5 Questions to Help You Decide If He’s The Right Man For YOU!

right man professional man in a tie


5 Questions You Want To Ask When Deciding If He’s The Right Man For YOU!


right man professional man in a tieYou can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

There were times when I was dating that I’d meet a man I really liked who had what I call “high-value qualities.”

Maybe he was really handsome or quite wealthy.

Maybe he had a boat or a winter home in Florida.

Whatever it was, I found myself being swayed by the “high-value qualities” he had.

But what I learned is just because a man had them, didn’t mean he was a high-value man for me.

So to avoid making the mistake again of using “high-value qualities” to figure out whether or not a man was my guy, I created 5 questions to help me identify whether or not a man’s value was based on more than just his looks, his money, his car or even hot chemistry.

If they all rang true, I’d give him a chance.

So today, I’d like to share these 5 questions with you because I know they will help you on your journey for attracting the man and the relationship you desire in your life.

Question #1… Do you like who he is?

I remember going out with a man who was quite wealthy.

He took me to the best restaurants in town, which I’ll admit made me turn a blind eye to his faults on our first and second dates.

By our third date, my eyes began to open as he tried to push me into having sex with him when I wasn’t ready.

When I shared that I thought I needed to get to know him better before we became intimate, he got mad and said, “you don’t trust me.”

I realized, Wow, this man wasn’t honoring my feelings. He made it all about him.

I called him up and said, “I wish you well on your journey but we aren’t a fit.”

When you stay with someone who has a “high-value quality” you want yet treats you poorly you want to think about how you might be settling.

Question #2 . . . Do you respect him?

A man wants and needs your respect.

And believe me . . . a man knows when you don’t respect him.

He may not be able to verbally tell you this but what he’ll feel inside is that he will never be able to make you happy.

It’s important that you’re able to respect a man for exactly who he is and how he handles his life.

If you don’t, you’ll want to find someone else who is a better fit for you.

Question #3 . . . Do you have fun being together?

This may seem like a funny question but being with Mr. Right should be fun for you.

You want a man in your life who can bring a smile to your face and make you laugh.

We’re all hormonally connected when we find chemistry with someone.

But chemistry fades and when it does, you want someone in your life you enjoy and have fun being with.

Question #4 . . . Do you share the same values?

Some people say opposites attract . . . but dating is so much easier when the two of you share the same values.

You don’t always have to share the same activities.

In fact, each of you should have activities you like doing on your own plus activities you can share together.

Don’t give up what you love to do once you’re in a relationship.

It actually dulls your glow in a man’s eyes.

When you share values that are really important to the two of you like love of family, honesty and loyalty, it’s much easier for a man to slip into your life and you into his.

Question #5 . . . Does he accept you for who you are?

In hindsight, one of the scariest things women realize after a relationship ends is how much they changed themselves to be with a man they loved.

As a woman over 50, you want a man who can love you, cherish you and adore you just the way you are.

If he’s trying to change you or you’re trying to change him then . . . maybe he’s not the right man for you and you’re not the right woman for him.

Let him go.

Remember, they’re lots of men out there to date and there is one who’ll be a great fit for you.

He’s worth waiting for!

Always love inspiring you to know that love is possible after 50! Hope Lisa’s story does this for you.

My Quality Man Template helped me find my soul mate in my 50’s!

I am so grateful to have found you and your Love After 50 Group Program. The insights I learned about how men think and what they are looking for helped me attract and meet my soul mate in my 50’s. We couldn’t be more right for one another! We have been dating exclusively for over a year now, and have definitely fallen in love with one another! I am so grateful to have written the Quality Man Template which was the key tool to helping me realize that this man is the one I have been looking for all my life. Thank you, Lisa, for all you have taught me! Hugs and kisses and best wishes to you! Lisa, Minnesota

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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