Are there any good men left to date after 50?

are there any single men left to date after 50


Are there any good men left to date after 50?


are there any single men left to date after 50You can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

Attracting Mr. Right into your life can be challenging.

Some of the challenges come from the fairy tales you grew up with as a child and the romantic movies you’ve watched as an adult that paint unrealistic pictures of who men are and how they operate in the dating world.

After all, who hasn’t watched a romantic Hallmark Movie?

They’re the masters at making it seem as though chemistry and not liking each other at first site are the secrets to finding love.

If only life were that simple, right?

I know when I first started dating, I was definitely looking for Prince Charming to just show up on my doorstep.

In my dream, he was going to sweep me off my feet.

He’d financially and emotionally take care of me forever.

Oh, and we would never argue.

Funny and so unrealistic!

The thing is, I wasn’t looking at what I was going to contribute to the relationship, only what he was going to offer.

For some crazy reason, I figured my presence would be enough. 

Today, this scenario makes me laugh but at the time, I really believed the PERFECT MAN would just walk into my life and I’d know it was him the second we met.

Sound familiar?

I’ve learned a lot since then and to attract Mr. Right, I realized I had to stop letting men choose me.

My power came from having a clear vision of who Mr. Right was beyond a couple of qualities I thought were important at the time.

I had to dig deep on this and what happened is I ended up figuring out a formula called a Quality Man Template that showed me exactly who the right man was for me.

A Quality Man Template does two things for you.

It sends a message to the Universe that this is who you are looking for.

And it keeps you from getting involved with the wrong men over and over again.

Now I have a question for you.

What are you using to determine if a man is the right man for you?

Is it his values?

The way he looks?

The way you feel when you’re around him?

Is it a man who can afford fine dining or expensive vacations?

Or is it what he does in life?

Does he have any of your deal breakers? (A woman settles when she doesn’t honor her deal breakers thinking a man will change)

Is he anything like the last man you dated?

Part of the reason you might be failing at finding Mr. Right is most of us get into a pattern of attracting the same man over and over again without even realizing it.

At first, he seems so amazing until the same issues you had in your last relationships, just with a different man show up again.

It wasn’t until I created a patterns chart that I was able to clearly see how and why I was doing this.

Take a few minutes to think about whether you’ve been doing this too.

It’s really important because the type of men you’re most attracted to are probably the worst men for you.

Why? Because if your type worked, you’d be with him right now.

If you can expand beyond your usual type you’ll have far more quality men to choose from.

There is a guy out there who is right for you.

Just make sure you have a clear vision of who he is so you can see him.

In the meantime, here’s how having a Quality Man Template changed Wendy’s love life.

Lisa’s Quality Man Template is a MUST for getting the right guy!

After trying everything from speed dating to a matchmaker, working with Lisa was the best money I spent to find love after 50. I could always get a date, so I thought I knew what I was doing, but I’ve found her Quality Man Template is a must for navigating the dating world. She also helped me improve my profile so I have more suitable men responding, and now I can return to the template and ensure that I am dating the kind of man I truly want. I highly recommend Lisa as a dating coach!  Wendy, California

Would you love having a good man in your life?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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