8 Tips Every Woman Needs To Know About Men Over 50 

Happy and healthy senior man at home smiling


8 Tips Every Woman Needs To Know About Men Over 50 


Happy and healthy senior man at home smiling

Before we get started, watch your email inbox this Sunday for how you can join a FREE CLASS on the 3 Secrets to Getting the Perfect Guy which I’ll be teaching on Monday, April 4th.

Don’t laugh…but one of my very favorite TV shows is Survivor.

A while back there was a season where the game pitted family members against each other by putting them on opposite teams.

It was heart wrenching to see how much it tore a man apart to watch his wife be in danger on the game and unable to do anything to keep her safe.

I want you to really understand how important it is to a man that he makes you feel safe and protected.

It’s literally in his DNA to do this.

Yet, growing up, we weren’t taught who men really are and what makes them tick.

I know I wasn’t and in the past, I made huge mistakes where I ended up emasculating men.

The sad thing is . . .  I had no idea I was even doing it.

It’s what led me to helping women really understand who men are . . . especially over 50’s men.

That’s why I wrote these 8 tips about men you can use right away in your own dating life.

These tips have made a huge difference in the lives of my clients when it comes to attracting and keeping the right man.

So let’s get started . .  .

Tip #1 – Appreciate a man for exactly who he is – A MAN

Men are wonderful but they aren’t women in men’s bodies.

Nor do they think like women or communicate like women.

Women speak a language that is based on what’s best for the community.

Its why you like processing dates with your friends.

Men are Hero oriented.

They truly want to step up and make your life easier.

Tip #2 – Men over 50 are very masculine and they love when you bring this trait out in them

Men have no interest in competing with you and that’s exactly how they see you when you approach them as an Alpha Female.

For a man, this is like dating another man and he isn’t interested in dating men.

The key is learning to come into your true feminine power, living from your heart.

This is what compliments a man’s masculine power.

When you do, he’ll jump through hoops to make you happy.

Tip #3 – Men show you love with their actions

Hollywood has messed with our heads on this one.

On the big screen, they show us men like Tom Cruise’s character in the movie, Jerry McGuire.

Think back to when he professed his love to Renee Zelweiger’s character with the romantic words, “You complete me.”

Real men show you their love by cutting your grass and giving you their coat when you’re cold.

This is how you know you’re dating a Bad Boy.

His actions rarely follow his words.

Tip #4 – Men want to give to you

You’ve had to do a lot for yourself to be ok after a relationship has ended so it’s likely you’re used to doing everything you need to do to be ok.

If you want a man in your life, you’ll want to learn to receive from him.

You can start learning how to receive again with just the simple gesture of letting a man open the door for you or change that light bulb you can’t reach.

It makes a man happy to please you and make your life easier.

All they want in return is to be appreciated and thanked.

If you do this, they’ll do anything you want, which leads us to Tip #5.

Tip #5 – Don’t criticize the job a man is doing for you

He’s doing his best and yes, you may be able to do it better or faster than he can but don’t.

It makes him feel emasculated.

If he’s offered to do something for you, allow him to do it his way.

Otherwise, the next time you ask for help, he’ll tell you to hire a handyman.

He doesn’t want the aggravation of not being able to do anything right in your eyes.

Tip #6 – When you’re dating an over 50’s man, don’t place demands on how he must be or what he has to do in order to date you

Men tell me again and again how much they dislike profiles of women who demand nothing less than the best restaurant or a certain salary to date them.

Men have had enough demands put on them at work and from their exes.

The last thing they want to do is meet yours before you’ve even met.

Tip #7 – Don’t try and remodel a man by making him your pet project

Either accept him for who he is or let him go and move on.

Tip #8 – A lot of men over 50 are pretty insecure when it comes to asking you out

Having been rejected time and time again by so many women, men aren’t so quick about putting themselves into a vulnerable position unless he feels safe to do so.

If you like a man, encourage him with eye contact, a warm smile or a flirt online to let him know you’re interested.

Remember, men weren’t given a Dating Rulebook with their divorce papers either.

So be kind to them and understand that as scared as you feel about dating, most of them are too.

I love sharing tips with you every week about dating over 50.

I hope you’re going out and using what you’re learning in your own dating life.

Sometimes, tips aren’t enough and you need support personalized to what’s happening in your dating life.

If this is you, I’d love to help you.

Let’s set up a time to talk about what’s happening and how we can get you to where you want to be. Ok?

All you have to do is click here and I’ll send you the details for how we can connect.

I’m dating an amazing man!

Lisa . . . Just a note to say thank you. Your teaching had a profound effect on the way I dated over the last almost two years. I have used your advise in countless interactions with men. Met (by text and in-person) many different men. Some very nice and some not. Dated one potential partner for 6 months until thanks to what I learned from you, I finally realized that we were not matched in three important areas. Now dating an amazing man. We are the same age and activity level. We match intellectually, emotionally and physically. We are taking this relationship very slowly, building what I believe Could be, May be, Hope is, a long term committed relationship.Thank you for your help, guidance and support as I committed to the effort of meeting my guy. Angela, Texas

Believing in you!



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