3 Tips To Keep You Busy When You Lack A Saturday Night Date

saturday night


3 Tips To Keep You Busy When You Don’t Have A Saturday Night Date or Aren’t Ready to Date Yet in Over 50’s Dating

saturday night

You can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

Sometimes when you’re single, weekends can feel unbelievably long especially when you don’t have plans.

Your couple friends tell you they’re going on Saturday night to the latest restaurant or party while you’re left at home watching Netflix and eating popcorn wishing you could find someone to share your heart and life with.

Being single can be lonely and challenging but it can also be a time where you get back in touch with YOU again.

After my second marriage ended, I remember a friend of mine sharing these wise words with me when I was struggling to be alone again.

“Lisa, enjoy this time regrouping and getting back in touch with what you love. It’s a time you have total control over your life and you can do anything you want.”

I took her words to heart and began creating the life I wanted.

It was a lot of fun and it gave me time to heal before re-entering the dating scene.

It also gave me things to do when I didn’t have a weekend date.

That’s why today, I want to share 3 tips you can start using right away to fill your life with fun while waiting to find “the one”.

Tip #1 . . . Girlfriends are so important when you’re single

They support you during your ups and downs and they’re there for you when you want to play.

Don’t have enough girlfriends in your life?

Make a list of all the women you know that you could do an activity with.

Ask friends to help you with this tip by sharing the names of their single girlfriends.

Call them up and go have fun! Go out to dinner or to an activity you both feel comfortable doing right now.

You won’t be sitting at home every weekend when you have friends to hang out with.

Tip #2 . . . Make a list of everything you’ve wanted to do but haven’t

I remember wanting to take painting classes so I signed up for one at my local community center.

Over time, not only did I learn how to paint with watercolors but I also became friends with a couple of women in my class, which fits tip #1 perfectly!

Here are some ideas to get you started…

  • Art classes like painting
  • Zentangle and Doodling
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Pickleball
  • Horseback Riding (I had fun with this one until I fell off the horse-lol)
  • Cooking and Baking Classes
  • Wine Tastings
  • Book Clubs
  • Salsa Dancing

Figure out what sounds fun and exciting to you then go sign up for the class and enjoy!

Tip #3 . . . Join Meetup.com

Today, quite a few meet-ups are geared to over 50’s men and women.

With all the activities they offer both online and in-person, you never have to sit at home alone again.

In my area, some of the meetups offered this month are activities like bike riding, hiking, dinner groups, Happy Hours, Sunday brunch, games, and movie experiences.

Check some of these out and begin creating a fun new life.

So, your homework this week is to . . .

  • Make a list of friends you can spend time with
  • Create a list of activities that would be fun to do then choose one and try it out this week
  • Join Meet-Up and start going to fun activities they offer

Want to know the advantage of doing all these fun things?

It gets you in touch with your passions in life.

Your passions light you up and make you glow; they are a huge quality men love and are highly attracted to in a woman!

Now for today’s inspiration that you can find love after 50!

I am having FUN dating at this time in my life!

Hi Lisa:  Thanks to your group program, I am communicating with multiple men now on dating sites.  Most importantly, I am having fun!  The fact that this is a process seems to have clicked which has greatly reduced my frustration.  I know that meeting a quality man will be so worth the time and energy that I have been putting in. Thank you for all the strategies and the support! Jolene, Mn.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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