Is He Right For You? Here’s How To Know For Sure

Is He Right For You? Here’s How To Know For Sure



I have an important question for you to think about….What are you looking for when it comes to the Quality Man you want in your life?

I know you might think looks or attraction are first, yet have you ever considered looking at men in a different light?

What do I mean by this?

In your 20’s, you probably looked for a man with qualities that were perfect for creating a family together.

Today, you want a man who you can play and have fun with but also a man who will be your partner as the two of you face the joys and challenges of growing old together.

A man who will . . . 

  • Who brings you soup when you’re sick.
  • Who stops at the store and gets you what you need, even if it is a bit out of the way.
  • Who bring you flowers and say, “I love you,” even when it’s not your birthday.
  • Who rearranges his schedule to drive you to the airport so you don’t have to hoist that suitcase out of your car or worry about parking before your trip.
  • Who see’s you’ve had a hard day, and brings you a glass of wine and gives you a much-needed hug.
  • Who gets up and does the dishes after dinner.
  • And most importantly, a man who will look into your eyes like you are the best thing that ever happened to him.

I watched my dad take care of my mom as she was dying.

He wiped her brow, took her to her chemo treatments, made her soup, and held her hand when she was scared.

My dad was adorable – just ask my friends – but he would never have been considered the most handsome man on the block.

If he had been single and dating in the digital age, he probably would have been passed over by lots of women on dating sites.

Yet it’s his kindness and the love he radiated from within that women of all ages adored about him once they got to know him.

I can’t deny that looks are nice. They are.

But next time you are reading those online profiles and you are thinking, “Hmm, not so cute,” dig a little deeper and pay attention to what a man is saying.

If he writes that he’s kind, nice, loves his animals and his kids, he’s worth checking out – even if he’s not the most handsome guy on the page.

What he has is the potential for being a man with a wonderful loving heart that he wants to share with you!

More importantly, his looks could very well grow on you.

After getting to know him, he may be like my dad was . . . cute, adorable, loving and there for you through the ups and downs of life.

And that, my friend, is the true mark of a Quality Man!

I met my guy on Match. He is a great communicator, great companion who respects my work and my family. He checked off everything in my Quality Man Template. He is different from my previous dates. I did not have that immediately lust when I met him, however he always made me feel very comfortable and stress free in his presence.  

I want to thank you so much Lisa for having helped become a self confident, mature woman ready to be in a mature relationship. Even if this relationship does not work, I feel that I am in a very good position in life. I know what is important for me in a relationship and if I feel that I am not being cherished, not given freedom to be myself I would have no problem starting all over again. You are great and I will be always grateful for your help. Flavia, Texas

Clicking this link is the first step Flavia took to getting the help she needed to find a good man who would love, cherish and adore her. You don’t need to go another day without a proven plan for finding true love. Let me show you how to do what Flavia did.

Believing in you!



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