Fix this ISSUE Before It Ruins A Great Date After 50

coffee date


Fix this ISSUE Before It Ruins A Great Date After 50


coffee dateWant to know the biggest issue that can ruin a great first date?

It’s your baggage.

Let’s face it, everyone comes with baggage but you may have not given much thought to how baggage from your past can affect your present and future relationships with the men you’re dating.

Even when you married the first time around back in your 20’s and 30’s you were carrying some baggage.

Maybe a couple of high school and college sweethearts along with some “growing pain” type issues you might have had with your parents.

The thing is . . . the baggage we had back then would have fit in a carry on suitcase unlike what you’re carrying into a relationship today.

You may have experienced a marriage or two.

There’s children and grandchildren.

Aging parents.

In laws you’re still close to.

Shared friends you socialize with.


Health Issues.


What this means is your baggage has now grown from that small suitcase you used to carry with you into a steamer trunk filled with years of baggage.

Most of us totally underestimate just how much our baggage can affect a date and a future relationship.

And one of the biggest mistakes women make is revealing too much of their baggage on a first date.

It’s like you’re testing the guy to see if he’ll like you . . . issues and all.

Men are happy to help you with your issues over time.

But . . . what a man can tolerate once he’s in a relationship with you will more than likely scare him off if it’s revealed on a first date.

So what topics should be left off the table on a first date?

#1 . . . Trashing Your Ex

Sharing your anger about an ex on a first date is a huge no-no!

He thinks if you’re talking this way about the last guy you were with . . . then what will you say about him should the two of you get involved then break up?

It feels pretty scary to a man to think he could be trashed around town by a woman he’s dated.

If he asks about your ex on a first date, you can use a neutral phrase like this . . .

“Yes, I have one but we grew in different directions.”

Your goal is to say something positive about your ex (without gritting your teeth) because you don’t want to come across as negative or vindictive on a first date.

#2 . . . Details of Minor Health Issues 

I remember going on a first date where a guy started telling me about minor health issues within the first 10 minutes of meeting.

I heard about his C-pap machine.

His prescription drugs for heart and blood sugar issues and that his dog had fleas (yuck!!!!).

This was way too much information for a first date.

I used an exit strategy and was out of there the second I finished my tea.

And men will run too!

Why?  Without an emotional attachment to you, you’ll feel like a project to him just as he would to you if he reveals all his minor ailments.

Have fun on first dates are just meeting someone new and interesting.

When you’re having fun . . . you appear a lot more interesting to a man than the woman who uses a checklist and spills her baggage on a first date.

#3 . . . Your Finances

Money is a taboo subject for a first date.

If you are in debt . . . and you share this on a first date, a man thinks you’re just looking for a sugar daddy.

This will send him running.

The same thing goes for if you have a lot of money.

He may be looking for someone to take care of him.

Until you know someone better, you want to keep this type of information to yourself.

What You Can Talk About On A First Date

Keep your dates light and fun.

Share interesting things about your life that you love.

Ask him about his life and come away from each date having learned one new and interesting thing about this new man.

P.S. Wanted to inspire and give you hope you can find love after 50 by sharing a testimonial from one of my happy group clients. This is why I love what I do! 🙂

Lisa, with your guidance and coaching, I was able to learn what had been holding me back from finding the right man for me. And, I learned how to honor and value myself first and foremost! As a result, thanks to your advice and wisdom, I am now in a relationship with a man that is different than any man I have ever dated in my life, and different than any of the men I have dated since my divorce. He checks off all of my boxes! And we are having so much fun!

Thank you Lisa. Your program is about so much more than dating! It is the information I was never taught as a young woman and needed so desperately. I really can’t say enough! I’m excited to see my love life play out!  Mindy, Pa.

I want YOU to be successful at finding the right man to share your life with. And by successful, I mean having fun dating quality men that ultimately leads to the relationship you want . . .  where you can go on vacations, share a glass of wine and good conversation at the end of the day or just hold hands and snuggle on the couch together.

It’s not a fluke that Mindy found her guy, it’s a process, and if you’re curious about it, simply fill out this quick questionnaire because I’d love to get to know you, your dating life, your challenges and aspirations and create a plan to move you forward more powerfully than you ever could alone. Go for it by clicking here.

Believing in you!



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