A 3 step method for coping with the loneliness and the emptiness you feel inside as a single woman over 50

A 3 step method for coping with the loneliness and the emptiness you feel inside as a single woman over 50


One of the hardest things you face as a single woman in her 50’s, 60’s or 70’s is the loneliness you can feel when you’re missing a man in your life.

Everywhere you go, you see couples holding hands, kissing, and whispering in each other’s ear over the private life they share.

It can intensify the loneliness and makes you feel as if your life is incomplete.

In my 50’s, I can remember coming out of a long relationship feeling lost and very alone.

Instead of being part of TWO . . .  I  was now a “ONE” and I was having a hard time adjusting to my new status.

I shared this with a married friend of mine who gave me some great advice.

She said, “Enjoy this time of getting to know you again. Once you’re back in a relationship, you’ll wish you’d had more of it.”

This was great advice but I was at a loss for finding me again.

All I wanted to do was be part of a couple once more.

Then one day, I woke up and it was as if while I was sleeping, I was given 3 Steps for how to open my heart to myself, my life and ultimately love with a man again.

I want to share these with you today. Give them a try and let me know how they fill the emptiness for you.

Step #1

Not feeling love every day can intensify the loneliness missing from your daily life.

So, how do you get the heart energy back when you’re single?

Chances are you spent years bending like a pretzel doing what an ex or everyone else wanted to do.

You put yourself last.

Now it’s time to dream again and do the things you’ve always wanted to try without having to run it past anyone but you.

This can be both exciting and freeing at the same time.

For me, I’d always wanted to take a painting class.

I did and today those framed paintings hang on the walls of my home.

I just light up when I walk by them because I went after my dream of becoming an artist.

Now it’s your turn. Take a minute and write a list of what you’ve always wanted to do.

Then choose one of your dreams and start taking action steps to make it happen this week. 

You’ll find that your passions can open your heart and make you glow.

Step #2

You can feel love in your heart without involving a man.

Start by making a list of all the people, animals or places in your life you love.

I am blessed to have two granddaughters in my life.

When I was single and feeling alone, I’d tap into my feelings of how much I loved them.

My heart just opened up and that felt amazing.

Ask yourself who do you love with all your heart?

Maybe it’s your dog, cat, kids, grandkids, friends, parents?

Whoever it is, just allow those feelings of love you’re feeling to flow through you.

This is a very comforting step that helps you remember that love can be felt in all different ways, not just as part of a couple.

Step #3

Treat yourself and do something to nurture YOU every day.

As women, we have a tendency to give to everyone but ourselves.

This can leave you feeling both drained and exhausted.

When you’re exhausted you feel empty and it’s pretty hard to give or get the love you want.

So how do you start the process of filling up again?

Planning a fun activity will give you something to look forward to every day.

It can be as simple as reading a book in the bathtub surrounded by luxurious bubbles while sipping your favorite glass of wine, or taking a walk at your favorite park or meeting a friend at a restaurant you’ve always wanted to try.

Use these 3 steps to fill up again from your passions in life, from feeling love and from giving and receiving love from yourself.

Then go back out there and date because you can only attract from where you’re out.

That’s why you want to feel love so you attract a man who can love you as much as you do.

It is possible to meet your perfect match!

When I met Lisa and began her “Love after 50” group program, I was 73 years old, over 6 feet tall and had not dated in many, many years. I saw these all as real obstacles to finding a relationship. To my amazement, the man I found, while working with Lisa, in addition to having every single quality I was looking for in a partner, saw these as assets! As a widower, he had not dated in many years, he loves tall women and never lets me forget that he is 2 years younger. I believe that we found each other because of Lisa’s guidance helping me get really clear on who I wanted, fine-tuning my profile to reflect that vision along with having access to all of tools that she has created for the program and her personal guidance. Unsure and very hesitant to start dating again, she was my perfect match for making this happen in my life! Heather, New Jersey

Would you love having a good man in your life like Heather now has?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!



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