Beware of These 3 Dating Behaviors That Turn Men Off!

Beware of These 3 Dating Behaviors That Turn Men Off!


Beware of These 3 Dating Behaviors That Turn Men Off!

You can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

Have you ever been on a date where it feels like the conversation’s really flowing and the two of you are laughing and having fun?

Then out of nowhere, the man you’re with abruptly ends the date.

This can really hurt your feelings because as a woman whether you like someone or you don’t, you want to feel loved by everyone.

But it doesn’t feel very loving when a man quickly exits.

This can send you into a downward spiral that could have you questioning what you might have done wrong.

It’s not that you did anything wrong.

It’s that you may have NOT known the 3 biggest dating behaviors that are notorious for turning men off.

In today’s blog, I want to share these 3 Date Breakers with you.

Turn Off #1 . . . Are you asking too many personal questions on a 1st date?

Want to send a man quickly running on a 1st date?

Ask him tons of personal questions about how he conducts his life.

Here’s what some of these questions might look like . . . “What time did you get up today?”  “What did you do last night?” or “Where are you going from here?”

These are huge turn-offs for emotionally healthy men.

Why? Because men love the freedom to do as they please.

When a man feels like you’re keeping tabs on his activities especially when you’ve just met, he start thinking you’re going to try and control his life in some way.

This feels scary so he runs!

Give a man his freedom and his space to do as he pleases.

When he’s ready, he’ll fill you in on his daily activities.

Turn Off #2 . . . Are you making his life part of your life too quickly? 

Men feel suffocated by women who want to spend every waking hour of the day with them especially when it’s right after they’ve met.

What’s this look like?

When you’re making plans for the two of you to go out again before he’s even asked you for a second date, you’re coming across as clingy and emotionally needy.

He’s thinking maybe you don’t have a life of your own and that’s why you want to turn his life into yours.

This sends a huge red flag up the pole and can send a man running.

Let me fill you in on something men have told me over and over again about the over 50’s women they want to date.

They love your confidence and independence.

And they love when you are passionate about the life you’ve created.

It’s a huge attraction factor to a man!

Turn Off #3 . . . Are you the first one to say  the “L” Word 

Ever experience a time where your heart quickly opened and in your excitement, you ended up saying the “L” word before he did?

It’s happened to me and I quickly learned that men like to be the first one to say those words to you.

If you say the “L” word before he’s ready, he could run.

I know there are times you feel so much love for a man you want to share it with him.

Slow down and make sure he’s the one to share this magic moment with you first.

After hearing these 3 Dating Breakers, can you look back and see if you might have turned off a man without realizing it?

My Guy is EVERYTHING I’ve Wanted!

Thank you, Lisa, for your guidance and support in your Love after 50 Group Coaching Program. I’ve been dating a wonderful man I met in a Facebook singles group. He’s everything I’ve wanted in a partner and more! Just today, he delivered food and medicine to my front porch as I have a mild case of COVID. He also volunteered to deliver an at home test he had to a friend of mine who takes care of her 75 year old father. It’s been a wonderful experience and one that I have not had since I was divorced in 1997. Keep the faith ladies! He’s out there! Debbie, Georgia

Would you love having a good man in your life like Debbie now has?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!


Big hugs ~


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