…a little tough love about your dating mindset after 50

...a little tough love about your dating mindset after 50


. . . a little tough love about your dating mindset after 50

Can we get real here for a second about your dating life?

Here’s the deal… When I talk to single women, I ask them how their dating life is going.

The answer I get most often is that things really aren’t happening in their dating life.

Left to their own devices, most women aren’t being contacted by the men they’d like to date.

I know that I too have gotten frustrated many times over the course of my own dating journey because things seemed more difficult than I thought.

Maybe for you too???

If you’re wondering why dating feels like you’re driving with one foot on the brake and one foot on the gas, wondering why you’re not meeting great guys to spend time with, I’d like to share something with you.

Yes, we both know that things like a great profile, knowing how to flirt and where to meet men are very important steps on the dating journey you’re taking (after all, it’s a big part of what I teach in my Love after 50 Group Program).

But if I’m being honest with you, the REAL reason for your level of success or failure has to do with what’s going on internally . . .

Most women believe if they just had the right body, lived in a particular city, or had more men to choose from, the relationship would come.

I know, because I’ve been closely observing, teaching, and championing unhappy single women over 50 for quite a while.

And because I’ve been there too . . .

Here’s what I’ve discovered: Your level of dating success isn’t really about your looks and your weight as much as it is about how you approach dating.

If you want to know the truth, it actually stems from your mindset . . . the fears and limiting beliefs you may have about yourself and the men you want to date.

And most importantly . . . that you might not feel “good enough” to get the type of man you want.

I know, it’s not something most dating mentors talk about openly, but I have discovered that your mindset is the ONE single thing that determines one’s level of success or failure in dating.

When you have a healthy dating mindset, your results get transformed, often overnight, and this translates to big breakthroughs in the number of quality men who contact you and how many dates you go on.

And that’s why I want to give you 2 simple tips you can start doing right away to give your dating mindset and confidence a major jump start.

The first is . . . you want to develop a knowing from your deepest core that you are a GREAT CATCH.

And by the way . . . you are!

In case you’ve forgotten, here’s how you can get in touch with your AWESOME SELF again.

Take a few minutes and write down a list of at least 15-20 qualities you love about yourself.

It can be physical attributes, wonderful things about your personality; things you love to do or are good at.

Next, take your list and go stand in front of a mirror.

I know it sounds funny but this works.

Share with the beautiful woman in the mirror this sentence . . . I want to tell you something about a great friend of mine who is so amazing!

Use the phrases she loves her (filling the blank from your list) or she is good at (again fill in the blank from your list) . . . as you read the list out loud to the woman in the mirror.

Saying the words out loud….is what makes this such a powerful exercise when it comes to remembering just how AWESOME you really are.

Secondly don’t do one hour before a date what I use to do when I couldn’t find anything to wear because nothing in my closet made me feel good.

Instead, invest in a couple of dating outfits that make you feel beautiful and amazing.

They don’t have to be expensive.

They just have to make you feel wonderful wearing them.

When you shift into feeling good about yourself, this is when you start glowing with the type of confidence that quality men are attracted to.

I hope you will let me know how this exercise works for you.

I know shifting your level of confidence can make a huge difference in the types of men you start attracting.

And if I can be of help to you in any way to jumpstart your dating life, please let me know by writing to me at [email protected]

Thanks to your program, I’m having a good time meeting great men online!

Lisa – just wanted to let you know, I am really having a good time online. There are so many nice men out there! I leave for DC next week but when I return I have coffee plans with 5 men and I am walking tomorrow with the fellow I met at the coffee shop. Met another guy tonight and we are having so much fun bantering. I feel so, so lucky. Thanks for all the guidance and encouragement – I’d be so lost without your training and advice! Debbie, California

Believing in you!



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