3 Shifts You Need To Make If You Want To Be Successful Dating Over 50 – https://findaqualityman.com

3 shifts for success in dating over 50- for women


3 Shifts You Need To Make If You Want To Be Successful Dating Over 50


3 shifts for success in dating over 50- for women

You can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

#1. Shift Your Attitude About You as A Single Woman over 50

Let’s face it, no one will ever be more critical of you than you are about yourself.

Think about how many times a day you look in the mirror and criticize yourself, saying things like, “My butt looks too big in these pants,” “I should really lose ten pounds,” or “My neck is awful?”

Telling yourself phrases like this every single day – dozens of times a day –  takes a toll on your psyche.

And what happens is you start believing you’re too flawed for men to like you versus appreciating how amazing you are as a woman over 50.

Try shifting this negative mindset by sharing something positive you either love or are grateful for about yourself every time you pass a mirror.

Let’s use your arms as an example . . . Unless you’re pumping some serious weights on a regular basis, the shape of your arms is probably not what they were twenty years ago.

Instead of focusing on them as flawed, turn it around and say “I am so grateful for my arms because I’ll be able to hug that wonderful man who is coming into my life who will love me just as I am.”

Here’s a little secret for you about this . . . men don’t look at you and pick you apart the way you do.

If a man is attracted to you (and men are attracted to all types of women) then he has the ability to love the whole you and accept you just as beautiful as you are.

The real question is . . . can you start doing that for yourself?


#2. Shift Your Limiting Dating Beliefs About Available Men after 50

 Most women believe what makes a man, a Quality Man, is his ability to swoop her off her feet, wine and dine her at the best restaurants around town and give her presents and a very wealthy lifestyle.

Now, I want to share another secret with you . . . money does not make a Quality Man.

How a man treats you and how you feel around a man is far more important in determining how good a guy he is for you.

I had a client who was very successful professionally, yet found herself madly in love with a man who had a good career as a male nurse.

Prior to meeting him, she’d thought love meant meeting a man with a great career and a lot of money.

When she gave her new relationship a chance, she felt like she’d won the dating lottery because her guy made her feel absolutely loved, cherished and adored.

Note those feelings she shared have nothing to do with money or the fact that she out-earns him.

Yet many professional women would have turned their noses up over this man, declaring that anyone less than a doctor, lawyer or accountant didn’t qualify as a Quality Man in their eyes.

There are a lot of good men online who want nothing more than to make you happy and who might make the greatest boyfriend or husband in the world.

You just have to give him a chance.


#3. Open Up Your Closed Heart So You Can Have The Relationship You Really Want

I’ve had women share how desperately they want a man in their life yet when it came to making it happen they got cold feet.


Because letting a man into your heart again is SCARY especially when you’ve been hurt in past love relationships.

So you protect your heart, using excuses like I’m too busy to date or my grandchildren need me or there are no good men to date over 50, or all the good one’s are taken (they aren’t) and the list goes on.

Sometimes you can’t even see how you’re sabotaging your love life.

I’ve spoken with women who’ve told me they went on 5 dates with 5 different men.

When they didn’t find Mr. Right in those 5 dates, they decided they were going to quit and give up on this dream.

I know you don’t want to hear this but it takes work to find the right man for you.

If you think he will show up on your first try, you’re kidding yourself.

This is why it’s so important to have a coach in place to motivate you when the going gets tough.

You want to have every dating tool and skill available to you in your dating toolbox so you can keep moving forward.

That’s why I’m here and I’m dedicated to helping you get the tools and skills you need so you can find that Quality Man and the relationship I know you want.

Just click here to get started.

Lisa, I am so grateful for your program.  I have learned so much about my old self, and understand why relationships have been so hard for me to come by and maintain.  I am nervous about going forward but so very hopeful because of the program and your amazing support.  This is my time. Kim, Wisconsin

So to summarize today’s blog, start loving yourself so a man can love you.

See the possibilities and the abundance of men who are out there to date you.

And open your heart so love can come to you.

Believing in you!



