life, you’ve probably become pretty self-sufficient.

You had to. You didn’t have a choice or you wouldn’t have survived.

But what it did was it took away a man’s power of feeling like he’s needed in your life.

Men are wired to keep you safe, protected, and provided for to the best of their ability.

When you can do it all, he thinks, what does she need me for?

Try making a man your hero.

It can be as simple as letting him open the door for you or asking him for a favor or his help.

Watch a man’s body language when you allow him to be your hero.

His chest puffs up and he struts because he is so proud he made you happy.

Just be sure to thank and appreciate what he’s done.

If you do, he will always want to be the man who loves making you happy.

Now a little inspiration for you today . . .

So VERY HAPPY – I Found My Guy!

I am thrilled to say I found him, or we found each other and it is going great! I have to say, he is nothing like the guys I was in relationships with in the past. That Pattern Chart exercise was so helpful and pointed out some poor repeated behavior choices that I set out to change or avoid this time around. That along with learning how to rephrase things in MAN language and remembering I can be a flirty girl made a huge difference in dating. I learned so much and put it into practice and it worked! I couldn’t be happier! Thanks for all the support Lisa! Got to go now and get ready to go see my guy!!! So, very happy!!! Jeanne, Wa.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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