Do Men Over 50 Only Want Younger Women?

Do Men Over 50 Only Want Younger Women?



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Women ask me all the time about what they’re supposed to do about the men out there who say they only want younger women in their profiles.

I remember seeing it too but I never let it stop me from favoring a man and it shouldn’t stop you either.

But the question has always intrigued me so I did a little research to find out more about why this is happening and whether or not it’s true.

I started with an old boyfriend of mine who is 11 years older than me.

 He told me it was an ego thing.

He felt like women who were younger would make him feel more youthful and keep him active.

He and I were from completely different generations.

Although he was on the cusp of being a boomer, he was actually at the tale end of what’s called The Silent Generation.

Some of our values and views of life were different and that created conflict, which ultimately ended our love relationship.

We’ve stayed friends but when we broke up, I suggested that he start dating women closer to his age, sharing that he’d have more in common with him than he and I did.

At first he was taken aback, but guess what?

He now dates women whose ages are within 5 years of his.

It turns out these women were not only great…they also kept him on his toes, often outdoing him when it comes to activities.

It just took someone gently pointing out the benefits for him to make the switch.

Next I went to my friend Ron who has taught me so much about men and what they are looking for.

When I posed this question to him, he said men have this idea of what they want but…

Most men still look at women their own age and will contact them regardless of age if they are attracted to their picture online.

When he was dating, Ron would date women up to 5 years older than he was.

His girlfriend now is about a year older than he is.

He told me the problem is women post pictures that make them look old. (Sound familiar? Think of all the men you thought looked old enough to be your grandfather!)

He said that alone stopped him from ever looking at a woman’s profile regardless of her age.

But if a woman looks appealing to him, he’d look at her profile and contact her if he liked what he saw.

Next, I talked to my old high school boyfriend about this subject since I knew he’d dated younger women.

By the way, he is the ultimate handsome bad boy and women often drop their numbers written on business cards and napkins into his hand.

They even do it when he’s having dinner with another woman.

Anyway, after his marriage ended, he admits he checked out younger women.

He thought it would be fun.

He found he had absolutely nothing in common with them.

And once the lure of sex wore off, he was bored.

He went back to women closer to his age as well.

I’ve brought up this older man/younger woman subject a lot to more men than just these 3 men and their answers are similar to what I’ve shared with you.

Ok…so what can you do to get these guys’ attention in your profile?

You must have a fantastic picture that makes you look like you have great energy and are fun.

This is what will trigger a man to say, Hey, she might be the one. She seems AMAZING! I have to write her!

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