5 Ways To Get A Quality Man Over 50 To Ask You Out

5 Ways To Get A Quality Man Over 50 To Ask You Out


5 Ways To Get A Quality Man Over 50 To Ask You Out


5 Ways To Get A Quality Man Over 50 To Ask You OutYou can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

You see an attractive man when you’re out and about and you’d like to get him to notice you.

But what do you do?

Let’s start with men need encouragement to know it’s safe to approach you and that’s why today, I want to share 5 tips certain to let him know you’re interested in him.


Tip #1

Smile at a man you’re attracted to and make eye contact with him for 3-5 seconds.

It will seem like an eternity but it’s a signal to him that you’re interested.

Or walk into a room, smile at a man, go back to talking to who you’re with then turn again and smile.

This too is a signal that lets him know if he’s available, he can come over and talk with you.


Tip #2

Get a man’s attention by asking him a question.

Remember men are wired to help women.

Here are examples of questions you can ask to get the dialogue going between the two of you . . .

  • You’re at a happy hour with a friend and a man sits next to you and orders red wine. Ask him about it and whether he’d recommend it.
  • You’re at Starbucks. Ask if the chair next to a nice looking man is taken. Or if you’re in line, ask what his favorite coffee is.
  • You’re at a dog park. Ask about his dog’s veterinarian and if he’d recommend him or her for your puppy.


Tip #3

Listen to what a man is really saying to you.

Men do speak another language that women don’t necessarily hear or understand.

Here’s what I mean . . .

Heidi was sitting at a bar having dinner with her friend.

They struck up a conversation with a man who sat down next to them.

It was her friend who asked the question, “What salad is that?” and the conversation between the three of them took off.

When her friend left, Heidi and this attractive man from out of town continued talking.

Over and over again he shared with her that he wasn’t locked into where he lived and that he’d seriously dated women from cities other than the one he lived in.

She totally missed his male language hint for, “are you interested in dating me even though I live out of town?” ultimately losing out on an opportunity to date a man she was attracted to.


Tip #4

To this day, one of my favorite television shows is I Love Lucy.

In the 1950’s, a woman would drop her handkerchief in front of a man to let him know she was interested in him.

In this one particular episode, Lucy, dressed in disguise, was pretending to be another woman.

She wanted to see if Ricky would flirt with her.

So she dropped her handkerchief and said, “Pardon me,” fully expecting him to pick it up for her.

Both understood this as a sign she was interested in him and he could approach her if the attraction was mutual.

You can do the same thing with men today.

Instead of using a handkerchief, try dropping your phone if it won’t shatter or a folder or package you might be carrying.

Who knows what it might lead to!


Tip #5

Your job is to let him know you’re interested in having him approach you.

His job is to ask you out if he’s interested in you.

If he’s not, it doesn’t mean he’s personally rejecting you.

He might be married, have a girlfriend or you might not be his type.

Just move on . . . There are plenty of other men out there for you to date.

Chalk the experience up as an opportunity to practice your flirting skills.

Use these five tips to start interacting with men wherever you go.

Why? because you never know – ONE just might turn out to be your Mr. Right.

I found love at 65!

Lisa, can’t say enough about how much your program helped me. Found my love at age 65. Without what I learned from you I would never have replied to his “ping” on the dating site. He did not tick many of my boxes in terms of age, location, hobbies, etc. But he had a twinkle in his eye and I remembered your advice to be curious about meeting nice men so I responded. We are coming up to our first wedding anniversary and I have never been happier. Thanks again for all you do to help women find quality men! Laurelea, Ontario

Would you love having a good man in your life like Laurelea now has?

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No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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