7 Profile Mistakes You’re Making That Keep You From Finding Mr. Right Online! 

7 Profile Mistakes You're Making That Keep You From Finding Mr. Right Online! 


7 Profile Mistakes You’re Making That Keep You From Finding Mr. Right Online! 


If you’re having trouble attracting good men online, you might be making these profile mistakes.

Today, I’m going to share 7 Profile Mistakes you might be making that are keeping you from attracting the type of man you want to meet.

Mistake #1 . . . The Pictures You’re Posting

Men are visual and what gets their attention first is your face.

Over the years, I’ve looked at a lot of profile pictures and I’m always amazed when women post pictures that could be mug shots.

I kid you not.

All they need are a clipboard with numbers across their chest.

That’s how unhappy they look.

The thing is, men are naturally drawn to pictures of you smiling.

So make sure you post pics with some makeup and clothes that show off the best you including your great smile.

You’ll come across as fun and positive and as the kind of woman, a good man wants to meet.

Mistake # 2 . . .  Not answering the questions Dating Sites ask you

No one loves spending the time answering all those essay questions on dating sites.

But, it’s worth your while to get a bit creative when you do especially if you write a story that a man can imagine himself being part of.

Here’s what I mean. The site asks you . . .

What’s Your Idea of a Great Date?

Instead of just saying riding bikes in the mountains.  Add a few adjectives that draw him in.

Here’s an example . . .

Riding bicycles in the park together on a beautiful summer day would be a great date. We’d stop by a stream, open a bottle of wine, and enjoy a wonderful picnic together sharing our food as well as our thoughts.

Mistake #3 . . . Making this romantic faux pas in your profile

When I first started dating in my 40’s I was CLUELESS when it came to writing a good profile!

I wrote stuff like I want to make love on a beach.

What did I know? To me that sounded romantic.

To men reading those words,  it was like they’d hit the jackpot of booty calls.

They thought I wanted to find a man to have sex with and they were willing to take one for the team and step up to make that happen.

I wanted a relationship but that little sentence didn’t draw in men who wanted the same thing.

Leave sexual references out of your profile and your pictures.

It gives men the wrong impression and encourages those you probably aren’t interested in to write to you.

Mistake #4 . . . Writing Cliche Sentences

My male friends love showing me profiles and across the board they all say the same thing about these 3 sentences they see over and over again in women’s profile and it turns them off.

  1.  I’m looking for my soul mate
  2. I want to walk hand in hand on the beach
  3. I want a man who makes me laugh

By the way, men do the same thing in their profiles when they write “she looks great in jeans but can dress up in a little black dress in a flash”.

You want to be unique online.

So leave these sentences out or if you want to use them, create a story about walking on the beach or a situation where you’re laughing that draws a man in.

Mistake #5 . . . Not following the “WIFM Rule” in your profile

Whenever anyone reads a profile-male or female, they are reading it from the perspective of “WIFM-What’s in it for me?”

So here’s what you can do to catch someone’s interest.

Think about a party.

You’re mingling and end up talking with someone who is monologuing all about themselves.

Ever have that happen?

Of course you have.

And because its boring, what do you want to do?

Escape, right?

Think of your profile as a virtual party where you’re meeting people you’ve never met before.

Be careful of making it all about you.

Yes, you do have to let a man know your interests, but instead of just listing them, add a questions that gets him thinking if you might be the one for him.

For Example, You can say something like . . . Love getting dressed up and dining out but also enjoy a great burger at one of the dives around town.  (What’s your favorite spot to hang out?) or (Want to join me? We can share our french fries.)

Mistake #6 . . .  Making Demands in your profile about what he must have to date you

Nothing irritates a man more than a woman who makes salary or entertainment demands in her profile.

Even financially successful men have told me this is a huge turn-off.

What pops in their heads when they read a profile like this are these 2 words . . .

High Maintenance and Very Demanding

And . . .  “I’ll never be able to please her!”  so he moves on.

This was happening to a client of mine who thought a Quality Man should take her every Saturday to an upscale expensive restaurant.

She told me she’d met a guy who had everything she wanted except this one thing.

And she let him go because he had no interest in supporting her expensive culinary tastes.

After dating other men, she decided she wanted him back because she came to realize there was more to a good man than just fine dining.

Unfortunately for her, he’d moved on to a woman he believed appreciated him for who he was not just for his wallet.

Mistake # 7 . . . False Advertising

How many times have you gone on a date and met a man who looked nothing like his picture or wasn’t telling the truth about his age?

Did you feel a little angry that he wasn’t honest?

Men feel that way too when you fudge the facts.

It’s important to be real about what you look like and how old you are.

Men love women of all shapes and sizes and all ages.

Yet a lot of women think, oh if he just gets to know me and see’s how great I am, it won’t matter that I fudged the facts.

That mindset rarely works.

I knew a man who fell in what I call ‘ a strong like’ with a woman’s picture.

As he drove up to the restaurant, he saw her going in.

She was about 200 pounds heavier and about 10 years older than the picture displayed on the dating site.

He drove away when he saw her.

You want a man to love you for who you are so make sure you show up the way you really look.

Pretending to be a certain type of woman just to attract a “Quality Man” not only doesn’t work but it’s also pretty hard to keep the facade up.

You have no control over who a man ultimately wants or who he is looking for.

You only have control over what you want in a “Quality Man.”

And that’s why all my coaching clients use a Dating Strategy called a Quality Man Template to help them finally attract the right man into their life.

Lisa, I met a really great guy during this pandemic and I’m having so much fun. The Quality Man Template we worked on together told the universe precisely what I wanted and guess what? He appeared. You were so incredibly helpful. Thank you doesn’t begin to cover it! Ellie

This is a perfect time to figure out what it is you really want in a man.

It’s different than what you wanted in your 20’s yet most women are using how they dated in their 20’s as the barometer for finding love and that’s why it’s not working in their 50’s and 60’s!

I’d love to show you how you can attract, meet, and keep your forever guy, and have fun doing it as a woman over 50! 

If you’re ready to find your forever guy, then click here and tell me a little bit about what’s been happening in your love life.

If I think I can help you, I’ll send you a link to my calendar and we’ll set up a complimentary Dating Breakthrough Call to talk about how you can make this dream of finding love after 50 come true for you.

Believing in you!



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